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Why Asia Wants America

Viet Nam has learned hard lesson from U.S once its back down from South Viet Nam government [VNCH]. That is also why, Viet Nam takes very precaution with U.S.
The US is a young country compared to China. The US have a short history with Viet Nam compared to China. Viet Nam's history with China is far bloodier than with the US regardless of how many war pictures the Chinese can post. Good for them there are no pictures of Chinese troops abusing Viets in North Vietnam, eh? I straddle both worlds, my friend. I have been back many times and have hosted Vietnamese in my house many times. Not one Viet want Viet Nam to be like China. Take a look at South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and several others. The US have a far better record of making allies if not friends out of former enemies than China have at peaceful coexistence with smaller and 'inferior' Asians living in their own countries.

You live in Viet Nam, I live in the US. Your choice on what you want your country (my birthplace) to be in your lifetime. Either a strong and independent Viet Nam, even with US help, that can give China pause, or live your lives in perpetual apprehension of what the Chinese will do from one year to the next. They have already claim most of the seas around Asia. Think they are going to leave your land alone?
The US is a young country compared to China. The US have a short history with Viet Nam compared to China. Viet Nam's history with China is far bloodier than with the US regardless of how many war pictures the Chinese can post. Good for them there are no pictures of Chinese troops abusing Viets in North Vietnam, eh? I straddle both worlds, my friend. I have been back many times and have hosted Vietnamese in my house many times. Not one Viet want Viet Nam to be like China. Take a look at South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and several others. The US have a far better record of making allies if not friends out of former enemies than China have at peaceful coexistence with smaller and 'inferior' Asians living in their own countries.

You live in Viet Nam, I live in the US. Your choice on what you want your country (my birthplace) to be in your lifetime. Either a strong and independent Viet Nam, even with US help, that can give China pause, or live your lives in perpetual apprehension of what the Chinese will do from one year to the next. They have already claim most of the seas around Asia. Think they are going to leave your land alone?

With the U.S help Viet Nam will getting better and stronger. More than that, we know for sure that the U.S did not GREEDY like China does. In my opinion, as long as I can kick out China of the play I will be alliance with that country. Badly, some very high rank in the government still in love with China and their names could on the China pay roll list. That
s is why their stop, captured the protesters just because they are show their country love. [I really hate who the heck was release ordered]
I assure you that we will help you become a strong nation and soon Vietnam can be a major power in the region.

Don't believe what you hear or read our intentions are good, it's not like Vietnam will hide terrorist like Pakistan did and cause the relationship to be strained.

it has it's own currency, own flag, own everything

But they call themself Republic Of China
You idiot,Deng was rising from his chair。
Vietnam has friendly equal relations with USA?:rofl:Who you think you are?For the Americans,
equal relation only exist between USA,Russia,China,France,and UK。
In East Asia,China and USA are the chess players, you are only a chess piece。
And Let me tell you what the fruits of the America-Vietnam friendship is:

Wrong, he was crouched down when shaking hands Jimmy Carter.
To see more clearly, see the photos in # 12. Even he dared not look at the eyes of partner and always bowing to U.S. President Jimmy Carter.

We have friendly relations and equality with the US, yes. We respect the position of a Superpower of USA. We respect the interests of American, in the relationship between the two countries, she also respects the interests of VN.
That is why she has so many allies and friends around the world.

We are the Vietnamese, who beat knock out French at Dien Bien Phu, kicked the American out of Sai Gon, humiliate the Chinese at the border.

I think only Jimmy Carter was a chess player. He used China piece to play chess with Soviet.

You shouldn't laugh at people with disabilities. They were stooping, kneeling is due to poison, not because they want to do so. But it is pitiful if they healthy but stooping.

I deleted the photo of a man in "Original Post By skyknight" after receiving feedback from Mr Ahfatzia.
Do you know the history that China was in a state of hostility with both America and Soviet Union?
Maybe the alliance of Russia and USA will be a bad thing to today's China, but the reality is Russia and China are deeply Cooperating with
each other。

In 1970s, you kneel to the Americans to aim against Russia - Soviet, now you want to stand Russia to aim against America. Don't try to show you are innocent guys and criticize others.
@ Battle of Bach Dang River

Why you keep posting these human suffering pictures? There are ways to debate other than resorting to such inhuman tactics.

I thought you were better than your other boys, I guess I'm wrong.
@ Battle of Bach Dang River

Why you keep posting these human suffering pictures? There are ways to debate other than resorting to such inhuman tactics.

I thought you were better than your other boys, I guess I'm wrong.

Bro, that image was posted by skyknight.
I already erased the images of children, just keep a photo of the man.

The physical disability is painful, but it's not disgusting as the disability of mind of other man healthy.
In such a case, my apology. Our statements are not only for our opponents here to consume, there are perhaps 20 times more people reading our words than the ones involve in this thread and they are the ones who'll have the impressions whether we're right or wrong.
In 1970s, you kneel to the Americans to aim against Russia - Soviet, now you want to stand Russia to aim against America. Don't try to show you are innocent guys and criticize others.

Is that what your were taught in school?
I won't waste my time to teach you the real history, I recommend you to read some book about the
China-USA approaching written by Dr. Kissinger and Nixon and Carter。
And learn some basics of international political principles。
You wanna make use of the USA as a cat's paw?:lol:
USA are not stupid,the same fate as Georgia is waiting for you:smokin:
Reposting a part from another post as it is relevant in this thread:

At this moment USA is the only available balancer for ASEAN+2 (Japan+South Korea) against any security threat coming from a "peacefully" rising China.

ASEAN+2 and China has a good record of using USA/West market to develop their economies.

ASEAN+ nations should not burn their bridges with China, but at the same time, they should not trust China either. What ASEAN+ needs to do is build its own strength using economic and military integration, while remaining under US security umbrella. When it can become a strong enough group, only then US involvement in this part of the world will become limited and move southwards to ANZ. China has no choice but to accept this reality that ASEAN+ integration is the only way USA will become irrelevant in this region, which is better for all Asians.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...mese-base-counter-china-16.html#ixzz1xAgWTcKo
As a Indian we prefer democratic US rather than Communist China. But we need to take precautions that we should not become next Pakistan in pursuit of that.
We are the Vietnamese, who beat knock out French at Dien Bien Phu, kicked the American out of Sai Gon, humiliate the Chinese at the border.
I think only Jimmy Carter was a chess player. He used China piece to play chess with Soviet.
You shouldn't laugh at people with disabilities. They were stooping, kneeling is due to poison, not because they want to do so. But it is pitiful if they healthy but stooping.
Without China's aid,your troops would have fighten with the French with stones。
As for the Dien Bien Phu battle,it was directed by Chinese military adviser- Chen Geng,before Chinese military advisers took over your army,you were in a shameful rout。 Your government made Vo nguyen giap a god but to Chinese he is only a not so clever little pupil of
Chen Geng。
Without China and Soviet's aid, again your troops would have fighten with the Americans with stones。
It was Chairman Mao who warned the USA not to cross the 17 degree North, Otherwise your government and your army headquarters
would have been bombed to death by the American bombers。
China-Vietnam war, you won?you humiliated us? :rofl: Then who entered your territory and occupied your cities and made you northern area facked up? Who used your army men as boxing sandbags to train PLA for battle experience?Who sent the high-class government officials to Chengdu and begged for mercy.:rofl:
China a chess piece? Only the most stupid and ignorant idiot would say that。
Depends on what Asians.

Countries like Vietnam, they were first Chinese slaves for many centuries, then they became slaves of France, then part of them became slaves of USA. When Soviet and China helped them emancipate, their slavery mentality make them now feel something is missing: that is, being enslaved. So they now look for new master to enslave themselves.

This category also includes slave countries like S Korea, lesser in degree, Japan and the Philippines.

Second category has China and other countries. They want USA for trade. In fact, they want whoever that can trade with them. So they not only need USA, but also EU, Africa, India, etc.

Yes, we were forced to become a "vassal" of China for many centuries, because VN was a country small and weak but we are not lucky when our country is a neighbor of a giant, who is big but badboy and bullying.

Although we fought against the bully, and not less times we had victories. But it's difficult to deal with the wicked guys, who never give up expansionist ideology to Vietnam.
A small country like VN has always faced "human waves" of Chinese, year to year, it's hard to resist.

Ironically, when the French invaded Vietnam, Chinese ran away quickly, left Vietnam alone fighting against the French.

But after the Vietnamese defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu, China communist government had been hiding to shake hands with the French, just before the Geneva Conference 1954, and France-China had agreement to divide VN into 2 parts, this was the cause of Vietnam War 1954-1975 bloody later.

After we liberated the country in 1975, China sent a lot of weapons to the Khmer Rouge, China instigated, provoked the Khmer Rouge to attack VN along the border VN-Cambodia. The reason China did so because they wanted VN to stand with them against Soviet Union, but VN was not wanted.

Taking advantage while South Vietnam was flooded in war with North VN, and the US withdrew from Vietnam in 1973, China used force to rob Paracel Islands from South Vietnam in 1974.

In 1979, China launched a bloody border war against Vietnam, China killed so many innocent civilians, who thought previously the Chinese are "brothers" of them. The reason China did so because they wanted to save their Khmer Rouge ally, a barbaric genocide regime.

In 1988, China used warships that equipped with heavy weapons to attack the small transport ships of VN navy, killing the building-soldiers, who didn't have any weapons, then China has robbed some coral reefs of the Spratly Islands from Vietnam.

So, all suffering, slavery, wars, destruction, death ... in Vietnam, thousands of years always caused by the Chinese, directly or indirectly.

And so, Chinese members here and China's lapdogs, please tell me why do we always should see the Chinese are good friends?
Then go invade countries like Vietnam and the Philippines Japan South Korea etc if you so big and powerful

Will give you @$$holes a good @SSkicking just like in the Korean War 4 major battles you guys had your @$$es given to you by a small number of Philippine soldiers and the Vietnamese can make you their b**** in the battlefield tough words for a B**** of nation who was help so much by other countries and defeat by also by so many countries arrogance and ignorance in rolled in one country. You know many would say your country should have learn by now but you people will never learn because you and your country was born arrogant and you people also die in arrogance that's just stupid a waste of life and talent too bad but screw you for being like that which you people deserve anyway.
Why do the viets and pinoys so much like inventing history。:rofl:
Ps. Behaving like a hysterical nut talking BS won't make you a strong person and your country a strong nation。:P
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