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Why Asia Wants America

I understand why you show the anger with General Vo Nguyen Giap. It is true that the General chased "advisor" Chinese go out when the "advisor" had recommend tactical "human waves" for VN army.
Fortunately for the people of Vietnam have the General Vo Nguyen Giap, because if in 1954 VN used "human waves" to attack France in Điện Biên Phủ, probably they were crushed by the French.

What a fool! You forget that Americans attacked Hanoi in 1972? HN is not above the 17th degree North? :lol:

Frankly, we did not know Who is Chen geng guy.

Isn't it PLA was beaten by the Vietnamese women militia and local troops without VN regular army?

Chen Geng is the Chinese general who gave orders,and Ho chi minh ,Vo Nguyen Giap did as they were

Sorry, but he returned to China due to disagreements over tactics with Gen. Võ Nguyên Giáp before Dien Bien Phu campaign began.

Chased? How ungrateful you viets always are。
Cheng left vietnam before the battle due to the order from Chinese government,but he had already planned everything in strategic level,and appointed Wei Guoqing to take over his position。
During the battle ,he gave many strategic advices to Wei Guoqing,and then Wei Guoqing made the detail plans。 Vo Nguyen Giap only
followed their plans and give the official orders to Vietnam army。
If you have any chance ,you can ask Vo Nguyen Giap directly where the cannons and machine guns which vietnam army used are from,and where did he acquire the tactics of using artillery。And why was he so opposed to the invading of Cambodia。
Why do the viets and pinoys so much like inventing history。:rofl:
Ps. Behaving like a hysterical nut talking BS won't make you a strong person and your country a strong nation。:P

Hahahahah we inventing history hahahahhahaha man your a terrible lair its a fact and i did say my country is strong i said your country is not invisible your country is barging it can destroy other countries well it cant! because we kick your behinds and other people kick your behind before you can't fight in anyway war that's what i said dumb@$$! your too stupid to read are? And FYI its your people who are making invited history here what would we gain for making fools huh? If you people have not invented history your own history then we should not have all of this trouble would we? Dumb@$$! Again I DONT GIVE A f***IF YOU DONT BELIEVE IT ITS YOUR PROBLEM NOT OUR PROBLEM YOUR TOO ARROGANT TO SEE THE TRUTH THAT YOU INVIDED OTHER COUNTRIES CLAIM ITS TERRITORY AS YOUR OWN AND YOU PEOPLE HAVE A HABIT NO A CULTURE OF ARROGANCE DATING BACK GOD KNOWS WHEN AND MOST OF THE WARS YOU FOUGHT YOU PEOPLE GOT YOU @$$e$ KICK.

The point of this is learn something from history are going to be like your assestors be a jerk and fight people take over and do crap or be a better person and in effect build a better China or do we have to Kick your behind again i mean not just the Philippines i mean everybody! I mean do you think the world would allow you to do what you want? Am afraid not if you believe you can get away of attack the Philippines true you can destroy the Philippine Navy and Airforce but never the True. And am sure the world will kick your behind no one ever wins in fight with many foes sir no one can say to me you can fight the whole world and win?
Chased? How ungrateful you viets always are。
Cheng left vietnam before the battle due to the order from Chinese government,but he had already planned everything in strategic level,and appointed Wei Guoqing to take over his position。
During the battle ,he gave many strategic advices to Wei Guoqing,and then Wei Guoqing made the detail plans。 Vo Nguyen Giap only
followed their plans and give the official orders to Vietnam army。
If you have any chance ,you can ask Vo Nguyen Giap directly where the cannons and machine guns which vietnam army used are from,and where did he acquire the tactics of using artillery。And why was he so opposed to the invading of Cambodia。

You are lying.
Human wave is good for china because Chine has ocean of people. :blah:
Vo NguyenGiap did his own tactic to win.
Chased? How ungrateful you viets always are。
Cheng left vietnam before the battle due to the order from Chinese government,but he had already planned everything in strategic level,and appointed Wei Guoqing to take over his position。
During the battle ,he gave many strategic advices to Wei Guoqing,and then Wei Guoqing made the detail plans。 Vo Nguyen Giap only
followed their plans and give the official orders to Vietnam army。
If you have any chance ,you can ask Vo Nguyen Giap directly where the cannons and machine guns which vietnam army used are from,and where did he acquire the tactics of using artillery。And why was he so opposed to the invading of Cambodia。

In fact, the tactic of "human waves" of Chen or Wei was not applied in Dien Bien Phu campaign.
Gen. Giap did not want to apply the poor tactics of the Chinese. You imagine powerful firepower of the French, who had been getting weapons from the US. Maybe you don't believe this thing because you were propaganda by CCP too much, but easy to understand the PLA's poor tactics when it invaded Vietnam in 1979.

Please read this from Wikipedia:
While growing stronger in Vietnam, the Việt Minh also expanded the war and lured the French to spread their force to remote areas such as Laos. In December 1953, French military commander General Henri Navarre set up a defensive complex at Ðiện Biên Phủ, disrupting Việt Minh supply lines passing through Laos. He surmised that in an attempt to reestablish the route, Giáp would be forced to organize a mass attack on Ðiện Biên Phủ, thus fighting a conventional battle, in which Navarre could expect to have the advantage.
Giáp took up the French challenge. While the French dug in at their outpost, the Việt Minh were also preparing the battlefield. While diversionary attacks were launched in other areas,[5] Giáp ordered his men to covertly position their artillery by hand. Defying standard military practice, he had his twenty-four 105mm howitzers placed on the forward slopes of the hills around Ðiện Biên Phủ, in deep, mostly hand-dug emplacements protecting them from French aircraft and counter-battery fire.
With antiaircraft guns supplied by the Soviet Union, Giáp was able to severely restrict the ability of the French to supply their garrison, forcing them to inaccurately drop supplies from high altitude. Giáp ordered his men to dig a trench system that encircled the French. From the outer trench, other trenches and tunnels were gradually dug inward towards the center. The Việt Minh were now able to move in close to the French troops defending Ðiện Biên Phủ.
When Navarre realized that he was trapped, he appealed for help. The United States was approached and some advisers suggested the use of tactical nuclear weapons against the Việt Minh, but this was never seriously considered. Another suggestion was that conventional air raids would be enough to scatter Giáp’s troops. U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, however, refused to intervene unless the British and other Western allies agreed. Churchill declined, claiming that he wanted to wait for the outcome of the peace negotiations taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, before becoming involved in escalating the war.
On 13 March 1954, Giáp launched his offensive. For 54 days, the Việt Minh seized position after position, pushing the French until they occupied only a small area of Ðiện Biên Phủ. Colonel Piroth, the artillery commander, blamed himself for the destruction of French artillery superiority. He told his fellow officers that he had been "completely dishonoured" and committed suicide with a hand grenade. General De Castries, French Commander in Ðiện Biên Phủ, was captured alive in his bunker. The French surrendered on May 7. Their casualties totaled over 2,200 men dead, 5,600 wounded and 11,721 taken prisoner. The following day the French government announced that it intended to withdraw from Vietnam.
Giap's victory over the French crushed the legend of Western invincibility and thus opened a new era in the struggles for national independence against colonialism. With this victory, the name of Vo Nguyen Giap has become identified throughout Africa and Latin America with the defeat of colonialism.

US also loves Chinese products. Chinese products help greatly in reducing US inflation rate, and A Year Without "Made in China" is a year living in hell. Simple as that but a riddle to your vast uneducated.

Trade benefits both sides. If you ever heard “Game Theory” (first time to hear, eh? :lol: ) , trade is categorized as a typical positive-sum game.

Yes, no any capitalist regime which is not excited with a nearly 1.4 billion people market. But goods "made in China" does not mean that they are the Chinese goods.
And why aren't Americans excited when they receive 55 cents on each dollar of goods "made in China".
And one more thing, Americans have moved their factories to China.

It seems your pride similar to say: "maids are the most important in every family because without them, people will have nothing to eat".
what does "crouch" mean?

That is the greatness of Deng even at his stature he did not need to "look up" to Carter! You fail to see the delicacy of this diplomatic etiquette

"crouch" similar "to bow".

Compare the different with:

This is diplomatic etiquette equality.
"crouch" similar "to bow".
Compare the different with:

This is diplomatic etiquette equality.

thats b/s!
if you want to stoop yourself by crouching it is up to you. go on finding more photos coz you appear as idle as your naturalized us comrade on the thread!

You are lying.
Human wave is good for china because Chine has ocean of people. :blah:
Vo NguyenGiap did his own tactic to win.

then you have to apply this to your accidental ally india
Yes, we were forced to become a "vassal" of China for many centuries, because VN was a country small and weak but we are not lucky when our country is a neighbor of a giant, who is big but badboy and bullying.

Although we fought against the bully, and not less times we had victories. But it's difficult to deal with the wicked guys, who never give up expansionist ideology to Vietnam.
A small country like VN has always faced "human waves" of Chinese, year to year, it's hard to resist.

Ironically, when the French invaded Vietnam, Chinese ran away quickly, left Vietnam alone fighting against the French.

But after the Vietnamese defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu, China communist government had been hiding to shake hands with the French, just before the Geneva Conference 1954, and France-China had agreement to divide VN into 2 parts, this was the cause of Vietnam War 1954-1975 bloody later.

After we liberated the country in 1975, China sent a lot of weapons to the Khmer Rouge, China instigated, provoked the Khmer Rouge to attack VN along the border VN-Cambodia. The reason China did so because they wanted VN to stand with them against Soviet Union, but VN was not wanted.

Taking advantage while South Vietnam was flooded in war with North VN, and the US withdrew from Vietnam in 1973, China used force to rob Paracel Islands from South Vietnam in 1974.

In 1979, China launched a bloody border war against Vietnam, China killed so many innocent civilians, who thought previously the Chinese are "brothers" of them. The reason China did so because they wanted to save their Khmer Rouge ally, a barbaric genocide regime.

In 1988, China used warships that equipped with heavy weapons to attack the small transport ships of VN navy, killing the building-soldiers, who didn't have any weapons, then China has robbed some coral reefs of the Spratly Islands from Vietnam.

So, all suffering, slavery, wars, destruction, death ... in Vietnam, thousands of years always caused by the Chinese, directly or indirectly.

And so, Chinese members here and China's lapdogs, please tell me why do we always should see the Chinese are good friends?

I know you don't have your history without learning Chinese. But still fact exist: A Chinese called Zhao Tou who united some Yue tribes and established a country of current Vietnam.

As I posted in other thread, China is a peace-keeping force of ASEAN.

Repost below ------------------------

Thank you for your interesting questions!

Here is how:

In my earlier posts, I have suggest people study the concept and history of “Indochina federation”, which is an important idea for modern Vietnam.

Recent couple of decades, it shows that Vietnam, being suppressed in history and modern times by many foreign powers, much like Korea, has a people of burning desire to conquer the world ( :lol: laughable? But it is true! ) constantly agitated by its irrational jingoism. Hundred times worse than India. :tdown:

In contrast to India which has vast land and massive population, and therefore has certain legitimacy to claim or attempt to claim a next superpower, VN is a humanity sh!thole with disadvantageous geography and puny amount of population, added to its perpetual poverty, disastrous education system, and crippled and distorted history due to abolishment of Chinese language (that carries its history).

From this PDF forum alone, you can see so many history illiterate Vietnamese spewing out ridiculous “evidence” that SCS islands are all Viet’s. Those “evidences” were all written in Chinese and seldom those Viets actually know Chinese and therefore understand what were on the “evidence”. LOL! In fact, those isolated maps or scrolls presented by PDF Viet illiterates may well be an indication that those islands were actually documented by ancient Chinese and indeed belong to China, even though tiny portion of the ancient Chinese became modern Vietnamese later.

Many Vietnamese know that shortcomings. Thus their first attempt is to revive so called Indochina federation by annexing its neighboring countries such as mild Cambodia and same mild but more backward Lao to gain land mass. Some Vietnamese want to also have a piece of Chinese land. Those crazy Viet in PDF and elsewhere claim that Chinese Guangxi autonomous region belongs to Vietnam! :lol: I remember one stupid Viet went so far as to say Chinese land up to Yangtze River are all Vietnam’s. :rofl: Frankly, that Viet dunce’s brain must be squeezed by a gigantic donkey’s @ss at least once, perhaps twice, otherwise it is hard to explain the severity of his mental condition.

Seriously, this is pretty dangerous, not only to the peace of ASAN, but also to the peace of the world in general.

Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia was the first step toward Viet’s realization of “Indochina federation” under the pretext to overthrow Pol Pot. If you have studied Indochina modern history, documents show that Pol Pot and VietCom were initially in the same pants. Only when VeitCom suggested to Pol Pot “Indochina federation” concept, it caused extreme nationalistic Pol Pot to rebuke, ending up in a split of the two parties.

Chinese spanking of Vietnam in 1979 was exactly in such a background: China worried that if Vietnam indeed annexed Cambodia and Lao under Soviet evil support, the whole SE Asia would be in disaster, because Vietnam would not just stop there, it would further encroach/occupy Thailand , threatening Malaysia and Singapore. Don’t you see the “pride” some Viets in this forum show when they present the picture that Viet cannoned Thailand’s building? And so many Vietnamese here are blatantly raving about controlling Malacca Strait in this very PDF forum and many where else? :tdown:

If Vietnam is allowed to follow its satanic ambition, it is well possible that it would invade Burma and thread Bangladesh/India. Vietnam’s diabolical appetite would never be met. Just look at now: such a tiny country, stricken with poverty and inflation, yet filled with warmongers and criminals and claims a large part of China, both mainland and SCS islands.

Thus, it is a benevolent China that effectively suppresses Vietnam’s fiendish ambition and keeps the peace of ASEAN, and the peace of Asia in general.
Is there anything wrong in my opinion?
Isn't China's economy only really grow after Deng had begged Uncle Sam?
You should be grateful to Uncle Sam for China's economy today.



This is how Nixon begged China first: please buy a can of Coka from me.


Now Obama begged Hu? Please lend me more money.


Nothing is wrong. VN also begged China for more investment http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/181976-vietnam-pushes-more-chinese-investment.html


China loves to gives for Viet Nam more money and loves to "investment" in Viet Nam but due to the "money back guaranteeing" that China will BEG Viet Nam to pay its back. That is a FACT!

China steals Viet Nam once thing, Viet Nam take it back for the other ways. That is a FACT! We are already prove it and China loves the way Viet Nam doing it. That is a FACT
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