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Why China wants to take India's territory, India's geopolitical dilemma|DW Analysis

No one takes the Chinese claim on Arunachal Pradesh seriously, including the locals. It is an Indian state under Indian control with an Indian population. So yes, China wants to take Indian territory. The Chinese are known for land grabbing whether it's in the South China sea or India. I understand it might be difficult for a vassal state like Pakistan with no independent foreign policy to understand but China is the aggressor in this case which is why you see groupings like QUAD and others forming.
If no one takes it seriously then why still write about it? Are we more land grabbing than you? What are you doing in Kashmir? Every 13 year old can understand the QUAD gang up to contain China's rise other than "protecting" the small countries from China. But go ahead and spin it anyway you want. Just don't think others are fools like you.
There is a time and place for jokes.

It is a Chinese territory under Indian occupation. It is not disputed.

Don't play semantics with me kid.

Don't play semantics with me kid.

Do you consider Kashmir/IOK as Indian Occupied land or Disputed Land?
After China banged your army, indian government and general population was crying like a fugly wh*re. You were crying to boycott china. Now as we all know your trade deficit with China is record high. lol

Have some shame...

@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE India's on paper LAC claim is 18km east of y-junction in what is historically PLA controlled territory. Which is why Indian troops only asserted control up to 8km east of y-junction via patrols.
In pangong Tso, for example china claims & patrolled up to finger 4 and india to finger 8. Current buffer is between f4 to f8. In depsang, india is blocked from its patrol points 8km east of y-junction while china is blocked from its point 7km west of y-junction. Both deny each other access. If china had a upper hand it would have escalated in ladakh rather than withdrawing from Pangong Tso and continuing to be denied access to its patrol line near burtse in depsang.
We often forget how long it took to resolve Sumdorung Chu in the late 1980s
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@Abu Shaleh Rumi
The big advantage now is that India has the DS-DBO road, which has also helped in the induction of more tanks, including the T-90, over the past few years. The tanks came on trailers via the Zoji La pass through the Srinagar-Leh Highway.

From Leh, the DS-DBO road provides the connectivity for further deployment of the tanks into SSN.

The road always existed. It is just that the alignment was not great but the tanks could move. The problem was during the summers when the Shyok used to get flooded. There was no problem during winters because the river would freeze. India initially began with three regiments of 46 tanks each positioned at vantage points at the SSN. This number has been bolstered to a very comfortable level.

The Chinese aggression at the Galwan Valley and the Depsang Plains is an attempt to put pressure on the DS-DBO road and stop further infrastructure build-up. All-weather DS-DBO road with 37 prefabricated military truss bridges is a game changer for the Indian military. In the last five years, there has been a steep rise in construction setting off alarm bells in the Chinese establishment.

👆An article by Yun Sun, senior fellow and co-director of the East Asia Program at the Stimson Center, said the Chinese saw Indian infrastructure activity “as a consistent and repeated effort by Delhi that needs to be corrected every few years”.

For the Chinese, the infrastructure arms race in the border region has led to repeated Indian incursions and changes to the status quo.
Otherwise, all the things China fought for in the 1962 war would have been in vain according to Yun Sun
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i think you guys have the “crying in a river” part covered after the Chinese gave you some swimming lessons.

Who wants to take a country poorer than Africa on average? I think Africa has more toilet facilities and less rape too.

The South Tibet issue can be shelved for the time being. However, India's activity in Ladakh is a major threat to CPEC. This is intolerable. When necessary, we should take more drastic measures to eliminate all threats in this region.
Who wants to take a country poorer than Africa on average? I think Africa has more toilet facilities and less rape too.
Currently, there are many Indians in shenzhen, Africans in guangzhou

China does not need Indian and African territories, but China needs Indians and Africans. That is why China has imported so many Indian and African citizens in recent years.

China's policy is to import global talent from around the world.
Currently, there are many Indians in shenzhen, Africans in guangzhou

China does not need Indian and African territories, but China needs Indians and Africans. That is why China has imported so many Indian and African citizens in recent years.

China's policy is to import global talent from around the world.

The South Tibet issue can be shelved for the time being. However, India's activity in Ladakh is a major threat to CPEC. This is intolerable. When necessary, we should take more drastic measures to eliminate all threats in this region.
Yeah for sure bro and we'd continue to build these types of major infrastructures in the region 💯

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The South Tibet issue can be shelved for the time being. However, India's activity in Ladakh is a major threat to CPEC. This is intolerable. When necessary, we should take more drastic measures to eliminate all threats in this region.

The other thing is that China is a classic example of a secular country. India is not, despite being propagated as one.

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