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why DG Rangers paid Dharna detainees?

I think you were upset based on the intensity of your words and some incoherent repetitions you made in your response; another member @Syed.Ali.Haider also thought the same. Plus why would an Indian be so bothered about how law enforcement forces dealt with a protest in Pakistan. Anyway these are all the clues we can use on a forum, as no one can see who is behind the screen.

Watery daal reference was again for a different question raised by you regarding compensation to injured personnel.

Pallet gun reference brought in to show army’s reluctance to use force on its public. I mean if IA officer can be rewarded by your govt by tying a Kashmiri youth to his jeep and humiliating him publicly as ‘improvisation’ - whats the big deal in handing out some 10$ gift cards to poor protestors who just want to go home now? Cant we take this as a good improvisation? Battle of ‘hearts and minds’ anyone?

I would state though it would have been better if a non-uniformed civil official handed these out as that would have been completely fine by the rules.

The manner of payments is not the only issue. International media are playing up the audio as well as photos like this to bolster their claimed case of unjustified "coziness" between the radicals and the DG:

Protecting people and de-escalating situation is what the mission was and that was achieved now Military / intelligence should figure out who played this Sinister Card in first place , specially so close to month of Rabi-Ul-Awal which is a quite celebrated event in Pakistan
Why was Pakistan general giving money to protesters?
By M Ilyas KhanBBC News, Islamabad
29 November 2017
  • _98975699_3c251e55-4949-4ad0-b7d4-23a327550e0b.png
    Image copyrightBBC
Image captionMaj-Gen Hayat is seen handing envelopes full of money to protesters
A video showing a senior Pakistani army officer distributing money to anti-government protesters in Islamabad has prompted a fierce reaction on social media.

The footage is being interpreted by some as rare evidence of the "soft spot" the military is believed to have for religious groups, whose support can be mobilised against mainstream political parties.

The demonstrators blocked a main road in Islamabad for three weeks until the military brokered an end to the protest on Monday after a botched police operation. The law minister then resigned, meeting a key demand of the protesters who had accused him of blasphemy.

The deal was seen as capitulation by the civilian authorities under pressure from the military.

In the video, director-general of the Punjab Rangers Maj-Gen Azhar Navid Hayat is seen giving envelopes containing 1,000-rupee ($9.50; £7) notes to participants in the protests, who were described as having no money to pay their bus fare home.

"This is a gift from us to you," the general is heard telling one bearded man. "Aren't we with you too?"

He then goes on to pat another protester on the cheek and offers a reassurance that, "God willing, we'll get all of them released" - presumably a reference to arrested protesters.

"This is all we had in one bag. There's some more [money] in the other," Gen Hayat says, before the footage ends.

The video was shot by Dawn News TV reporter Shakil Qarar on his mobile phone. He says it was run on the Dawn News website but has no idea how footage without the Dawn News logo ended up on social media.

There was no immediate reaction from the military, which has long played a prominent role in the country's politics.

Image copyrightAFP
Image captionThe protests turned violent over the weekend before the civilian government gave in
No politicians from the governing party or the opposition have commented and TV channels have refrained from running the footage, perhaps reluctant to antagonise the powerful military.

The Nation and Dawn newspapers did cover the story but did not headline it, and it got a back-page mention in the Urdu-language daily Jang.

However, there has been fierce reaction from some Pakistanis on social media.

Omar R Quraishi, a Samaa TV journalist, asked whether it was a good use of taxpayers' money.

Skip Twitter post by @omar_quraishi
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That's a good use of taxpayers money -- give some to members of a religious group that had paralysed Islamabad for days and damaged public property -- and killed a policeman

Taha Siddiqui, a France-24 reporter who recently got into trouble for his frequent anti-military comments, tweeted that the video did not shock him.

I keep reading how its saddest day in Pak's history as gov surrenders to "religious extremists" (read: proxies). Truth is situation is disappointing for a long time now. But I feel nothing this time. Country's masters have pushed us to a point where I m drained of all emotions

Former editor of Dawn newspaper and ex-head of the BBC Urdu Service Abbas Nasir wondered if the army had created the crisis, as well as defusing it.

When Maj-Gen Faiz Hameed, DG C, ISI, signs the agreement as facilitator. Were his 'good offices' only used to defuse the crisis or also created it?

'The ramifications of caving in to the TLYRA will continue to be felt for years. Every extremist group in the country now knows that it only needs to gather a couple of thousand people to blackmail the government into acquiescence.'

Perhaps the most witty media comment came from Mochi - an anonymous account that has been commenting on Pakistan's unending civil-military tensions.

Tweeting in Urdu, Mochi made a comical reference to a decades-old allegation by many circles in Pakistan and abroad that the Pakistani military nurtures Islamist groups so it can use them as leverage to extract money from the West.

Another tweeter, Saleem, sent out a similar message when he juxtaposed the scene of the major general handing money to protesters with a picture of an army officer garlanding Nek Mohammed, the first-ever Pakistani Taliban leader who was killed in a US drone strike in 2004.

This has been discussed to death. The people who have been paid have gone home, the roads are open and what was done is now in the annals of history. As should this thread be!
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