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Why are religious discussions banned on PDF?


Sep 12, 2015
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United States
Why are religious discussions banned on PDF?

Curious to know the reasoning behind this policy
Because clueless kids go nuts.

But that could happen with any discussion or topic. Do you think the Kashmir threads between India and Pakistan are any less?

When Moderators could moderate other topics why not this?

I was thinking may be there is a law in Pakistan that prohibited religious discussion and since PDF is hosted/registered in Pakistan, it could not host such debates.
Most people on PDF have minimum knowledge but maximum Ego, so it's bit risky to discuss sensitive issues with them including religious one.
Presence of good number of foreign members who do not take religion seriously is also a reason. As members end up in pointing fingers towards each other faith with out developing a good understanding of it .......
But that could happen with any discussion or topic. Do you think the Kashmir threads between India and Pakistan are any less?

When Moderators could moderate other topics why not this?

I was thinking may be there is a law in Pakistan that prohibited religious discussion and since PDF is hosted/registered in Pakistan, it could not host such debates.
To have a civil discussion without resorting to stupidity, is beyond the scope of this forum.
Most people on PDF have minimum knowledge but maximum Ego, so it's bit risky to discuss sensitive issues with them including religious one.
Presence of good number of foreign members who do not take religion seriously is also a reason. As members end up in pointing fingers towards each other faith with out developing a good understanding of it .......

But doesn't discussion bridge the gap and appreciate one another POV better?

To have a civil discussion without resorting to stupidity, is beyond the scope of this forum.

Why not create a restricted forum? May be this would encourage people to participate and contribute better.
One must qualify for criteria of positive discussion before taking part in any discussion. Otherwise it will end up in opposite way.
On PDF members as old as 60 and as young as 16 are present...... from different religions, different countries, different races, different communities, different group of thoughts and different age groups......
Although I have seen some good discussions about religion, but in senior cafe section only .......

But doesn't discussion bridge the gap and appreciate one another POV better?

Why not create a restricted forum? May be this would encourage people to participate and contribute better.
Well in simple words on religious topics people gets offended really really quickly from there it becomes a magnet for trolls.
Bcz some nut jobs dont waste time abusing others bcz of their religion. Specially indians who openly declare all muslims as terorists.
Because one religion is built on saying other religions and sects are false and keep insulting them but cannot accept if anything is said against theirs. So it becomes silly after a while
Because no one wants to understand others point of view and everyone enters the discussion with closed mind to show his bigger than others........i.e. religion.
Also, during these discussions, many people gets banned, mostly from other religions ( this is merely my observation) as most of the moderators are of One religion and they have less understanding of other religion hence their judgmental call sometimes become myopic (may be unintentional) and could not see the things from both sides. I am not blaming mods here, but it is difficult to moderate these kind of discussions until you have member of both the parties as moderators.

But, I am of the view, as defence forum, the discussions should be restricted to matters related to defence, security, etc etc....
It's possible if we have 24 hours monitoring by mods who just banned anyone on right time with the rules regulations given by Admin, in senior section:tup: otherwise religious blind deaf trolls vomiting around on thread.
Religion is so much important part of politics especially in Indian subcontinent that it should have been allowed on this forum.
PDF is a defence related discussion forum, so it should remain as it is.
There are many other religious forums available for members who wish to discuss religion.
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