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Why China doesn't want to get caught in the middle of a India-Pakistan conflict

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed that "the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, and China does not want to see the acts that violate the norms of international relations."
U never know.

They have big business with india.

They didn't support Pak in fatf voting either.

Time for NAGAN DANCE :chilli::chilli::chilli: (caution:-Dont remember Dinesh Karthik during it )
LMAO ………… LOL...……….. London

Sorry, I should have said "Chinse Analyst" says...
Regardless, I wanted to stress that China didn't Actually support Pakistan as they expected, Am I wrong here ?
China expresses concerns over India-Pakistan tensions
By Cao Desheng | China Daily | Updated: 2019-03-01 08:35

Beijing reiterated on Thursday its deep concerns over the mounting tensions between New Delhi and Islamabad, and called on the two sides to maintain maximum restraint to prevent the situation from further escalating.

Speaking at a regular news conference, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang urged India and Pakistan to carry out dialogue as soon as possible, effectively manage tensions and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.

Tensions between the South Asian neighbors have continued to intensify after a suicide car bombing in Pulwama in Indian-controlled Kashmir killed at least 40 Indian paramilitary police officers on Feb 14. The tense situation further escalated when both countries claimed to have shot down each other's fighter jets on Wednesday.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan told a joint session of the two houses of the parliament on Thursday that Pakistan will release a detained Indian pilot on Friday for the sake of peace and the de-escalation of tensions, Xinhua reported.

China is maintaining close communication with both countries about the situation and has made several efforts to promote peace talks between them, Lu said.

In a telephone conversation with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi late on Wednesday evening, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China hopes both India and Pakistan will take real action to fulfill their commitment to avoiding escalation.

Saying every country's sovereignty and territorial integrity should be earnestly respected, Wang said China doesn't want to see any act that violates the norms of international relations.

Qureshi briefed Wang on developments amid the ongoing tensions and expressed hope that China would continue to play a constructive role in alleviating the precarious situation.

Earlier Wednesday, Wang also expressed concerns over the tensions to Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj when they met on the sidelines of the 16th meeting of foreign ministers of China, Russia and India in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province.

Both India and Pakistan have expressed hope that current tensions don't escalate, and Lu added that Beijing encourages them to make corresponding efforts to resolve the problems through consultations.

China stands ready to continue to play a constructive role, Lu added.

Beijing Capital International Airport canceled flights to and from Pakistan on Wednesday and Thursday due to the country's decision to close its airspace. Flights to and from Europe that fly through Pakistani airspace were also canceled.

Normally, a total of 11 round trips between China and Pakistan are made every week.

Wang Keju and Mo Jingxi contributed to this story.


Sorry, I should have said "Chinse Analyst" says...
Regardless, I wanted to stress that China didn't Actually support Pakistan as they expected, Am I wrong here ?
Very much...……….. Ask your military and RAW for rest of the story...………
@Dubious , @The Eagle ,@Horus , @waz , @Oscar , @Arsalan , @M.Musa
fabricated title...…… Look at OP post and thread title,,,,,,, This is not Chinees Official statement
China expresses concerns over India-Pakistan tensions
By Cao Desheng | China Daily | Updated: 2019-03-01 08:35

Beijing reiterated on Thursday its deep concerns over the mounting tensions between New Delhi and Islamabad, and called on the two sides to maintain maximum restraint to prevent the situation from further escalating.

Speaking at a regular news conference, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang urged India and Pakistan to carry out dialogue as soon as possible, effectively manage tensions and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.

Tensions between the South Asian neighbors have continued to intensify after a suicide car bombing in Pulwama in Indian-controlled Kashmir killed at least 40 Indian paramilitary police officers on Feb 14. The tense situation further escalated when both countries claimed to have shot down each other's fighter jets on Wednesday.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan told a joint session of the two houses of the parliament on Thursday that Pakistan will release a detained Indian pilot on Friday for the sake of peace and the de-escalation of tensions, Xinhua reported.

China is maintaining close communication with both countries about the situation and has made several efforts to promote peace talks between them, Lu said.

In a telephone conversation with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi late on Wednesday evening, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China hopes both India and Pakistan will take real action to fulfill their commitment to avoiding escalation.

Saying every country's sovereignty and territorial integrity should be earnestly respected, Wang said China doesn't want to see any act that violates the norms of international relations.

Qureshi briefed Wang on developments amid the ongoing tensions and expressed hope that China would continue to play a constructive role in alleviating the precarious situation.

Earlier Wednesday, Wang also expressed concerns over the tensions to Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj when they met on the sidelines of the 16th meeting of foreign ministers of China, Russia and India in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province.

Both India and Pakistan have expressed hope that current tensions don't escalate, and Lu added that Beijing encourages them to make corresponding efforts to resolve the problems through consultations.

China stands ready to continue to play a constructive role, Lu added.

Beijing Capital International Airport canceled flights to and from Pakistan on Wednesday and Thursday due to the country's decision to close its airspace. Flights to and from Europe that fly through Pakistani airspace were also canceled.

Normally, a total of 11 round trips between China and Pakistan are made every week.

Wang Keju and Mo Jingxi contributed to this story.



Thanx. But the level of Support Pakistan gave at the time of Doklam can be seen no where in this statement.
@Windjammer @Areesh @Imran Khan , Please correct me.
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