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Why Chennai can't and won't speak Hindi

I think you seem to be hiding behind the word 'democracy' a lot.
I dont know what is taught to you in democracy. But in a democracy, the candidate with 51% of the polled votes wins, and those 49% that supported the other candidate, accept the verdict and move on.
They dont say that their candidate should also get the parliamentary seat because 'its a democracy'.

Similarly, because its a democracy, Tamil is the defacto language of Tamil Nadu. It is protected and promoted by Tamil Nadu Govt, just like other States protect their languages. It is not however the defacto language of India.

The defacto language of India is Hindi by virtue of being spoken by around 50% of the Indian population(and increasing each year). So yes, Hindi will be the primary language of India. The other languages, while equally important in their own States can never have absolute parity with Hindi countrywide.

It is time you made peace with this fact. No other State apart from India has this problem. My mother tongue is also not Hindi, but I dont mind Hindi being the primary language in the least.
First you better try to understand difference between voting and right to equality of democracy.

I never said Tamil must be made defacto of India if you assumed then you are idiot. I'm arguing for the fact why push Hindi an alien language for other 60% as primary language?

This is what we call Hindi imposition and trying to make everyone to speak Hindi. So its like one must know Hindi to be Indian?

No. Anyone who doesn't speak Tamil is a 2nd class citizen of India. Tamil should be made mandatory in India, and only then will India become a great democracy.

Happy now? That Himalyan ego of yours feeling a bit better now?:coffee:
I never said Tamil must be mandatory If I said then I will be biggest idiot but asking why Hindi should be? Maybe you are not capable of perceiving ideas.

I'm jus asking why everywhere Hindi is imposed? Why everyone should learn Hindi? why not make it easy for everyone? Why not have equal opportunities for all the 20 languages of India?
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First you better try to understand difference between voting and right to equality of democracy.

I never said Tamil must be made defacto of India if you assumed then you are idiot. I'm arguing for the fact why push Hindi an alien language for other 60% as primary language?

This is what we call Hindi imposition and trying to make everyone to speak Hindi. So its like one must know Hindi to be Indian?
No. One must know Hindi to communicate with other Indians.
First you better try to understand difference between voting and right to equality of democracy.

I never said Tamil must be made defacto of India if you assumed then you are idiot. I'm arguing for the fact why push Hindi an alien language for other 60% as primary language?

This is what we call Hindi imposition and trying to make everyone to speak Hindi. So its like one must know Hindi to be Indian?

I never said Tamil must be mandatory If I said then I will be biggest idiot but asking why Hindi should be? If I said then I will be biggest stupid. Maybe you are not capable of perceiving ideas.

I'm jus asking why everywhere Hindi is imposed? Why everyone should learn Hindi? why not make it easy for everyone? Why not have equal opportunities for all the 20 languages of India?
Hindi is not there everywhere. All boards on the shops in my town are in Urdu, including a few temples. When I was in Chennai, most local buses had boards in Tamil, only the new JNURM buses had English as well. But still no Hindi. Similar in Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra. I have also noticed little Hindi in Kolkata, except for the railways.

Besides the days of Government imposing Hindi or any other language is over. In this globalized village, it's going to mix, and no force on earth can prevent it. Like in Goa even the local shopkeepers speak fluent Russian or even Hebrew and an uneducated kid from the pavement of Delhi speaks German!
Hindi is not there everywhere. All boards on the shops in my town are in Urdu, including a few temples. When I was in Chennai, most local buses had boards in Tamil, only the new JNURM buses had English as well. But still no Hindi. Similar in Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra. I have also noticed little Hindi in Kolkata, except for the railways.
Besides the days of Government imposing Hindi or any other language is over. In this globalized village, it's going to mix, and no force on earth can prevent it. Like in Goa even the local shopkeepers speak fluent Russian or even Hebrew and an uneducated kid from the pavement of Delhi speaks German! :tup:

I'm just arguing about the hypocrisy of Hindi people who want everyone to learn Hindi so that they can communicate all over India with ease and all COINS, Railways etc., having only Hindi. Why not in other languages too..

How then do you propose to talk with a guy living in Madhya Pradesh or Arunachal Pradesh?
When the time comes an individual does for survival but trying to force it as mandatory all over India is not fair.
So when a Hindi speaking comes to Tamil Nadu then we must learn Hindi to speak with him? why can't it be other way around?
Okay guys, I have been living and working in Chennai for the last 10 months now, initially it was a pain in the ***, I mean the climate+food+language barrier, but now I have adjusted to it. Btw we had no holiday on holi :(

A lot of people here can actually understand hindi but yes there are "ego" issues when it comes to speaking it. You know what, my team members wont speak a word to me in hindi but they go out for bollywood movies every weekend :laughcry:

By the way I hav added quite a few words in my tamil vocab: anna, tambi, sapada, ILLE:mad: . But overall i find people are nice and friendly, except the autowallahs who rip you off.

So leave it be, we can just advise them to speak the language (trust me 60-70 percent localites in Chennai can understand it), but you cant force them.
No. One must know Hindi to communicate with other Indians.

Then what's the point for the GOI to accept the other 19 languages when its clearly one receives a special attention over the other?

But the point is that the Tamil will not learn Hindi because they are proud of their own language.
Why not?? Indians here are more than gleeful jumping on bandwagons when internal fractions of neighboring countries are discussed.. Insecure much ??
absolutely not...
carry on....discuss as mch as u want too....:p:
When the time comes an individual does for survival but trying to force it as mandatory all over India is not fair.
So when a Hindi speaking comes to Tamil Nadu then we must learn Hindi to speak with him? why can't it be other way around?
When a Hindi speaking person goes to TN and insists that people there talk to him in Hindi , he is a fool and is setting himself up to be shortchanged. He will learn in a couple of days enough to get him by.

On the other hand, what happens when you want to talk to 600 million other Indians in what is more than 50% of the land territory of India?

Heck the number is far more as people of Andhra and Karnataka also know broken Hindi enough to communicate.

What happens when you want to talk to them?
I'm just arguing about the hypocrisy of Hindi people who want everyone to learn Hindi so that they can communicate all over India with ease and all COINS, Railways etc., having only Hindi. Why not in other languages too..

When the time comes an individual does for survival but trying to force it as mandatory all over India is not fair.
So when a Hindi speaking comes to Tamil Nadu then we must learn Hindi to speak with him? why can't it be other way around?
I also want coins to have at least 20 sides. Too bad present coins only have 2 sides :hitwall:
I also want Kashmiri in Sharda script on one face :taz:
I also want every board in Kashmir to be in Kashmiri (even if in Persian/Shahmukhi script)
That will prevent other non Kashmiris from understanding what is a hospital or a hotel - but I don't care. We are losing our culture :mad:

I need your support :agree:

On a serious note -
On my deputations to Chennai, I had little problem. Hindi is understood and so is English. There is no real animosity at all. The people have been very friendly. It is a matter of convenience - that's all. Only the auto drivers .... :hitwall:
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I'm just arguing about the hypocrisy of Hindi people who want everyone to learn Hindi so that they can communicate all over India with ease and all COINS, Railways etc., having only Hindi. Why not in other languages too..

When the time comes an individual does for survival but trying to force it as mandatory all over India is not fair.
So when a Hindi speaking comes to Tamil Nadu then we must learn Hindi to speak with him? why can't it be other way around?
Hi, Im from a state where native languages are garwali and kumaoni, totally diff. from hindi, people need a lingua franca and hindi works. It's all about communication and convenience. Nothing to do with any cultural chauvinism or superiority :-)
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Then what's the point for the GOI to accept the other 19 languages when its clearly one receives a special attention over the other?

But the point is that the Tamil will not learn Hindi because they are proud of their own language.
Because within those States, the de facto language of the people is the local language - the other 19 languages. Its not fair to ask them to speak in anything else in their own State. And those languages are valuable and important as Indian heritage.

But when you cross over the State, how do you communicate? Despite the bullcrap that this guy is writing here, the only viable option is Hindi.
Its nothing but pride and jealousy mixed for people like him. Fortunately, people like him are decreasing every decade.
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