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Why did not a single country back India when forced to surrender Galwan Valley?

Obviously the suggestion should also apply to your fellow Paks when they claimed no Chinese got killed. So you are going disadvantage a country for just being open about it?

Wow. Did something bit you?
What,,,, it's true.
China not occupying our territory. Hindu nationalist govt in charge gave munh tod answer,,, china retreat.
Chinese sources admit that they have suffered casualties, but there is no Chinese official figure to tout in relation. WE do not know much even from independent sources.
Exactly my point. No one can be certain about their numbers. It neither zero nor 40.

So now cheerleaders could stop using Indian numbers to mock us since the other side choose to keep mum.
6. India surrenders Galwan Valley.

It is not just Galwan valley which India has surrendered...

Pangong Tso, A lake with vast valley is also now under Chinese control(the lake in 3-idiots film??)...

Earlier India surrendered about 38,000 sq.kms of Aksai Chin in 1962...still under Chinese control.

Hot springs at the far end of Aksai Chin is also invaded by China...


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They just ended with 40 dead. Just ask your master to refute my claims if you can. Officially, I mean.

They captured 60 sq kms of joint patrolled area. That's some machismo only cheerleaders can cheer about.

What happened to China taking over Ladakh and gifting Kashmir to Pakistan claims from 2-3 weeks ago. Suddenly China got weak kneed since?

They claim the reason for not doing so, is to provide some face saving to India. This is after India openly came out with their own death numbers. Stupidity of some cheerleaders is beyond me.
20+ 3 Indian soldiers dead. 60 Indian soldiers captured. 50 Indian soldiers released a day later and 10 more were released 3 days later. Indians are humiliated.

Don't you still understand why China did Doklam?

India-China had 1993/1996 border agreements not to deploy division level troops without informing each other.

1. China provoked India by going after Doklam with a small party.
2. India deployed huge number of troops in response.
3. India broke the troop level 1993/1996 agreement.
4. China pulls back from Doklam.
5. China deploys 200,000 troops on the Indian border now that agreement is broken.
6. India surrenders Galwan Valley.
7. What? Who? How? What happened?
Brah,the dispute was not in any area claimed by India ,it was in Bhutan .the agreement was for areas claimed by both India and China .how can their be any violation if the agreement is for India China border.:-)
What,,,, it's true.
China not occupying our territory. Hindu nationalist govt in charge gave munh tod answer,,, china retreat.
Nationalist or not. Indians understand our limits when tackling China, they are not for one, Pakistan. We all understand India is at a disadvantaged position right now than before. I shudder to think how bad it would have been if it was Rahul baba at the helm. I am no Bhakt as I am from a state where there is zero BJP presence. Yet I am happy with how this is all handled. India will get benefitted from this. China just stubbed its toe here
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Brah,the dispute was not in any area claimed by India ,it was in Bhutan .the agreement was for areas claimed by both India and China .how can their be any violation if the agreement is for India China border.:-)

Well, it's happened. Ask your Generals who are busy making scapegoats for "intelligence failure" after the Galwan Valley surrender.
20+ 3 Indian soldiers dead. 60 Indian soldiers captured. 50 Indian soldiers released a day later and 10 more were released 3 days later. Indians are humiliated.

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Yes. For cheerleaders on PDF. So why exactly are they waiting to capture Ladakh or Arunachal pradesh? Are they waiting for your cheerleading routine to start?
They just ended with 40 dead. Just ask your master to refute my claims if you can. Officially, I mean.

They captured 60 sq kms of joint patrolled area. That's some machismo only cheerleaders can cheer about.

What happened to China taking over Ladakh and gifting Kashmir to Pakistan claims from 2-3 weeks ago. Suddenly China got weak kneed since?

They claim the reason for not doing so, is to provide some face saving to India. This is after India openly came out with their own death numbers. Stupidity of some cheerleaders is beyond me.
Had they loose any soldier they would've make minced meat of bhartis. Ask your masters in Moscow and Washington. At most, they have injuries of about 20 construction workers who were assaulted by Bharti terrorists as they were unarmed.

But for you jai ho surrender modhi ki.
Had they loose any soldier they would've make minced meat of bhartis. Ask your masters in Moscow and Washington. At most, they have injuries of about 20 construction workers who were assaulted by Bharti terrorists as they were unarmed.

But for you jai ho surrender modhi ki.

So I am quoting @LeGenD here.

Chinese sources admit that they have suffered casualties, but there is no Chinese official figure to tout in relation. WE do not know much even from independent sources.

If they were so strong as per you cheerleaders. Why claim just 60 sqkms? Why provide saving face to us and not escalate? Why not actually make minced meat of us for real? Cheerleaders and their delusions.
Nationalist or not. Indians understand our limits when tackling China, they are not for one, Pakistan. We all understand India is at a disadvantaged position right now than before. I shudder to think how bad it would have been if it was Rahul baba at the helm. I am no Bhakt as I am from a state where there is zero BJP presence. Yet I am happy with how this is all handled. India will get benefitted from this. China just stubbed its toe here
Well I think differently.
I think the way it was handled was nothing short of shameful,, certainly not suiting a nuclear country with huge foreign reserves n a ready military. A country Aspiring n claiming to be a world power in future. Some kind of kinetic response was absolutely necessary. They killed our soldiers in cold blood,,but no retribution followed.
Instead the PM comes on TV n meekly denies any occupation and cannot even name the aggressor.
The dhoti shivering of leaders emboldened the chinis n they continued with thr intrusions, still are.
What followed was even more shameful,,, us calling for meetings with thr military commanders n failing each time to get results.
If this is our response in JnK,,, apparently the most war ready region of India,,, imagine what's gonna happen if something similar happens in northeast.
GOI will say desh hit me hume North East chorna par rha hai,just like Nehru,,N perhaps bhakts will still clap on.
This incident mirrored our national character,,govt shivered n went into damage control via media campaign blaming congress/anti nationals/leftists/liberals/etc,, opposition n fifth colomn did petty politics,,,, oblivious bhakts clapped on,so called nationalists kept mum, public called for Chinese maal/food ban,,, n in few weeks everthng was forgotten.

Kind of explains why this region was always ransacked, subjugated n humilated by handful of invaders for millenniums.
Anyway it gud u feel happy how it was handled n India getting benefitted out of itit while chin getting it's toe stubbed or whatever.
Each to his own I guess.
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