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Why China is so tough in this China-India border tension? Vietnam and other countries should know the reason


Jun 7, 2011
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Countless skirmishes happened along China-India border since 1962 war. All were settled peacefully by the two countries. China even compromised in the 2017 Dklam standoff incident. In which both sides confirmed that Indian soldiers entered China's territory by crossing undisputed boundary line.

Why China is so tough this time? There are many reasons. China's being fed up with India's endless harassments could be one of reasons. I think the most important reason is. China realized things are different and complicated this time. It's not about China and India tension as it looks like. India is more like cooperating with US on the "Containing China" strategy. China has sensed that India had made worst choice for China: Joining in US “India-Pacific Strategy”. India created the tension on border at the peak time of US attacks on China. It's definitely not a coincidence. After 6.15 clash, India government immediately banned hundreds of Chinese apps and limited Chinese goods import for "national security"(sounds familiar?) reason.

Many people believe that all anti China measures and India-US cooperations are the results of China-India clash. No. They were premeditated by India. What was out of Indians' plan is, unlike other skirmishes, this time China didn't back off and gave India a firm slap.

For China, it's meaningless to make any concession if it's not pure China-India issue. Because India had joinned in an anti-China gang. It won't stop hurting China's interest until the boss of the gang says "stop". On the other hand, China needs to fight back. It's not wise to directly fight with US, the boss of the gang. US is too powerful and China's biggest customer. Hitting the pawns is the best choice for China. We have seen how China punished Canada, Australia and of course India while making deals with US even though we all know US is the one where the problems came from. It's all logical.

Lesson for Vietnam and other countries. Having issues with China is not a big problem. China overall is a soft and tolerant country. But you have got to keep distance from US. Once you become a pawn of US, you will see a tough China.
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Lesson for Vietnam and other countries. Having issues with China is not a big problem. China overall is a soft and tolerant country. But you have got to keep distance from US. Once you become a pawn of US, you will see a tough China.
All PDF members here are equal, u think u have more Right to lecture us here while in real life, u r just pathetic jobless Cnese or a Wumao bot ???

Mod @waz @LeGenD this thread clearly violate forum rules.

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Social issues such as sexual harassment, rape, child molestation or abuse are not to be used to incite ethnic / nationalistic / race inspired hatred nor political point scoring. PDF management would severely penalize any such threads / posts. If you are a good human being, kindly, be an ally of victims and do not abuse victims for your gains.
All PDF members here are equal, u think u have more Right to lecture us here while in real life, u r just pathetic jobless Cnese or a Wumao bot ???

Mod @waz @LeGenD this thread clearly violate forum rules.

Special Section: using social issues for inciting ethnic / nationalistic / political hatred

Social issues such as sexual harassment, rape, child molestation or abuse are not to be used to incite ethnic / nationalistic / race inspired hatred nor political point scoring. PDF management would severely penalize any such threads / posts. If you are a good human being, kindly, be an ally of victims and do not abuse victims for your gains.
@waz @LeGenD, clearly this member is high again early morning with Laos weed.
Countless skirmishes happened along China-India border since 1962 war. All were settled peacefully by the two countries. China even compromised in the 2017 Dklam standoff incidence. In which both sides confirmed that Indian soldiers entered China's territory by crossing undisputed boundary line.

Why China is so tough this time? There are many reasons. China's being fed up with India's endless harassments could be one of reasons. I think the most important reason is. China realized things are different and complicated this time. It's not about China and India tension as it looks like. India is more like cooperating with US on the "Containing China" strategy. China has sensed that India had made worst choice for China: Joining in US “India-Pacific Strategy”. India created the tension on border at the peak time of US attacks on China. It's definitely not a coincidence. After 6.15 clash, India government immediately banned hundreds of Chinese apps and limited Chinese goods import for "national security"(sounds familiar?) reason.

Many people believe that all anti China measures and India-US cooperations are the results of China-India clash. No. They were premeditated by India. What was out of Indians' plan is, unlike other skirmishes, this time China didn't back off and gave India a firm slap.

For China, it's meaningless to make any concession if it's not pure China-India issue. Because India had joinned in an anti-China gang. It won't stop hurting China's interest until the boss of the gang says "stop". On the other hand, China needs to fight back. It's not wise to directly fight with US, the boss of the gang. US is too powerful and China's biggest customer. Hitting the pawns is the best choice for China. We have seen how China punished Canada, Australia and of course India while making deals with US even though we all know US is one where the problems came from. It's all logical.

Lesson for Vietnam and other countries. Having issues with China is not a big problem. China overall is a soft and tolerant country. But you have got to keep distance from US. Once you become a pawn of US, you will see a tough China.
Do I understand correctly you threaten Germany?
China will tough more on Indian border to secure CPEC route. Chinese army getting closer to Indian unit which can target CPEC route. There will be more armed forces movement in that area. More Indian threat and cause disturbance in Baluchistan and GB more Chinese unit will be active.
I think China cpc is learning the lessons the hard way in Ladhak.

Countless skirmishes happened along China-India border since 1962 war. All were settled peacefully by the two countries. China even compromised in the 2017 Dklam standoff incidence. In which both sides confirmed that Indian soldiers entered China's territory by crossing undisputed boundary line.

Why China is so tough this time? There are many reasons. China's being fed up with India's endless harassments could be one of reasons. I think the most important reason is. China realized things are different and complicated this time. It's not about China and India tension as it looks like. India is more like cooperating with US on the "Containing China" strategy. China has sensed that India had made worst choice for China: Joining in US “India-Pacific Strategy”. India created the tension on border at the peak time of US attacks on China. It's definitely not a coincidence. After 6.15 clash, India government immediately banned hundreds of Chinese apps and limited Chinese goods import for "national security"(sounds familiar?) reason.

Many people believe that all anti China measures and India-US cooperations are the results of China-India clash. No. They were premeditated by India. What was out of Indians' plan is, unlike other skirmishes, this time China didn't back off and gave India a firm slap.

For China, it's meaningless to make any concession if it's not pure China-India issue. Because India had joinned in an anti-China gang. It won't stop hurting China's interest until the boss of the gang says "stop". On the other hand, China needs to fight back. It's not wise to directly fight with US, the boss of the gang. US is too powerful and China's biggest customer. Hitting the pawns is the best choice for China. We have seen how China punished Canada, Australia and of course India while making deals with US even though we all know US is one where the problems came from. It's all logical.

Lesson for Vietnam and other countries. Having issues with China is not a big problem. China overall is a soft and tolerant country. But you have got to keep distance from US. Once you become a pawn of US, you will see a tough China.
Countless skirmishes happened along China-India border since 1962 war. All were settled peacefully by the two countries. China even compromised in the 2017 Dklam standoff incidence. In which both sides confirmed that Indian soldiers entered China's territory by crossing undisputed boundary line.

Why China is so tough this time? There are many reasons. China's being fed up with India's endless harassments could be one of reasons. I think the most important reason is. China realized things are different and complicated this time. It's not about China and India tension as it looks like. India is more like cooperating with US on the "Containing China" strategy. China has sensed that India had made worst choice for China: Joining in US “India-Pacific Strategy”. India created the tension on border at the peak time of US attacks on China. It's definitely not a coincidence. After 6.15 clash, India government immediately banned hundreds of Chinese apps and limited Chinese goods import for "national security"(sounds familiar?) reason.

Many people believe that all anti China measures and India-US cooperations are the results of China-India clash. No. They were premeditated by India. What was out of Indians' plan is, unlike other skirmishes, this time China didn't back off and gave India a firm slap.

For China, it's meaningless to make any concession if it's not pure China-India issue. Because India had joinned in an anti-China gang. It won't stop hurting China's interest until the boss of the gang says "stop". On the other hand, China needs to fight back. It's not wise to directly fight with US, the boss of the gang. US is too powerful and China's biggest customer. Hitting the pawns is the best choice for China. We have seen how China punished Canada, Australia and of course India while making deals with US even though we all know US is one where the problems came from. It's all logical.

Lesson for Vietnam and other countries. Having issues with China is not a big problem. China overall is a soft and tolerant country. But you have got to keep distance from US. Once you become a pawn of US, you will see a tough China.

China is trapped at Ladhak/LAC. Can't withdraw troops or proceed to occupy further. India changed rules of engagement so no more drama to move in with huge numbers.
Countless skirmishes happened along China-India border since 1962 war. All were settled peacefully by the two countries. China even compromised in the 2017 Dklam standoff incidence. In which both sides confirmed that Indian soldiers entered China's territory by crossing undisputed boundary line.

Why China is so tough this time? There are many reasons. China's being fed up with India's endless harassments could be one of reasons. I think the most important reason is. China realized things are different and complicated this time. It's not about China and India tension as it looks like. India is more like cooperating with US on the "Containing China" strategy. China has sensed that India had made worst choice for China: Joining in US “India-Pacific Strategy”. India created the tension on border at the peak time of US attacks on China. It's definitely not a coincidence. After 6.15 clash, India government immediately banned hundreds of Chinese apps and limited Chinese goods import for "national security"(sounds familiar?) reason.

Many people believe that all anti China measures and India-US cooperations are the results of China-India clash. No. They were premeditated by India. What was out of Indians' plan is, unlike other skirmishes, this time China didn't back off and gave India a firm slap.

For China, it's meaningless to make any concession if it's not pure China-India issue. Because India had joinned in an anti-China gang. It won't stop hurting China's interest until the boss of the gang says "stop". On the other hand, China needs to fight back. It's not wise to directly fight with US, the boss of the gang. US is too powerful and China's biggest customer. Hitting the pawns is the best choice for China. We have seen how China punished Canada, Australia and of course India while making deals with US even though we all know US is one where the problems came from. It's all logical.

Lesson for Vietnam and other countries. Having issues with China is not a big problem. China overall is a soft and tolerant country. But you have got to keep distance from US. Once you become a pawn of US, you will see a tough China.
I don't think we are soft, I think the right word is we are peaceful and negotiable. We will normally give in the first time, it's the Chinese philosophy of avoiding conflict. The Chinese saying one step back and it's peace everywhere. But if this peaceful gesture is mistaken as weakness and they keep instigating, then we will make them pay it back double. In the case of India, this is exactly what happened. Now there is no more compromise and Modi does not know how to react other than banning apps, lol.
China is trapped at Ladhak/LAC. Can't withdraw troops or proceed to occupy further. India changed rules of engagement so no more drama to move in with huge numbers.
Who says we need to occupy further? The boundary is our perceived LAC. Lol. I am. Still waiting for you to act, talking and talking and sitting EXACTLY ON OUR PERCEIVED LAC is just dumb.
But Canada and Australia are miles away. They don’t share border with you. Why you threaten them?
How exactly did we threaten them? We just use trade as a tool of they go against our interest. Remember how Canada apprehended our citizen? What about Australia asking for a global investigation on China? Instead of saying global research on the origin of the virus, we are already the criminal, they were asking for retaliation.
I don't think we are soft, I think the right word is we are peaceful and negotiable. We will normally give in the first time, it's the Chinese philosophy of avoiding conflict. The Chinese saying one step back and it's peace everywhere. But if this peaceful gesture is mistaken as weakness and they keep instigating, then we will make them pay it back double. In the case of India, this is exactly what happened. Now there is no more compromise and Modi does not know how to react other than banning apps, lol.

Who says we need to occupy further? The boundary is our perceived LAC. Lol. I am. Still waiting for you to act, talking and talking and sitting EXACTLY ON OUR PERCEIVED LAC is just dumb.

How exactly did we threaten them? We just use trade as a tool of they go against our interest. Remember how Canada apprehended our citizen? What about Australia asking for a global investigation on China? Instead of saying global research on the origin of the virus, we are already the criminal, they were asking for retaliation.

Previously it was buffer zone. What did china achieve ? Nothing. It gave India a reason to occupy Kailash ranges.
Do you mean India has trapped? China is just toying with you, believed me.
India is not trapped. Indian objective is defending further chinese aggression. We are successful so far. Same thing can't be said for china. China can't stay there forever. That will show the weakness to the whole world.
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