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why DG Rangers paid Dharna detainees?

The real issue is not why detainees are paid but seeing Pakistan Rangers doing so, become so painful causing indigestion to a specific lot.
Because they are smart and any action possible was needed to be taken to stop any further escalations.
Whats important is also what the General Sahib said :

"In the video, director-general of the Punjab Rangers Maj-Gen Azhar Navid Hayat is seen giving envelopes containing 1,000-rupee ($9.50; £7) notes to participants in the protests, who were described as having no money to pay their bus fare home.

"This is a gift from us to you," the general is heard telling one bearded man. "Aren't we with you too?"

He then goes on to pat another protester on the cheek and offers a reassurance that, "God willing, we'll get all of them released" - presumably a reference to arrested protesters.

"This is all we had in one bag. There's some more [money] in the other," Gen Hayat says, before the footage ends."

Btw, what gifts is General Sahib distributing to the policemen who were hurt and hospitalized due to the operation?
The Beghairat Brigade have their panties in a twist for past two days seeing that rangers have successfully defused the out-of-control situation without any bloodshed while earning further goodwill of public and govt's plan to start a clash between Pak Army and general public has failed miserably.

Why don't Beghairat Brigade ask their political leaders where were they hiding and didn't distribute cash among detainees themselves!!??
So what you little PTI dancing fairies could not do in the past 4 years, the religious segment of society does. :lol:

Does that hurt your kala engrez liberal soul/ego?

Perhaps you are'nt in your senses.

Im not a PTI supporter, not even a " kala engrez liberal " infact I actually despise wannabe desi liberals, Im just a concerned citizen who loves my country and worries about it.

I wrote that to highlight the concerns i have for my country, not to get misjudged immaturely. :blah:

The Beghairat Brigade have their panties in a twist for past two days seeing that rangers have successfully defused the out-of-control situation without any bloodshed while earning further goodwill of public and govt's plan to start a clash between Pak Army and general public has failed miserably.

Why don't Beghairat Brigade ask their political leaders where were they hiding and didn't distribute cash among detainees themselves!!??

The only thing the civilian government was doing was to sit idle in preparation for "siasi shahadat" , at least the rangers were able to diffuse the situation even if they had to distribute cash, because before that occured, pakistanis on turbans were fighting pakistanis in uniform.
have all of you people forget that Rangers acted only when it was asked by Government (as per news reports for further detail see late night news reports of that night) the night before the TLY sit-in ended DG Rangers Punjab was given special Tasked by the Government to deal with the situation and as per Cap. Safdar (son in law of Nazaw Sharif) funds were released by the Government ....
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The real issue is not why detainees are paid but seeing Pakistan Rangers doing so, become so painful causing indigestion to a specific lot.
They are going through all the rules in the book to determine how a general giving cash <10$ to the protesters to keep the peace in country. But they would remain criminaly silent on 1) how money is given to the MNAs by NS and govt and then how the money is used - any accountability? If there are rules are they followed and are the rules under which the govt and MNAs use the money are wrong? 2) How about some of the NATO forces in Afg giving money to Taliban so their convoys are spared from attack? Any violation of rules there?
Whats important is also what the General Sahib said :

"In the video, director-general of the Punjab Rangers Maj-Gen Azhar Navid Hayat is seen giving envelopes containing 1,000-rupee ($9.50; £7) notes to participants in the protests, who were described as having no money to pay their bus fare home.

Btw, what gifts is General Sahib distributing to the policemen who were hurt and hospitalized due to the operation?

As you quoted the <10$ bills were being paid for bus fare. About police they are part of a professional organization and were doing their job and are paid monthly by govt along with other benefits. But I am glad as an Indian you are worried about compensations provided to our injured policemen and soldiers; they do get treated on govts expense and get paid leave when injured, but I am not aware of additional benefits for their injuries ( maybe gift cards etc?). One of the benefits I am sure about PA soldiers is that they are provided with proper rations and food - the daal is not watered down as some poor soldiers in neighboring countries were making videos of their ordeal on social media.
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And I am yet to see them even give a hint of

As you quoted the <10$ bills were being paid for bus fare. About police they are part of a professional organization and were doing their job and are paid monthly by govt along with other benefits. But I am glad as an Indian you are worried about compensations provided to our injured policemen and soldiers; they do get treated on govts expense and get paid leave when injured, but I am not aware of additional benefits for their injuries ( maybe gif cards etc?). One of the benefits I am sure about PA soldiers is that they are provided proper rarions and food - the daal is not watered down as some poor soldiers in neighboring countries were making videos of their ordeal on social media.

Yes, the Army pays bus fares to protesters who just beat up and injured the police which is an arm of the state! Fantastic. Glad, the issue being discussed though is that its just about 10 dollars. Next time Army should pay them for the two way journey. After all its quite unfair only to pay for the journey back home, no? They plan to come back on JAN 4, this time pay them for the two way journey. Allegedly Watered down daal vs State rewarding anti state/social elements after they have injured their own police, caused immeasurable inconvenience to the citizens and openly abuse the judiciary . Yes, thats such a tough cookie to crack. Such moral equivalence here.
Yes, the Army pays bus fares to protesters who just beat up and injured the police which is an arm of the state! Fantastic. Glad, the issue being discussed though is that its just about 10 dollars. Next time Army should pay them for the two way journey. After all its quite unfair only to pay for the journey back home, no? They plan to come back on JAN 4, this time pay them for the two way journey. Allegedly Watered down daal vs State rewarding anti state/social elements after they have injured their own police, caused immeasurable inconvenience to the citizens and openly abuse the judiciary . Yes, thats such a tough cookie to crack. Such moral equivalence here.

There is no need to get upset like this.

Look at the positive side too: The Army has been able to demonstrate its complete control over the situation, no matter how dire it appeared to be. Surely, that must inspire confidence in its abilities to do what it wishes to do to serve Pakistan.
Yes, the Army pays bus fares to protesters who just beat up and injured the police which is an arm of the state! Fantastic. Glad, the issue being discussed though is that its just about 10 dollars.

You are upset as if the money came from your bank account. I know you wanted to see some bloodshed because thats what gets you off. Unfortunately for you PA doesn’t have pallet guns in its arsenal.

Next time Army should pay them for the two way journey. After all its quite unfair only to pay for the journey back home, no? They plan to come back on JAN 4, this time pay them for the two way journey.
You really dont need to state that twice. The two way jouney would cost 20 $ - about the same amount as this time. Thats still a lot less than what some Nato forces paid to Taliban for protection.

Allegedly Watered down daal vs State rewarding anti state/social elements after they have injured their own police, caused immeasurable inconvenience to the citizens and openly abuse the judiciary . Yes, thats such a tough cookie to crack. Such moral equivalence here.
Ok, I get it we may be setting a dangerous precedence here to diffuse protestors using travel reimbursement rather than pallet guns. I gave 1 cookie to each of my nephews once, next time the monsters demanded 2 cookies !!!

The daal reference was just to answer your concern about why army didn't provide any cash compensation to injured policemen - it was formated in bold by you so I thought it must be important for you. I stated they are well compensated for their services and are a part of a seperate govt branch. Dont know how you are dragging any moral equivalence here. The moral equivalence would be using pallet guns instead, which is atleast not PAs style to deal with its own public protesting.

About the immeasurable inconvenience: I am sorry if the protests in Pakistan caused any inconvenience to the Indian public.
You are upset as if the money came from your bank account. I know you wanted to see some bloodshed because thats what gets you off. Unfortunately for you PA doesn’t have pallet guns in its arsenal.

You really dont need to state that twice. The two way jouney would cost 20 $ - about the same amount as this time. Thats still a lot less than what some Nato forces paid to Taliban for protection.

Ok, I get it we may be setting a dangerous precedence here to diffuse protestors using travel reimbursement rather than pallet guns. I gave 1 cookie to each of my nephews once, next time the monsters demanded 2 cookies !!!

The daal reference was just to answer your concern about why army didn't provide any cash compensation to injured policemen - it was formated in bold by you so I thought it must be important for you. I stated they are well compensated for their services and are a part of a seperate govt branch. Dont know how you are dragging any moral equivalence here. The moral equivalence would be using pallet guns instead, which is atleast not PAs style to deal with its own public protesting.

About the immeasurable inconvenience: I am sorry if the protests in Pakistan caused any inconvenience to the Indian public.

And why would you presume, I am upset?Tsk!Tsk! lets not be presumptuous shall we? Your response is devoid of any merit. General Sahib distributing money to anti state/social elements cannot be countered by 'watery daal' or 'pellet guns'. Anyways, I shall not respond any further. I have made my case.
And why would you presume, I am upset?Tsk!Tsk! lets not be presumptuous shall we? Your response is devoid of any merit. General Sahib distributing money to anti state/social elements cannot be countered by 'watery daal' or 'pellet guns'. Anyways, I shall not respond any further. I have made my case.
I think you were upset based on the intensity of your words and some incoherent repetitions you made in your response; another member @Syed.Ali.Haider also thought the same. Plus why would an Indian be so bothered about how law enforcement forces dealt with a protest in Pakistan. Anyway these are all the clues we can use on a forum, as no one can see who is behind the screen.

Watery daal reference was again for a different question raised by you regarding compensation to injured personnel.

Pallet gun reference brought in to show army’s reluctance to use force on its public. I mean if IA officer can be rewarded by your govt by tying a Kashmiri youth to his jeep and humiliating him publicly as ‘improvisation’ - whats the big deal in handing out some 10$ gift cards to poor protestors who just want to go home now? Cant we take this as a good improvisation? Battle of ‘hearts and minds’ anyone?

I would state though it would have been better if a non-uniformed civil official handed these out as that would have been completely fine by the rules.
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Finally you concede. I have made my point.
Lol sorry man I think you missed the sarcasam. I am fine with a nonviolent conclusion of a protest as the army was brought in on govts own request - so it doesnt matter which branch of the state handed the compensation. The line you were toeing was that “state rewarding anti state/social elements after they have injured their own police, caused imessurable inconvenience to citizens”? According to your stance no payment should have been made to these protestors - by any state official be it civil or millitary. So it looks like you have actually conceded in the end ... or fliped floped in your stance.
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