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Why Chennai can't and won't speak Hindi

So lets street dogs as national animals they are larger in number than tigers and also crows as national bird.
If calling street dog as our national animal made our life better, eased our problems then I have no problem with it.

Similarly, Tamil is a language spoken by a few people in India, it cannot become a language equal in importance to Hindi which is spoken by nearly 600 million people.

Its not about quantity but authenticity and originality , some one had used the analogy of dog vs tiger, let me reiterate, using your logic a crow which is the most common animal the dog should be India's national animal.
I explained already. Using Hindi gives us far more advantages than using Tamil.
So yes, if making the common dog the national animal of India made the lives of Indians better, made it easier, increased trade, then by all means make the dog as the national animal.

please provide support to substantiate your claim ?

Sri Lanka is your south Asian neigbhour and are you dismissing Tamil's political, economical role in the region ?
As a matter of fact, I request you to substantiate your claim.
You said Tamil was a more international language compared to Hindi.

Whereas Tamil is not even half as important as Hindi as an international language.
Pakistan to Nepal to Bangladesh to Afghanistan - all can understand Hindi.

The majority of Indian diaspora all across the world understands Hindi.

So please, do provide some proof of your claim.
I do agree when I go to Delhi then I must speak in Hindi and when some Hindi person comes to TN then don't expect us to speak in Hindi again. Why it should national language? why make Hindi mandatory?
You can also speak in English. :) No one is forcing you.
Like in my trips to Chennai I spoke English. :tup:
Nobody in India can force Hindi down your throats - such legislation can never be passed. So never say anything about making Hindi mandatory - because it ain't gonna happen.

Now picture this - I can go to all the states in India and survive with English/Hindi/Urdu and only while in TN I will have to learn Tamil? I will rather not go there at all :D

In my own personal experience, most Tamils I have encountered were not so rigid - their love for Tamil did not shadow the reasoning - that there is nothing wrong in at least understanding a tongue other than it. I have been to Chennai many times, never have I faced any discrimination or trouble. :smitten: Only the weather did not like me :hitwall:
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Sri Lanka is your south Asian neigbhour and are you dismissing Tamil's political, economical role in the region ?
Are you dismissing West Bengals political, economic role in the region?
Are you dismissing Punjab's political, economic role in the region?
Are you dismissing Uttar Pradesh's political, economic role in the region?

All these States border countries that also understand Hindi.

Tamil in Canadian Parlaiment is Hindi used in Canadian Parliament ?

Pakistan uses Urdu, Bangladesh does as well.
Is Tamil used in any of the neighbours of India barring Sri Lanka?

The majority of Indians in Canada and UK are Punjabis Sikhs , and by default they become Hindi speakers ?
Yes. Punjabi and Bengali are derived from Sanskrit. The people of those States donot have a problem with Hindi. They understand Hindi just by virtue of knowing their own regional language.

refer video on Tamil speech in Canadian Parliament and get a life ..no more anti Tamil garbage
No one is spouting anti Tamil garbage. No one is willing to give more importance to Tamil than it deserves either. Its a regional language and by virtue of its limited reach cannot become a national language.
Then stop playing cricket its also English
Play only Indian sports.

I never said we shouldnt learn English. What I said is English can never be a substitute for Hindi. Hindi is easier to learn (at least speak),most widely spoken in India and would help Tamilians to communicate better with non TN people.

I have seen people who can only speak Bengali struggle to communicate with Hindi speaking people.

We should learn 3 languages-

1. Hindi ( compulsory)

2. Regional language

3. English
1. Firstly Tamil Nadu is not Beiging/Tokyo therefore your argument that people in Tamil Nadu should speak English , a foreign language and not hindi is unfounded.
Why people in TAmil Nadu should speak Hindi?

2. For any country, be it small or large especially for a large and diverse country as ours, you need to have one national identity and it is true for every country on this planet. Does this mean that a bihari should stop speaking bhojpuri or magahi OR a marathi should stop speaking marathi OR an assamese should stop speaking assamese?? No certainly not for they provide the individual with the regional identity but NOT THE NATIONAL ONE

3. Tamil is spoken language in one state primarily but hindi is speaken in almost the entire country leaving few states possibly in north-east or in south. Hindi is the mother language for most if not all the other regional languages. Therefore integrating Hindi is far more easier than any other regional language say telgu, kashmiri, punjabi etc
Hindi is not mother of any regional languages. Northern language has their roots to Sanskrit. No!! integrating Hindi is not easy for most of regions based out of north.

4. English is a foreign language and can be used outside of India to integrate with the world. It is absurd to think that you have to rely on a foreign language even after more than a six decades of independence is absurd at best.
In same way Tamils don't want to rely on Hindi to live in their own country, expect when the need comes like migrating.

5. Will a kashmiri learn telgu or tamil?? Will a manipuri be willing to learn gujrati?? Will a kerlaite be willing to learn punjabi?? No because all of these are regional language associated with a region. But should a region be allowed to overpower ones sense of national identity. With so much diversification, all of us from different backgrounds have to find a common ground. That can only be a national identy and Hindi can play a big role. This does in no way mean that regional culture and language should not have a national level patronage. But the patronage cannot be at the expense of nation.
same way why Tamil should learn Hindi?
So one should know Hindi to be called Indian? Hindi is not national identity.

7. There comes a time when too much diversification can become a curse rather than a boon for an entire nation. That doesnot mean that i am not for protecting regional identity but not at the cost of nation.
Then take out the motto " Unity in Diversity"

It is sad that Hindi is dragged into all this just to gain political mileage and few votes even by people who are educated and should know about these pitfalls when hindi could have united India like no other while protecting regional identities as well. Regionalism has harmed this nation more than anything else in the entire history of our nation. British ruled and destroyed India's economy, culture and moral values because of the regionalism.
I'm not gaining political advanateg by postin it here but just for sake of quality, to show the disrespect of other languages and imposition of Hindi.

Even today relations with Sri Lanka and Bangladesh have been overlooked because of this curse of regionalism. Regionalism has harmed nationalism be it in India or outside and all of you have to do is read and under our history.
Srilankan issue is for humanitarian cause so don't bring language or regionalism
If Hindi becomes national language then there is no sense of " Unity in Diversity". When you can't live with diversity then don't expect unity.

Hindi plays India's national language role though it officially main "official" language, isn't it?
Let's say if Tamil from Tamilnadu become PM of India, so that Tamil PM of India can address the Indian nation in Tamil?? is it possible? xD
If Hindi becomes national language then there is no sense of " Unity in Diversity". When you can't live with diversity then don't expect unity.
Making a majority language National does not mean we cant live with diversity.

I have seen only Tamilians making this argument.

Does not mean I would want Hindi to become a National Language. At this point in time, I think status quo is just fine.
I never said we shouldnt learn English. What I said is English can never be a substitute for Hindi. Hindi is easier to learn (at least speak),most widely spoken in India and would help Tamilians to communicate better with non TN people.

I have seen people who can only speak Bengali struggle to communicate with Hindi speaking people.

We should learn 3 languages-

1. Hindi ( compulsory)

2. Regional language

3. English
Why north people learn one Indian language as mandatory?

You should learn 3 languages as we should do:

1. Hindi

2. English

3. Any one Indian language.

can you?

Hindi plays India's national language role though it officially main "official" language, isn't it?
Let's say if Tamil from Tamilnadu become PM of India, so that Tamil PM of India can address the Indian nation in Tamil?? is it possible? xD
Whatever..this is India's problem
Who are you to discuss about us
Why north people learn one Indian language as mandatory?

You should learn 3 languages as we should do:

1. Hindi

2. English

3. Any one Indian language.

can you?

Whatever..this is India's problem
Who are you to discuss about us
yes we do.. its sanskrit as third language.
In UP schools which do not teach sanskrit, urdu is compulsory
Why people in TAmil Nadu should speak Hindi?

Good question.
Tamilnadu is just a part of a country. but the country which Tamils live has an official language which is Hindi. so as citizens of India Tamils have to learn their country's official language.
Go through the discussion and get some sense before you post.
I never said one COIN to have all the languages...some coins can have Hindi-English-Tamil some Kannada-Hindi-English
Just as show of real unity. Everyone knows rupees can interpreted by numerals but just as sign of unity? why can't we do?
Then stop playing cricket its also English
Play only Indian sports.
I not nonsense :cry:

Specific coins are silly - say a coin has Hindi, English, Tamil. An Urdu speaker or Punjabi can say - "I don't want to use this coin, give me another 5 rupee coin that has Punjabi" :sarcastic:
I totally support printing all hundreds of languages in the single coin - single side - using microscopic engraving. Of course it will help no one, but there lies equality :victory:

Good question.
Tamilnadu is just a part of a country. but the country which Tamils live has an official language which is Hindi. so as citizens of India Tamils have to learn their country's official language.
No, unlike most other countries, India does not force anyone to learn or unlearn a language. :disagree:
Tamils need not learn Hindi - it will benefit them more to learn it. Otherwise they will have difficulty conversing with others. But that is all. Nothing else.
You can also speak in English. :) No one is forcing you.
Like in my trips to Chennai I spoke English. :tup:
Nobody in India can force Hindi down your throats - such legislation can never be passed. So never say anything about making Hindi mandatory - because it ain't gonna happ
But still there are indirect impositions. I'm just asking for small gesture of unity. Why can't have other languages in COINs? Won't we should want our language in my own country's COIN?
Good question.
Tamilnadu is just a part of a country. but the country which Tamils live has an official language which is Hindi. so as citizens of India Tamils have to learn their country's official language.
Tamil Nadu's official language is Tamil. Hindi is not official language for whole country. You could just keep away from us because you don't know shite about my country.
But still there are indirect impositions. I'm just asking for small gesture of unity. Why can't have other languages in COINs? Won't we should want our language in my own country's COIN?
Why should this small guesture of equality is being demanded by a Tamilian? Why not the NE states, why not Andhraites?

Do you know why?

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