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Why China doesn't want to get caught in the middle of a India-Pakistan conflict

it's hard for india to back down until modi settle a score with Pakistan, otherwise he will lose election.
on the other hands, i hope Pakistan give a face to india. considering election is coming
Chinese Opinions are Quite Surprising to me.
Add to it that OIC Invites India and Pakistan is not attending making things worse.

Im not making any conclusions, but see this is the REALITY. In hard times you are on your own.
Pak is alone...all world is with India ... Pak responded india, attacked indian military bases deep inside india, downed 2 migs 1 helicopter, return home safely.... Now fukk off along with the whole world india... We damn care, Pak only means business... Dont dare to be like regional power.. Behave or we will cut your balls with desi made JF-17...


Now check these indian losers mental level .. Lol

1. Yes I did change the title to Highlight a specific "exact" line from the article spoken by a "Chinese" analyst.
2. No, My point is NOT about any isolation. I only mean to stress the LEVEL of Chinese Support in this entire episode.

@waz please change the title if you feel its needed.
I think to understand the level of chinese support 'chinese' analysts in west are not reliable sources. Infact these analysts don't really support CPC itself. They are the last people you should read to gauge the thinking in CPC.

I can give you a link of an article not related to the point at hand but nevertheless will convey some aspects of overall chinese policy.
Pak is alone...all world is with India ... Pak responded india, attacked indian military bases deep inside india, downed 2 migs 1 helicopter, return home safely.... Now fukk off along with the whole world india... We damn care, Pak only means business... Dont dare to be like regional power.. Behave or we will cut your balls with desi made JF-17...

View attachment 543478

Now check these indian losers mental level .. Lol
Now, it's like everybody's jets have been downed by the PAF....

A Dana-dar Dushman is better than a Na-Dan Dost - Hazret-i Ali (RA)

I dont know why indians desperately seek support rather then deal with thezr issues themselves?
For they depend on Iblis, and Iblis is ever deceptive and the ultimate enemy of the man-kind...

No matter how much some human folks try they can never be 100% Sheyatin for they have been created as Insan...

Are those CNN correspondents who are not even Chinese citizens the spokesmen for China?

Get real.

I am waiting for official Chinese response.
What can China say???? That our joint fighters and missiles are taking down the Indian fighters!?!?

In diplomacy, sometimes it's more important to listen to what's not said...

lol on you , your sh!ti mind and your obsession and your very pain ……. You got US on your side ,, But still afraid of war... Ask your self Why...…
And, show the US made missile debris fired from the Pak F-16s in the press conference....

And, the French mirages, heavily doctored by Pak, firing SOWs dead into the IA bases...
Pak is alone...all world is with India ... Pak responded india, attacked indian military bases deep inside india, downed 2 migs 1 helicopter, return home safely.... Now fukk off along with the whole world india... We damn care, Pak only means business... Dont dare to be like regional power.. Behave or we will cut your balls with desi made JF-17...

View attachment 543478

Now check these indian losers mental level .. Lol
U can't ignore the reality my friend. USA, Israel. Russia r big buddies of India. Even in Asia India has great relationship with most of the Muslim majority countries like Bangladesh, Afg, Iran, UAE.
Are those CNN correspondents who are not even Chinese citizens the spokesmen for China?

Get real.

I am waiting for official Chinese response.
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Regular Press Conference on February 26, 2019

Q: According to reports, the Indian air force today carried out some air strikes against terrorist forces inside Pakistan across the Line of Control. What is China's reaction to that? India is saying that this is a non-military attack because it was carried out not against the military but against the terrorist forces who had attacked India and killed Indian soldiers. What's your comment?

A: India and Pakistan are both important countries in South Asia. A harmonious relationship between the two are crucial to regional peace, stability and development and serves the interests of India and Pakistan fundamentally. We hope the two sides will exercise restraint and take actions that will help stabilize situation in the region and improve bilateral relations instead of doing the opposite.

You mentioned that India said their operation was against terrorist forces. I would like to point out that terrorism is a global challenge that calls for cooperation between countries so as to create enabling conditions and a favorable atmosphere for necessary international cooperation.

Q: Yesterday the Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi made a telephone call to the Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and briefed him about the latest situation in the region in wake of the attack in Indian-held Kashmir. Do you have more information to share with us?

A: As you said, yesterday State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a telephone conversation with Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi at request. You may have noticed that State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi listened carefully to Foreign Minister Qureshi's briefing on the relevant situation and the propositions of the Pakistani side. He also reiterated that China supports the Pakistani and Indian sides in properly resolving the issue through dialogue as soon as possible to avoid the escalation of tensions.

We also hope that Pakistan and India can jointly advance counter-terrorism cooperation and safeguard peace, tranquility and stability in South Asia.


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Regular Press Conference on February 27, 2019

Q: In wake of intrusion into its airspace and violations of its territorial sovereignty by Indian air force yesterday, Pakistan has called upon the international community to condemn Indian aggression which has violated the UN Charter, support de-escalation, urge India to end its suppression in Indian-occupied Kashmir, and promote peace and stability in the region through engaging in dialogue. It also said that onus of escalation is with India. What is China's comment?

A: Actually I answered a relevant question yesterday and made clear the Chinese side's principled position.

We have noted recent developments as well as the positions made clear by India and Pakistan. As I said yesterday, India and Pakistan are both important countries in South Asia. We hope the two sides will bear in mind the peace and stability in the region, exercise restraint, step up dialogue and properly resolve relevant issue, so as to safeguard the fundamental interests of their countries, maintain peace and stability in the region and refrain from actions that might lead to further escalation of tensions.


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Regular Press Conference on February 28, 2019

Q: Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan said during a televised broadcast to the nation on February 27 that his country does not want to see further deterioration of the situation and is ready to cooperate with India on the investigation of the attack in India-controlled Kashmir. He said that war does no good to either side and invited India to come to the negotiating table to resolve the issue. Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj also said that her country does not want to see an escalation of the situation and will act with responsibility and restraint. What is your comment? What can China do to alleviate tension between India and Pakistan?

A: China always believes that all countries' sovereignty and territorial integrity shall be respected, and we do not wish to see any violation against the UN Charter and the norms of international law. The Chinese side is concerned about the escalating tension between India and Pakistan. As you may have noticed, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi expressed China's concerns during his talk with the Indian Foreign Minister in Wuzhen and his phone call with the Pakistani Foreign Minister. We urge India and Pakistan to exercise maximum restraint, engage in dialogue at an early date, effectively manage the situation, and jointly uphold regional peace and stability.

China has been in close communication with both India and Pakistan on the current situation and making efforts to promote peace and facilitate talks. Like you said, we noted that neither Pakistan nor India wants to see the deterioration or escalation of the situation. We encourage the two sides to meet each other half way and resolve the issue through dialogue. China will continue to play a constructive role in this regard.

Q:Another question about Pakistan and India. The Foreign Ministry has released a statement about a phone call that State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held with the Pakistani Foreign Minister Qureshi last night. I was wondering if you could offer more details about the phone call? The statement said that the Pakistani foreign minister shared the news and developments of the situation. Can you elaborate on what those might be?

A: China released information on this phone call very timely last night, or more accurately, early this morning.

In this urgent phone call, the Pakistani Foreign Minister briefed State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the current situation and the Pakistani government's assessment and considerations. He also expressed Pakistan's hope that China will continue to play an active role in easing tensions. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated China's view on the current situation. We are indeed concerned about the current tensions in India-Pakistan relations. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi reiterated China's hope that India and Pakistan could exercise restraint and earnestly fulfill their commitment to preventing escalation. He stressed explicitly that sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also talked about China's recent efforts in promoting peace and facilitating talks. You may read our press release for more information.

Q: Yesterday, one pilot of the Indian Air Force was captured in the Pakistani territory, and the Indian government has requested that he should be treated, according to the Geneva Convention, as prisoners of war, and should be returned to India. So how does China comment on this?

A: Since yesterday, the Indian and Pakistani media and netizens have voiced some different views on this issue. As for what really happened, we shall not indulge ourselves in making more comments.

But I would like to reiterate that as India and Pakistan are both important countries in South Asia, it is very important for them to keep a harmonious relationship and jointly uphold regional peace and stability. The escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan following the recent events is not what we wish to see and is a cause of great concern to us. We hope that India and Pakistan will fulfill their commitment of preventing further deterioration or escalation and come back to the negotiating table at an early date, so that the situation can be effectively brought under control and regional peace and stability will be restored, which serves the interests of all countries.


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Regular Press Conference on March 1, 2019

Q: Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan yesterday said that the Indian pilot in Pakistan’s custody would be released today. I was wondering if China has played any behind-the-scene role in facilitating the release of the Indian pilot?

A: From the very beginning, China has been calling on both India and Pakistan to exercise the utmost restraint and take measures to resolve problems between the two sides through dialogue and ease tensions.

I noticed the situation you just mentioned. The Chinese side welcomes the above-mentioned decision of the Pakistani side and the goodwill it send to India. India and Pakistan are each other’s neighbors that cannot be moved away. The deescalation of tensions between the two countries is in the fundamental interests of both sides. We encourage both parties to continue to move in the same direction and take substantive steps in resolving relevant disputes through consultations and dialogues to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.

Q: In addition to the release of the captured Indian pilot, Pakistan Prime Minister also reiterated his offer to investigate Pulwama incident if India gives credible evidence. What are your comments on this?

A: As I said when answering the Indian journalist’s question, we have noted relevant reports and we welcome Pakistan’s goodwill gesture.

China always maintains that India and Pakistan should continue to take more positive measures to create an enabling atmosphere, strive to resolve all outstanding issues between them through dialogue, and jointly stay committed to keeping the region peaceful and stable. China also has all along been encouraging them to do so, including in the incident you just mentioned citing Prime Minister Imran Khan. This serves the interests of both countries and is what China hopes to see.

U can't ignore the reality my friend. USA, Israel. Russia r big buddies of India. Even in Asia India has great relationship with most of the Muslim majority countries like Bangladesh, Afg, Iran, UAE.

Buddy we are not Bangladesh where we are going to run around like a headless chicken with its azz on fire because burma pushed a million bengali into Bangladesh

Our allies are providing the essentials and we are front and centre taking on our enemy
Very much...……….. Ask your military and RAW for rest of the story...………
@Dubious , @The Eagle ,@Horus , @waz , @Oscar , @Arsalan , @M.Musa
fabricated title...…… Look at OP post and thread title,,,,,,, This is not Chinees Official statement
What's about fighting in 2.5 front wars??????

If the JFs can do this to the IAF, what's about their ones at the higher rungs?????

Does India understand how shameful and embarrassing it is to lean your heads on the shoulders of your competitors????? In Mafia terminology, when a "boss" asks for help from other "bosses" he is as good as dead!!!! For a reason, The Godfather is one of the most popular movies in the world, and the other one is Benhur....
Buddy we are not Bangladesh where we are going to run around like a headless chicken with its azz on fire because burma pushed a million bengali into Bangladesh

Our allies are providing the essentials and we are front and centre taking on our enemy

This type of propaganda won't work here my friend. The whole world knows the truth. No matter how hard u try to hide it, u just can't.

As a Muslim majority nation we care for the Muslims of the whole world. When burmese terrorist monks with the help of its army were indiscriminately killing and torturing their own burmese muslims we opened our border so that they can save themselves.

We gave mlions of those burmese muslims shelters, fed them and protected them from getting killed. The whole world praised us for the hospitality we showed towards the burmese muslims.

The whole Muslim world is proud of Bangladesh .

must be scared of shupa powa India :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yaar bangli , tu har thread mai ja ker Indians ke chaat raha kuch tu self respect rakh baygairata hahah
Pls, no foreign language.

I have no interest in this matter. I m just an observer.
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