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Why Bengali Muslims are exceptional

You are making tall claims in an era where statistics were not collected properly.

*Quantity* is one word. Value is another. What exact agricultural products did Bengal produce that the Europeans wanted ? Are you suggesting the British took the rice grown in Bengal to United Kingdom ?

You are using the Bengal presidency to include areas that are not a part of pre-British Bengal
Read it
I was at uni during the haydays of the HT.

The fu*kers were completely deluded.

I used to laugh at them.

They were nothing like Muslims in Sylhet. HT was mainly led by Pakistanis with the occasional Bengali stooge.

I always had a healthy scepticism of Pakistanis and Hindus - given their track record.

So anything they peddle always rings alarm bells.

None of them were studying serious subjects hence had a lot of time for shithousery.
A nation created out of fallout of other two countries; India and Pakistan where India occupied eastern province of Pakistan and handed it over to rebels to ensure its security on eastern front.

LOL, you have separatist groups bro.

Bangladesh is essentially an ethnic absolutist and Islamist society which is like any Islamic society. Essentially any Islamic country in world has either wiped out or is in process of wiping out non-Muslims from their country.

Independent? LOL Bangladesh can't make any policy unilaterally on it's own. It's India's semi protectorate like Bhutan.

You didn't plan anything to make a Bengali nation later yo.
You joined North and Northwest Indian Muslims in making Pakistan and they kicked you out.
Among the pedestals of Pathans, Kashmiris, Punjabis, Sindhis, Balochis, Bengalis and Bihairs, last two were treated worst.

No but Pakistani army precisely targeted non Muslims and anti Pakistan Muslims.

Had most Bangladeshi population been anti India, Sheikh Hasina wouldn't be in power. Raqibul Muslims which are radical Islamist and pro Pakistan in general are a political sect in Bangladesh who don't have political power.

Once Raqibuls remove Hasina and come to power, Bangladesh will also start touching heights of progress and advancements like Pak.

That doesn't explains the cases in Latin America, Africa and Europe.

No, Cenral Asians conquered it. Your Bengali forefathers were which were enslaved, killed, violated and converted brutally. Those who could survive live in west Bengal today.

Off course they needed their large chunk of west Pakistani land held by India along with 93,000 soldiers.

Hindutva doesn't care about Bangladesh. Stop bringing irrelevant things to fend off logic.

That's what a true tolerant Bangladeshi/Pakistani Muslim I was talking about.
You haven't failed me.

Somehow, Bangladeshi government doesn't see India as enemy.
These are only Bangladeshi online crowd who find it cool and elevating their status to be an enemy of India. Bangladesh doesn't even get attention except some stupid reasons.

1. Bangladeshi economy is largely a proto industry heading towards a middle income trap (or probably a low income trap during this crisis) since textiles don't earn dividends equivalent to heavy, aerospace, electronics, shipbuilding, IT, manufacturing, financial and tech consultancy. There is no way Bangladesh can match India or even survive an Indian economic blockade.
2. Well, I can fill up this thread with disturbing videos. Bangladeshi society is quite anti Hindu. People being dragged out of homes, getting killed, raped, places of worship is very common in Bangladesh, just like any other Islamic country.

1. A stabilised population isn't boon but a nightmare for BD since its economy is not diversified and textile income will saturate a GDP per capita below $8,000. And since larger portion is daily wage labour, it can't be bear any other results except a havoc when population ages. You must read what happened to Latin America.
2. No, BD will have to make cities from beginning for that. Nor it has reached that stage of economic progress. It is yet to transit to industries that earn it enough revenue to begin these kind of things. It's still a sub-modern economy.

No longer, India has bounced back after corona. And since BD's forecasts are going down, gap will increase.

BD didn't achieve higher GDP/capita earlier either because of any economic progress but artificially pushing currency up which has landed BD in this forex crisis. Course correction will bring Bangladesh's GDP capita below $2000 again. Over it, given that BD's economy isn't diversified, it won't sustain near India's GDP per capita even with currency manipulation.
India will have 70% higher GDP per capita than BD and 2.5 - 3 times of Pak in two decades unless blown by a mega earthquake.

That's too uneducated of you to not been through IVC, Afghanistan, South and west India, North and East India and Nepal about their inventions, literature and architecture. Bengal is mere a small portion of India's history.

BD is more like PNG, Kenya and Myanmar as far as level of economics, society, technology, living standards and practices are concerned.
Bumping this old thread & recalling BD's forex crisis I predicted. GDP per capita of BD has again has stagnated. Once Taka is corrected, BD's GDP per capita would be close to $1900 in 2023, Pakistan somewhere between $950 to $1100. Bhutan, Maldives and India will be only upper middle income countries in region in 10 years to come.

Further, the case of Dhaka statistics which revises every few months has ridiculously low per capita consumption of vehicles, power, fodder and transport, a fraction of India or even Pakistan, it will be fun to see when it holds.
Bumping this old thread & recalling BD's forex crisis I predicted. GDP per capita of BD has again has stagnated. Once Taka is corrected, BD's GDP per capita would be close to $1900 in 2023, Pakistan somewhere between $950 to $1100. Bhutan, Maldives and India will be only upper middle income countries in region in 10 years to come.

Further, the case of Dhaka statistics which revises every few months has ridiculously low per capita consumption of vehicles, power, fodder and transport, a fraction of India or even Pakistan, it will be fun to see when it holds.
Damn!! You're one consistent & determined hater

I can respect the hustle
The only ethnic group in South Asia brave enough to forge their own nation.

It means we don’t have to expand money and energy on separatist movements.

Our politics is not poisoned by ethnic and religious bigotry.

Even more exceptional is how we evolved into an independent nation.

We first escaped British India by joining Pakistan.

We then left Pakistan through an independence struggle where a mere 25k+ Bengali Muslims died.

This is why an overwhelming majority of Bengali Muslims aren’t bitter towards Pakistan. In fact very grateful that Pakistan was a bridge to our own Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Zindabad.
bengalis had no choice. Shk Mujib ur Rehman, whether we like it or not, was one of the founding fathers of Pakistan...this man fought for independence of Muslims of South Asia, and I mean LITERALLY fought against mourading hindu mobs trying to attack Muslim villages, he physically broke thru the hindu mobs surrounding villages trying to starve them and then would personally supply the villages with rice, grains and meat to eat. Mujib ur Rehman was a straight up fighter. you think this kind of a person was gonna take any crap from the establishment? our establishment that was and is full of jurnayl browns left him no choice but to part ways with the very country he fought tooth and nail to create. and I'm afraid the this time around, Imran Khan will have to do the same thing, only this time, the establishment doesn't have a west wing to call its own...all ethnicities across Pakistan despise the army establishment now. they have no where to go, kneeling is the only option left for them.
Further, the case of Dhaka statistics which revises every few months has ridiculously low per capita consumption of vehicles, power, fodder and transport, a fraction of India or even Pakistan, it will be fun to see when it holds.

I can totally tell you're not coping.
Oh don't forget domestic air travel per capita. Once you take that into consideration you realize BD with it's fake GDP/capita is poorer than India and Qatar is even poorer than BD. :lol:
I can totally tell you're not coping.
Oh don't forget domestic air travel per capita. Once you take that into consideration you realize BD with it's fake GDP/capita is poorer than India and Qatar is even poorer than BD. :lol:
Bangali Moosalman are exceptional because data comes out from their rear ends


Forget per capita 🤣
I can totally tell you're not coping.
Oh don't forget domestic air travel per capita. Once you take that into consideration you realize BD with it's fake GDP/capita is poorer than India and Qatar is even poorer than BD. :lol:
International Civil Aviation Organization

It appears for Slumdians the rear end is the same as the front end. :lol:
The only ethnic group in South Asia brave enough to forge their own nation.

It means we don’t have to expand money and energy on separatist movements.

Our politics is not poisoned by ethnic and religious bigotry.

Even more exceptional is how we evolved into an independent nation.

We first escaped British India by joining Pakistan.

We then left Pakistan through an independence struggle where a mere 25k+ Bengali Muslims died.

This is why an overwhelming majority of Bengali Muslims aren’t bitter towards Pakistan. In fact very grateful that Pakistan was a bridge to our own Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Zindabad.

Thank you Indian army
It appears for Slumdians the rear end is the same as the front end. :lol:

Because because there's "world" in World Health Organisation... For the madrassachap swamp-dwellers, it gives you info on health, et al of the world, not the countries that are part of it. 🤣

ICAO has international in it's name because it is an international coalition of 190+ countries.

The bar is not too high for latrine scrubbers, & it's not unexpected that apples don't fall far from the tree... Children born out of mass rape by retarded men will eventually result in subhuman retarded progeny, as is evident by your clutching at straws. :rolleyes:
Because because there's "world" in World Health Organisation... For the madrassachap swamp-dwellers, it gives you info on health, et al of the world, not the countries that are part of it. 🤣

Are you now claiming that chart you posted comparing BD and Qatar is for domestic air travel? I hope your mom stops reproducing. India has enough Hindus with faecal matter substituting for grey matter, don't need more. :)
Are you now claiming that chart you posted comparing BD and Qatar is for domestic air travel? I hope your mom stops reproducing. India has enough Hindus with faecal matter substituting for grey matter, don't need more. :)
The audacity of a chauthi fail sadakchap to talk of grey matter after associating the word "International" in ICAO with international flights...
I can totally tell you're not coping.
Oh don't forget domestic air travel per capita. Once you take that into consideration you realize BD with it's fake GDP/capita is poorer than India and Qatar is even poorer than BD. :lol:
Qatar not having enough air travel per capita is a unique case similar to Singapore lagging in cars per capita.

Meanwhile BD being below sub Sahara Africa in terms of commerical vehicles, personal vehicles, electricity consumption, economic complexity, annual WIPO patents, USPTO, train & bus traffic and every damn thing possible under the sun isn't a case of exception. BD's all indicators reflect it's anything but a $1500+ per capita income economy.

BD isn't even a proto industrial LDC it projects itself to be. It's still at levels of Nepal in terms of economic development as it was a while ago and sucks at recording its own actual population and economic indicators like Pakistan and Afghanistan.

BD is simply PNG of Indian subcontinent beyond PDF raqibool section. It's standards of living aren't better than Myanmar.
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