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Why are Pakistanis Allergic to their own "Minorities"?

My dear so you are from a different faith. Good you have accepted the truth.

Now i agree with you that all those on that TV show and otherwise as well behave badly and its uncalled for when it comes to behaving towards our minorities.

We need a long walk and correction in this regard. They are Pakistani Brothers and sisters be from any faith.

Atleast now can u spare them of bloodshed?
first of all we do NOT write PBUH for God/Allah as Allah is all mercy for everyone and does not need one.

Secondly Indeed its prerpgative of Allah and its THE ALLAH who has clearly mentioned in Quran that Muhammad (PBUH) is the Last Prophet of Islam and there will be NO prophet after him.

Qadyanis made lies and there is this notion as well ghulam ahmed mirza is said to be incarnation of krishna .

So let Allah judge them, my question is can you be the judge who is muslim who not?

Here is a Tafsir of Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 113:

"The Jews say, ‘The Christians stand on nothing’, that can be used as support [for their claims], and they rejected Jesus; and the Christians say, ‘The Jews stand on nothing’, that can be used as support [for their claims], and they rejected Moses; yet they, both groups, recite the Scripture, revealed to them: in the Scripture of the Jews there is the confirmation of Jesus, and in that of the Christians there is the confirmation of Moses (yatlūna’l-kitāba, ‘they recite the Scripture’: the sentence is a circumstantial qualifier). Thus, in the way that these have said, the ignorant, from among the Arabs and others, say the like of what these say (this last phrase [mithla qawlihim, ‘the like of what they say’] is the explication of dhālika, ‘that [way]’): that is to say, to every person of religion they would say, ‘You have no basis’; God shall decide between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their differences, in religion and will admit the confirmer into Paradise and the falsifier into the Fire."
I dont know about mulvis neither i trust them NOR i ever needed them :)

Am fine and happy to understand Quran after reading it with meaning.

and as far as debate i am ready to debate with you as long as you want.

The TRUTH Is very clear Prophethood ends at Muhammad (PBUH) and he is the Last of all prophets and NO prophet will come after him.

Ghulam ahmed was a liar and we can prove his lies.

as far as taliban they have nothing to do with Islam.

They are just tools
\\You can twist the story of bible and form a new religion, when when ahmadis mofidy your story you wanna kill them???

According to your religion Ahmadis are bad guys,

According to Xtians muslims are the bad guys
According to jews both Xtians and Muslims cause both of u have taken their story and built on it which they don approve...

If you are okay with labelling Ahmadis as "cult" same thing can be said of u by xtians and jews...

You are BLASPHEMERS according to both CHRISTIANITY and JUDAISM as you stole both their story and twisted it...
\\You can twist the story of bible and form a new religion, when when ahmadis mofidy your story you wanna kill them???

According to your religion Ahmadis are bad guys,

According to Xtians muslims are the bad guys
According to jews both Xtians and Muslims cause both of u have taken their story and built on it which they don approve...

If you are okay with labelling Ahmadis as "cult" same thing can be said of u by xtians and jews...

You are BLASPHEMERS according to both CHRISTIANITY and JUDAISM as you stole both their story and twisted it...

:lol: we dont call ourself Christians or Jews . anyway you wont understand as you being Hindu will always want anti-Islam cults.

Anyway why dont you Hindus start worshiping Ghulam Ahmed Mirza as a hindu god?? Do you approve of his claims?
We have reservations against the law.

As far as saying salam and getting jailed well we have NOT heard any such law. such stupid law if there was any because we dont jail even any Hindu for saying salam
sorry i got it wrong, it is 3 years jail not 3 months...and people (i know them personally) have been jailed for 3 years .... and the law is still valid..... and salam is another thing ...... by law,i cannot even say daroor o sharif, cannot offer namaz that looks like muslim.......... in short" i cannot do anything that can even hurt muslims emotions" ........ this line is the part of law....best of luck my nation:pakistan::tsk:
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I am against the laws which curb civil rights of any faith and creed of Pakistanis.

The funniest thing here is that if a single qadyani dies along with 100 Muslims in Pakistan in a suicide blast even then these people start using victim card and Indians like you just jump up and try to blabber .

BTW as far the logic that was simply to remind you that you at your own soil still have to provide secure environment to your own people if NOT Muslims but indeed your own low cast Hindus need same rights which you are advocating for qadyani cult .

You are simply comparing apple with oranges. Pakistan is the only country in the world that has undertaking towards Ahmedis in the application form for applying for passport. While some of the laws made by Ziaul Haq aimed at persecuting Ahmedis instead of merely declaring them as non-Muslims.

I don't think you have such laws against Shia who are killed by extremist group. So, you were wrong when you said Ahmedis aren't exception.
\\You can twist the story of bible and form a new religion, when when ahmadis mofidy your story you wanna kill them???

According to your religion Ahmadis are bad guys,

According to Xtians muslims are the bad guys
According to jews both Xtians and Muslims cause both of u have taken their story and built on it which they don approve...

If you are okay with labelling Ahmadis as "cult" same thing can be said of u by xtians and jews...

You are BLASPHEMERS according to both CHRISTIANITY and JUDAISM as you stole both their story and twisted it...
well, funny part all are true religions...........nobody twisted the story, its just that people of that time didn't recognised the prophet of that time either it is jews, christians or arabs................ and ahmadiyya is not new religion, its a sect within islam, but pak government does not recognise it.....
I am against the laws which curb civil rights of any faith and creed of Pakistanis.

The funniest thing here is that if a single qadyani dies along with 100 Muslims in Pakistan in a suicide blast even then these people start using victim card and Indians like you just jump up and try to blabber .
and what have you done by now...if you are against those laws........can you speak about that in you own strreet, even in your own relatives...... i know your answer but i ould like to hear it from your words....
2:give me a simple example..... a single one that we used victim card, if an ahmadis is killed in bomb blast, it is another thing, he is a normal pakistan, he died as other died but we keep records of target killing.............. on the other hand i will give you example of ahmadis being targetly killed almost every day, every week, every month.... for past 40 years....i know personally those families whose men were ktarrgeted first in front of their parents but then when they refused to give up their religion... they were murdered too............ you will not even hear a press confrence in pak tv channel..... go and get me a single one........just a single one............even when 100 ahmadis were killed in a single day...... not even a single tv channel or printed press released that press confrence , .......... which was saying nothing but this "we demand nothing from government, we have relation with our Allah, we demand justice from His SWT court"......... long live my country...
nisar main teri galiyon k ae watan, k jahan
chali hai rasm k koi na sar utha k chale
jo koi chahanewala tawaf ko nikle
nazar chura k chale, jism-o-jan bacha k chale

hai ahl-e-dil k liye ab ye nazm-e-bast-o-kushad
k sang-o-khisht muqayyad hain aur sag azad

bahot hain zulm k dast-e-bahana-ju k liye
jo chand ahl-e-junun tere nam leva hain
bane hain ahl-e-hawas muddai bhi, munsif bhi
kise wakil karen, kis se munsifi chahen
:lol: we dont call ourself Christians or Jews . anyway you wont understand as you being Hindu will always want anti-Islam cults.

Anyway why dont you Hindus start worshiping Ghulam Ahmed Mirza as a hindu god?? Do you approve of his claims?

Why are you running away from my question and Tafsir I posted?
on the other hand, we have muslim and hindus have very basic and sharp difference like you worship idols and we cannot even imagin of doing this, you almost worship cow and we eat it , there are too many other differences between hindus and muslims so it is just not possible to live peacefully with hindus in one country,

You have opted to live in Germany and this is the level of your thinking and tolerance, and what do you know about my religious inclination?

If this is the real reason why you cannot imagine to live peacefully with Hindus in one country then pray tell me how can you live with Germans. You despise Pork they consume its meat. Fornication is punishable by death in your religion, for Germans it's quite normal. You believe in a supreme being, they are mostly atheists or agnostics. They consume alcohol, your religion forbids its consumption. Or there are other advantages that are so enormous that you have decided to ignore these huge differences as long as these tolerant societies are serving generously your other interests?
You have opted to live in Germany and this is the level of your thinking and tolerance, and what do you know about my religious inclination?

If this is the real reason why you cannot imagine to live peacefully with Hindus in one country then pray tell me how can you live with Germans. You despise Pork they consume its meat. Fornication is punishable by death in your religion, for Germans it's quite normal. You believe in a supreme being, they are mostly atheists or agnostics. They consume alcohol, your religion forbids its consumption. Or there are other advantages that are so enormous that you have decided to ignore these huge differences as long as these tolerant societies are serving generously your other interests?
As i said i don't hate hindus.......so don't take my comments as hatred preach.......germans here do 1000s of things that are strictl y prohibted in islam, but the main difference between germans and indians is..... german respect humanity, if they are sitting beside you in a gathering they will ask that if i have any problem if he drinks, they will never serve pork or pig on a table in a gathering where muslims are also eating, they treats everybody regardless of its religion, a HUMAN BEING...they will spend hundred of thousands of euro to save even that person who does not even belong to germany, neither have any idendity.... . they will never ask that one should praise jesus if you belong to some other religion/ religious tolerance is at its peak..... they will never mind or get emotional in a healty logical relgious or any other discussion.... the level or tolerance and care in germans is such high that they, just because anyone can be sick or came tired from job, they have made law that nobody can make noise after maximum after 10..... problem is religious tolerance is in negative points both in pakistan and india....this is a fact that we try or best to denay. but the truth is we cannot end this religious intolerance untill and unless we recognise it as a fact........why muslims could not live with hindus had several reasons..... not just one.....it had to be done......but i am not saying that all hindus are like this..... offcource there will be many people who will have supported religious freedom at international levels but problem lies where leadership don't want a matter to be resolved, leadership is both pakistan and india have extremist connection and this is the reason why both countries are facing extremism like Gujrat roits(india) and Minorities problem(pakistan)....... Stop saying,, THIS SHOULD BE DONE, and START SAYING I HAVE DONE THIS.....
It is other way round. Ahemdis want us Muslims to negate our own religion and Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to accommodate self-made claims of Ghulam ahmed.

So tell me why should we just appease neo-liberal extremists by negating our main faith and belief and Quran?.

So which faith is ideal? barelvi, shia, wahabi, deobandi, ahl-e-hadees or whatnot.
Everybody want others to convert to his faith because he thinks his faith is better than others. So until we can define which faith is ideal and whose interpretation is the best, this discussion is useless.
Why are Pakistanis so sensitive when it comes to other Pakistanis of different religions? It's like if I leave an opinion or join a discussion, one of the most common replies I get is "oh your a qadiani"? This implies that since I happen to be an Ahmadi my opinions have no value or something?

I remember watching a ARY program where a hindu pundit sahib was sitting with maulanas, and they kept shouting over him, the irony was, the programme was supposedly about fostering religious tolerance.

Again after Gojra riots, Maulana tahir ashrafi, also known as mota sahib, was busy lecturing poor Christians who just had their homes burnt about how the western nations are intolerant towards muslims etc etc.

So what I'm asking is why is there such a negative response when a Pakistani of different faith airs his opinion? Are we like your dirty laundry that you don't feel comfortable airing? or a skeleton(literally) in your closet?

Being an Indian, that too a Hindu Indian, I am not sure how my comment will be viewed on this topic, :-) but Pakistan came into existence due to religious intolerance, today you & me belong to two different countries just because our religions are different, so, certain amount of religious intolerance is rather expected. Otherwise, today we would have been united, more prosperous, stronger, and a lot more peaceful as one country.
well, funny part all are true religions...........nobody twisted the story, its just that people of that time didn't recognised the prophet of that time either it is jews, christians or arabs................ and ahmadiyya is not new religion, its a sect within islam, but pak government does not recognise it.....

I can't accept,
Jews still don accept Jesus or Muhammad as profet so according to judaism both these newer religiosn can't be true...

:lol: we dont call ourself Christians or Jews . anyway you wont understand as you being Hindu will always want anti-Islam cults.

Anyway why dont you Hindus start worshiping Ghulam Ahmed Mirza as a hindu god?? Do you approve of his claims?

Hindus will worship who they want :D yep you can do that without getting blown up or beheaded or stoned amazing right?? :)

non abrahamic religions aren't cults to kill because of differences ...
have you ever heard of mahayana and theravada buddhists killing each other, or saivites and advaitists doing it???

These are philosophies that requires working brain to understand and explore (if you are sharp enough read about advaita my favorite)....
not rule books u can follow blindly
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