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why are people afraid to visit pakistan ?

I would say this year we might have more tourists due to very low terrorism and celebs like brandon from Humans of new york getting the good perception out there. The perception problem seems to be in west . Here In malaysia I was surprised to see alot of the local people have visited PK and they like our food and beauty . Though with westerners here The big problem is them asking me how is Pakistan now because there seems to be a civil war going on because its in Middle east .That's when I have to explain it to them PK is in south asia and there is no civil war going on . Also people tend to confuse our rivalry with India as war going on in PK .

2016 has been a revival year for PK in everything and that includes Tourism . That's why we might see more tourists this year and the year onwards . PK in 2016 is where we were in 2005-06 . very low terrorism but back then there was no significant damage to our reputation . The big reputation damage came from 2008-2013 when terrorism went rampant.
Some recent encouraging videos :





More foreign trips have been taken due to better security . But we have to keep in mind PK's tourism is niche and mostly attracts mountaineers , Hikers , adventurers .

i would also say we should provide visa on arrival like most countries do and make it easier to travel here.

I know non-Pakistanis who have gone for tourism and found it friendly and safe. The percieved danger is definitely a problem, but flights to Pakistan are also very expensive compared to India or Bangladesh for example.

We do get more tourists than Bangladesh but not India .
You dont have Jewish written on your face do you?
So it's O.K. to visit Pakistan, but you may have to hide who and what you are.

We even had the last jew of Pakistan give interviews on tv and stroll on streets of Karachi actively discussing Palestine/Israel issue
Aside from the creepiness of citing the "last jew" and thinking your country hospitable and tolerant, this fellow's public discussions ceased when he was beaten unconscious by the surrounding crowd.
So it's O.K. to visit Pakistan, but you may have to hide who and what you are.

Aside from the creepiness of citing the "last jew" and thinking your country hospitable and tolerant, this fellow's public discussions ceased when he was beaten unconscious by the surrounding crowd.
Not really many Chinese students who live in Islamabad openly claim to be non believers i dont see why it wouod be an issue except the Uighyurs nearly all 4000 Chinese in Rawalpindi and Islamabad have no religion
In most cases people wont even bother

Well that was really stupid of him to go see the anti minority guy that too in Karachi he still hasnt understood how things work and how you are suppose to say certain things in a certain manner i have my opinion about the red mosque but i keep it to myself when i am near it

Its best to keep your political and religeous opinions to yourself paeticularly in Karachi

In Pakistan there is a way to discuss controversial things infront of intolerant people being blunt is not one of them
pakistan is such a hospitable and beautiful country when people decide to come they are often discouraged from visiting but are pleasantly surprised and end up loving pakistan an find it nothing like what is shown in the west but why is this and when did it start pakistan was well respected in 60s and 70s and had a reputation probably similar to south korea enjoys now even after zia and "islamization" before the wot it still had a relatively "normal" reputation but when did it all change can it ever go back to that ? I think it as a gradual process there were sadly so many incidents or black marks that got a lot of attention in western media that shaped peoples opinion about visiting

-infamous newsweek headline about pakistan being most dangerous country on earth

-lal masjid incident

-bhutto assassination and resulting violence

-salman taseer assassination

-malala incident

-taliban occupation of swat

-meena bazaar bombing

-lahore easter attack & peshawar school attack

-baitullah mehsud and his ttp running riot with suicide bombings

-daniel pearl murder

-attack in sri-lankan cricket team

-marriott hotel bombing

then there is also things pakistan does to embarrass itself like mob violence, the ridiculous blasphemy laws (which few other muslims countries have) and horrible attitude toward ahmadis . Luckily it seems to have massively stabilised in the last 2 years or so but what was the turning point for pakistan when did pakistan start to nosedive and what can be done to further improve it's image in the international community- indians and israelis esp have a strong foreign lobby and good pr campaigns in the U.S do you think pakistan also needs one ?
Taher Shah
A few pakistani poster here have expressed concern about their own safety when they visited pakistan. Its not terrorism but general violence(like carjacking, robbery, gang violence) that is scary.

Only today was I discussing with my friends that Pakistani cities are a lot safer. In west, even in the smallest of cities you have ghettos and hoods where you'd never be advised to go at any time of the day purely for the fear of your life. Nothing of the sort exists in Pakistani cities (barring Karachi I guess). In Lahore you can go out at 3am in the morning just to eat and/or hangout with your friends without a fear in the world. You can go to any part of the city without ever thinking twice.

Robberies and car-jackings are present there however I'm never actively worried about them in Lahore but I am when I'm in Toronto or Regina or Hamilton or Montreal or Vancouver. I've never witnessed gang violence in Lahore. Not saying that gangs do not exist (although I don't know of any myself) but that they are impotent. Here on the other hand, try taking a walk down-town wearing a purple, red or green (gang colours) shirt after 10pm, if you don't get shot, stabbed or beaten to a pulp, I'd consider you a very lucky man. A couple of other streets are famous for people being shot after loonies and toonies. All of this is just Canada.....US, Britain and France are far worse. The only non-Pakistani cities where I felt as safe as in Lahore were Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

And I know for a fact that Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Kasur, Abbotabad, Sarghoda and Multan, with regards to all of the above, are just as Lahore. I don't know which city werethose posters from.

Muslim tourism is also a thing these days.

We can for example offer good family packages to Muslim families from the Arab world or even South East Asia visiting our Northern Areas.

From Swat to Gilgit, but facilities have to improve a lot.

Not if luxury hotels then maybe something like these

That's the Serena in Hunza mate. It's a 5-star hotel, doesn't get much luxurious than that.

[QUOTE="khanz, post: 8320606, member: 7135"

yeah I know so many people in karachi who sadly have been robbed at gunpoint and some who have narrowly missed kidnapping and gunfire where as this sort of thing would be shocking or rare in most civilized countries.Gun culture is too much in pakistan.[/QUOTE]

You'd be shocked at how un-surprising and common it is in those 'civilized' countries.
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true i know many families who dont want to travel to Pakistan due to this bad situation.

also so many families they keep there children here but they visit Pakistan alone regularly .
you have to convince the millions in the west who head to India, Nepal, China, Bhutan,Thailand etc every year but give Pakistan a skip because taliban, qaeda etc

well pakistan often benefits from indian and china as many adventure seeking tourists going there transit by land and visit pakistan along the way too or decide to see pakistan while they're in the region and actually pakistan still gets far more tourists than both bhutan and bangladesh even with it's bad reputation.
true i know many families who dont want to travel to Pakistan due to this bad situation.

also so many families they keep there children here but they visit Pakistan alone regularly .

you need to take precautions like any foreign country but pakistan is very much stabilized and secured now for the mot part and it's perfectly fine for children to go .
So it's O.K. to visit Pakistan, but you may have to hide who and what you are.

Aside from the creepiness of citing the "last jew" and thinking your country hospitable and tolerant, this fellow's public discussions ceased when he was beaten unconscious by the surrounding crowd.

nonsense you don't need to hide who you are this tragic and isolated incident done by few uneducated people that vast majority of us are ashamed of -salman rushdie's own mother lived in pakistan and even he admitted in interviews she was never bothered in pakistan on the contrary actually received support there not to mention jemima khan she was a high profile jew related to the freakin rothschild family on top of that and she was practically a de facto first lady of pakistan and she has mentioned how much love she got there heck even after her divorce we still love her.
Dan kiesel was a high profile israeli jew who worked with the cricket them he lived in pakistan and never hid his identity according to him he never had problem or ever felt threatened .Pakistan has also been found to be one of the least racist nations and is renowned for it's hospitality and it will welcome all visitors come for yourself and see if you able to open your mind and get over the media conditioning you'll find you'll be treated as an honoured guest.
nonsense you don't need to hide who you are this tragic and isolated incident done by few uneducated people that vast majority of us are ashamed of -salman rushdie's own mother lived in pakistan and even he admitted in interviews she was never bothered in pakistan on the contrary actually received support there not to mention jemima khan she was a high profile jew related to the freakin rothschild family on top of that and she was practically a de facto first lady of pakistan and she has mentioned how much love she got there heck even after her divorce we still love her.
Dan kiesel was a high profile israeli jew who worked with the cricket them he lived in pakistan and never hid his identity according to him he never had problem or ever felt threatened .Pakistan has also been found to be one of the least racist nations and is renowned for it's hospitality and it will welcome all visitors come for yourself and see if you able to open your mind and get over the media conditioning you'll find you'll be treated as an honoured guest.
both are true, most foreigners say pakistanis are very friendly and hospitable people, but westerners standout in a crowd and are easy target of criminals.
both are true, most foreigners say pakistanis are very friendly and hospitable people, but westerners standout in a crowd and are easy target of criminals.
AS the number gradually increase, AGAIN, this problem will sort itself out.
Pakistan will mostly attract people who are looking for adventure. However, a vast bulk of tourists are the working class, alcohol drinking Westerners. And believe it or not, many potential tourists are put off from visiting Pakistan because they would like to sit in the sun in their bikinis and trunks while sipping a cool beer or cocktail.
However, they don't think they would be able to do these two things in a conservative country. So, if foreigners are made welcome to enjoy themselves according to the way they know how, there will be a great influx of holiday seekers flocking to the country for a quick break. For example, Morocco, Turkey and even some Gulf countries offer this freedom, to their Western customers.
Just saying, it could emerge to be a great source of revenue and develop an entirely new industry for the locals.
pakistan is such a hospitable and beautiful country when people decide to come they are often discouraged from visiting but are pleasantly surprised and end up loving pakistan an find it nothing like what is shown in the west but why is this and when did it start pakistan was well respected in 60s and 70s and had a reputation probably similar to south korea enjoys now even after zia and "islamization" before the wot it still had a relatively "normal" reputation but when did it all change can it ever go back to that ? I think it as a gradual process there were sadly so many incidents or black marks that got a lot of attention in western media that shaped peoples opinion about visiting

-infamous newsweek headline about pakistan being most dangerous country on earth

-lal masjid incident

-bhutto assassination and resulting violence

-salman taseer assassination

-malala incident

-taliban occupation of swat

-meena bazaar bombing

-lahore easter attack & peshawar school attack

-baitullah mehsud and his ttp running riot with suicide bombings

-daniel pearl murder

-attack in sri-lankan cricket team

-marriott hotel bombing

then there is also things pakistan does to embarrass itself like mob violence, the ridiculous blasphemy laws (which few other muslims countries have) and horrible attitude toward ahmadis . Luckily it seems to have massively stabilised in the last 2 years or so but what was the turning point for pakistan when did pakistan start to nosedive and what can be done to further improve it's image in the international community- indians and israelis esp have a strong foreign lobby and good pr campaigns in the U.S do you think pakistan also needs one ?

I'm not going to give a long sermon because half of our problems have a simple cause. The crux of the problem with Pakistan is and always has been a lack of intelligent and honest leadership. Talibanization, radicalization, violence, drugs etc. all occurred because we had thick generals who took US money to wage their Cold War. Pakistan has made all the wrong decisions since gaining independence because it hasn't had any proper leadership to guide. From dictators to so-called democratically elected leaders. All have been a bunch of thick heads who never had the courage to stand on their own two feet. Instead, they relied on military and economic aid in return for malicious favors. Politics in Pakistan means belittling the sane voices and appeasing foreign powers. Pakistani politicians live in a mythical world where they appease foreign powers to keep their power intact. They rely on aid to fuel their economy. Any country which survives on foreign aid handouts at the cost of weakening its very own foundations has no future.

Pakistan is not the only country on the planet which is facing stiff challenges. In fact, we just have to look in our neighborhood and understand why others are much stronger today despite being mass embargoed and what not. Until a nation hasn't got intelligent, competent and honest leaders it has no real future.

Development and prosperity doesn't come with alcohol, nudity or tourism. It comes with honesty, hard work, intelligence and proper leadership. Something that Pakistan has lacked since its independence.
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