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Why Asia Wants America

@Battle of Bach Dang River, my vietnami brother asia doesn't want US of A in asia, its only your hatred and issues with china
that is forcing you to say it. Solve your issues with china with regional help rather than yanki help. Your Asean is strong enough to
reach a peaceful settlement with the chinese, and china is a lot better than some other wanna be regional bullies , (at least
according to bangladeshi perspective). Do you guys support a US base in vietnam, the same country that bombed your country
to stone age.
@Battle of Bach Dang River, my vietnami brother asia doesn't want US of A in asia, its only your hatred and issues with china
that is forcing you to say it. Solve your issues with china with regional help rather than yanki help. Your Asean is strong enough to
reach a peaceful settlement with the chinese, and china is a lot better than some other wanna be regional bullies , (at least
according to bangladeshi perspective). Do you guys support a US base in vietnam, the same country that bombed your country
to stone age.

Bro, we don't allow US bases in Vietnam.
We also just a small country in Asia. But Asia is in the strategy "pivot" of Americans, and certainly many countries in this region will be affected.

Let's look at the strategy "pivot" of America and commenting. Remember, it can also affect your country.

P/S: Americans in the most prosperous years also told us that they will turn Hanoi back to stone age. But the results we shot down so many US fighters and captured many pilots, including Mr John McCain.
Bro, we don't allow US bases in Vietnam.
We also just a small country in Asia. But Asia is in the strategy "pivot" of Americans, and certainly many countries in this region will be affected.

Let's look at the strategy "pivot" of America and commenting. Remember, it can also affect your country.

P/S: Americans in the most prosperous years also told us that they will turn Hanoi back to stone age. But the results we shot down so many US fighters and captured many pilots, including Mr John McCain.

I hope vietnam prospers though. But that panetta guy asked for a base in your country the other
day. The yankis are just trying to take opportunity of vietnam's issues with china and they
are definitely planning for a long stay in the pacific. They do consider latin america and the pacific as their back yard. With diminishing global influence US will turn toward S.china sea with an
aim of controlling the china's energy supply lines. Any way I am sure Asean is strong enough to
realize the pros and cons of US meddling in S.china sea. At the end of the day i believe a mutual
and non-concfrontational relation will be built between vietnam and china.

BTW good to know that you guys captured that McCain. Did you guys teach him some lesson.:devil:
Asia dont' wants..........but these are mostl corrupt peoples leading these Asian Developing countries....which wants America to fill their pockets.....coz Americans gave good price to traitors...:lol:
I hope vietnam prospers though. But that panetta guy asked for a base in your country the other
day. The yankis are just trying to take opportunity of vietnam's issues with china and they
are definitely planning for a long stay in the pacific. They do consider latin america and the pacific as their back yard. With diminishing global influence US will turn toward S.china sea with an
aim of controlling the china's energy supply lines. Any way I am sure Asean is strong enough to
realize the pros and cons of US meddling in S.china sea. At the end of the day i believe a mutual
and non-concfrontational relation will be built between vietnam and china.

Not sure about Latin America. Actually, Brazil has a huge and a powerful economy. We should get into touch with them more often even though they are another world away.

BTW good to know that you guys captured that McCain. Did you guys teach him some lesson.:devil:

Yeah, he was tortured. It still haunts him to this day :lol:

By the way, one of his adopted children is a Bangladeshi in case you didn't know :P
Bridget McCain's Bangladesh orphanage revealed - Telegraph
Because Russia was a threat to us and the only one who could help us was the US.
Now USSR is gone, so US should leave as well.
As you said at that time Soviet Union was threat to you and you wanted America to counter that.....like that at present its Communist China who is a threat for few countries like Taiwan,Veitnam,Philipines,Japan etc and they want America to counter that....

To be frank i don't have any problem with America till they fishing in South China Sea....
they bombed, raped and poisned million of your viets in vietnam war and today you still flatter them as your grand daddy!

while china feed your million soldiers and civilians in the hard time and now you still show up your thick face to bash on them.

who da fak is the real ungrateful boy here!

you viets also laughing on us indian on how poor and inferior we are to your "east asian" vietnamese while you share your hands to beg us for help in countless times!

what da fak is dat behavior!
Dude i didn't know that you are so ashamed of your nationality that you are not even using your orignal flag..

Jimmy Carter and Deng Xiaoping in 1/31/1979.
You idiot,Deng was rising from his chair。
Vietnam has friendly equal relations with USA?:rofl:Who you think you are?For the Americans,
equal relation only exist between USA,Russia,China,France,and UK。
In East Asia,China and USA are the chess players, you are only a chess piece。
And Let me tell you what the fruits of the America-Vietnam friendship is:

Bro, we don't allow US bases in Vietnam.
We also just a small country in Asia. But Asia is in the strategy "pivot" of Americans, and certainly many countries in this region will be affected.

Let's look at the strategy "pivot" of America and commenting. Remember, it can also affect your country.

P/S: Americans in the most prosperous years also told us that they will turn Hanoi back to stone age. But the results we shot down so many US fighters and captured many pilots, including Mr John McCain.
We trained your troops and even send our soldiers to defend you airspace, 1707 aircrafts were shot down and 42 pilots were captured by
Chinese Army。

Well our part of Asia has had America and does not want America.

Maybe the other part of Asia thinks the grass is greener with Americans let them find out lol
You idiot,Deng was rising from his chair。
Vietnam has friendly equal relations with USA?:rofl:Who you think you are?For the Americans,
equal relation only exist between USA,Russia,China,France,and UK。
In East Asia,China and USA are the chess players, you are only a chess piece。
And Let me tell you what the fruits of the America-Vietnam friendship is:
Hey buddy, posting those images, terrible as they are the results of warfare, will do your arguments no good. The US A-bombed Japan twice and look at the US-Japan relationship today. Over half of the Viets are borned after 1975. They have no emotional ties to the war. They want a US-Vietnam relationship. A US-Vietnam alliance will be China's nightmare for a long time. It is so coming that it might as well be inevitable.
Hey buddy, posting those images, terrible as they are the results of warfare, will do your arguments no good. The US A-bombed Japan twice and look at the US-Japan relationship today. Over half of the Viets are borned after 1975. They have no emotional ties to the war. They want a US-Vietnam relationship. A US-Vietnam alliance will be China's nightmare for a long time. It is so coming that it might as well be inevitable.
Do you know the history that China was in a state of hostility with both America and Soviet Union?
Maybe the alliance of Russia and USA will be a bad thing to today's China, but the reality is Russia and China are deeply Cooperating with
each other。
Do you know the history that China was in a state of hostility with both America and Soviet Union?
Maybe the alliance of Russia and USA will be a bad thing to today's China, but the reality is Russia and China are deeply Cooperating with
each other。

russia is more dangerous than US ,only idiots think they are our friend.
A mix of World War II & Korean War legacy with the current perceived dominance of China. Remember that US-SK are still at war with NK, there is only truce no treaty.

China is up and coming Power but the down-side it is Geographically contained, with 17 neighbors and most of its wealth concentrated on East Coast (now it is moving into the hinterlands), countries like Phillipines, Vietnam genuinely want to have the economic dividend but do not want to be swept away into becoming vassal states, and of course the issue of Taiwan(straits).

One should remember that last time when america was militarily attacked (Pearl Harbor) the attack originated in Asia.

So for a country that is the unquestioned Super Power (for now), Asia is important because it keeps the competition in Check.
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