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Why Chennai can't and won't speak Hindi

You cannot find anything else to comment except for the above fact. I mean the point of this thread was not to establish if Hindi is or is not a national language but to find out the reasoning behind why speaking hindi in TN is such a taboo.
Because we have Tamil?
You never got the point of the topic and see post #597..good luck
Wow.. Super smart for a 8 year old.. What are you doing in a forum meant for adults..
My mishtek :cray:

:sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Sorry pal. Not going down to your level to degrade any language of India.

do you have comprehension problem ? I am comparing your dirty tactic of clubbing , not degrading Hindi as you allege

Hindi alone is spoken by more than 500 million people of India. The verdict came in long back. Hindi will be the primary language of India. This is non negotiable for almost everyone.

that's India's choice and Tamilandu too has a choice :devil:

The Prime Minister categorically stated in New Delhi on April 16 that there should be no imposition of Hindi

This day that age - The Hindu

And since no other State has a problem with it - the Tamils will have to just get used to it in whichever way they feel best and find something else to protest on.

don't be too cocky

Another type of Cultural aggression is going on in Kashmir. India is silently & steadily trying to impose Hindi language in Kashmir. To start with, Central Govt. Offices have been instructed to use Hindi as medium of Communication & officers encouraged to send & sign letters in Hindi. In-House “Departmental promotional Committees” for Hindi are instructed to monitor the progress & coercive measures like delays in promotion etc. enforced for slow or no progress. Even Parliamentary committees for promotion of Hindi visit the state periodically to oversee the progress

KashmirWatch - Latest News & In-depth Coverage on Kashmir Conflict
Do you know if he is Indian or Srilankan??
Tamil Brahmin from jaffna,Northern Srilanka....Currently living as a war refugee in Canberra,Australia..
Tamil Brahmin from jaffna,Northern Srilanka....Currently living as a war refugee in Canberra,Australia..
How do you know?? :o:
Because we have Tamil?
You never got the point of the topic and see post #597..good luck
In Bihar people have bhojpuri.. in manipur people have manipuri etc etc etc... In every state of India people have one language or another then how are you going to communicate with other parts if every one became as idiotically stubborn as you are for tamil then what will happen to this country.

You are willing to learn English so that you can talk to everyone around the world then y not learn french, german and italian for you will find no one speaks english there.

Then you will point out that English is an international language and most people will speak thn by that logic y not learn hindi too coz most people in India speak hindi??

Also English is international language but unofficially just like hindi is national language unofficially. Go and try to speak English in latin america or most parts of Europe baring UK and will c how far you go!!!

By the way how many people in Tamil Nadu will have chance to go abroad or meet people from outside India with whom they might need English to converse and now compare that percentage to people from TN meeting or travelling out of TN.. wouldn't hindi be better choice than english??

Anyway keep ur narrow minded view for i can c there is no sense speaking logic to you coz ur struck on "We have tamil". I am working in a company where except for me every one is from karnataka and speak kannada. When they talk to one other they speak in kannada but whn speaking to me they speak in Hindi. They are not bothered abt hindi, kannada or english. They communicate in the language which convenient for them in a situation.

The only conclusion that i can draw from your view is that ur far too insecure about tamil and that is y you cling to obsession with tamil and use it as defense for your narrow views on everything. As far i know no language or culture in my country has any reason to be threatened so much so that they hv to become inclusive. When u add something new to anything existing , then the new product is always richer and it gains... u hv become far too inclusive so continue clinging to it if that is wht u want...
In Bihar people have bhojpuri.. in manipur people have manipuri etc etc etc... In every state of India people have one language or another then how are you going to communicate with other parts if every one became as idiotically stubborn as you are for tamil then what will happen to this country.

You are willing to learn English so that you can talk to everyone around the world then y not learn french, german and italian for you will find no one speaks english there.

Then you will point out that English is an international language and most people will speak thn by that logic y not learn hindi too coz most people in India speak hindi??

Also English is international language but unofficially just like hindi is national language unofficially. Go and try to speak English in latin america or most parts of Europe baring UK and will c how far you go!!!

By the way how many people in Tamil Nadu will have chance to go abroad or meet people from outside India with whom they might need English to converse and now compare that percentage to people from TN meeting or travelling out of TN.. wouldn't hindi be better choice than english??

Anyway keep ur narrow minded view for i can c there is no sense speaking logic to you coz ur struck on "We have tamil". I am working in a company where except for me every one is from karnataka and speak kannada. When they talk to one other they speak in kannada but whn speaking to me they speak in Hindi. They are not bothered abt hindi, kannada or english. They communicate in the language which convenient for them in a situation.

The only conclusion that i can draw from your view is that ur far too insecure about tamil and that is y you cling to obsession with tamil and use it as defense for your narrow views on everything. As far i know no language or culture in my country has any reason to be threatened so much so that they hv to become inclusive. When u add something new to anything existing , then the new product is always richer and it gains... u hv become far too inclusive so continue clinging to it if that is wht u want...

I never said don't learn Hindi and even I know Hindi. Its compulsory when we go to Hindi speaking state but it doesn't mean everyone should learn it and make Hindi national language.
So why don't you learn one Indian language other than Hindi then we will make Hindi mandatory? Isn't this hypocrisy?
There are reasons why Hindi will never take root in India. Our neighbouring states speak Dravidian languages, and knowing one language , it is possible to learn other 3 languages with considerable ease.
In other words Keralites and Tamils are "insulated" from Hindi. Bengali, Marathi, Punjabi are spoken in a area, all surrounded by Hindi speaking states. More mix of people happens, and Hindi have evolved into a Lingua Franca like something. It cannot apply in the case of Tamil Nadu.
We are not surrounded by Hindi speaking states, and transfer of people from North to South is less. But learning Hindi is good for national Integration. It isnt a bad thing. But no need to force it on people.
DMK swept to power, on the Hindi-Tamil issues, if any one do not know the reason. If not for DMK, other languages might not have been provided official status (maybe). We are happy with status quo.
And there was no reason for anyone to dig up a old thread.
I have heard after 1965 all the CM post holders in TN aren't Tamil. Is that true?
I am a Telugu guy from Chennai...I consider myself more Tamil than Telugu...so what's your point.
nothing wrong with Chennai not speaking Hindi, many country's have multiple provinces, some are more assertive about their cultures while others are more accommodating to the center, in Canada Quebec is more assertive about their culture language while Ontario is more accommodating to the center in Pakistan, the western part of the country people are more assertive about their culture ,language (central Asian proximity) while the eastern part (Indic) is more accommodating to the center, likewise in India, South India is more assertive about their culture while north India is more accommodating to the center its normal , some people are more sensitive about their language, culture etc's then others
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I am a Telugu guy from Chennai...I consider myself more Tamil than Telugu...so what's your point.

He is simply asking clarification not proving a point.. Answer his question without being a insecure dick
There are reasons why Hindi will never take root in India. Our neighbouring states speak Dravidian languages, and knowing one language , it is possible to learn other 3 languages with considerable ease.
In other words Keralites and Tamils are "insulated" from Hindi. Bengali, Marathi, Punjabi are spoken in a area, all surrounded by Hindi speaking states. More mix of people happens, and Hindi have evolved into a Lingua Franca like something. It cannot apply in the case of Tamil Nadu.
We are not surrounded by Hindi speaking states, and transfer of people from North to South is less. But learning Hindi is good for national Integration. It isnt a bad thing. But no need to force it on people.
DMK swept to power, on the Hindi-Tamil issues, if any one do not know the reason. If not for DMK, other languages might not have been provided official status (maybe). We are happy with status quo.
And there was no reason for anyone to dig up a old thread.

You're one of the few Tamilians who give the right reasons for why Hindi isn't necessary down South.
I am a Telugu guy from Chennai...I consider myself more Tamil than Telugu...so what's your point.
Myself too..I'm half telugu but Tamil is the one which makes me feel something.
Even my friend who are Kannada origin living in Tamil Nadu likes to be addressed as Tamils even though we speak different languages at home.

nothing wrong with Chennai not speaking Hindi, many country's have multiple provinces, some are more assertive about their cultures while others are more accommodating in to the center, in Canada Quebec is more assertive about their culture language while Ontario is more accommodating to the center in Pakistan, the western part (central Asian) more assertive about their culture ,language while the eastern part (Indic) is more accommodating to the center, likewise in India, South India is more assertive about their culture while north India is more accommodating to the center its normal , some people are more sensitive about their language, culture etc's then others

North India mainly Hindi speaking states never been accommodating to people of other languages. They just want everyone to learn Hindi to communicate with them. South is more accommodating and friendlier according to your logic. By any way Soouthern states are tolerating Hindi but will it ever been the case for north? NO
Why should they speak Hindi? They are proud of their language and that is the way it should be
He is simply asking clarification not proving a point.. Answer his question without being a insecure dick
Nobodys insecure here you dick head!...If he wants clarification he needs to learn how to use Google....and stop pimping for him..I am sure he is a grown *** chump who can fight his own battles.
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