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Why are Pakistanis Allergic to their own "Minorities"?

Blaming just beardos for every evil plaguing islam ka qila is wrong. Nazarya e Pakistan itself is inherently flawed, it repudiates the peaceful coexistence of the people of different religions. If Muslims and Hindus are two different nations and cannot live together peacefully that what is the guarantee that the Muslims of different sects can coexist peacefully? I wonder if Muslims and Hindus are politically and culturally different then what makes Balochs, Pashtun and Biharis same? It cannot be the religion judging by the way east Pakistanis were ridiculed and mistreated by their Muslim brethren from west Pakistan.
Nazriya e pakistan was 10000000000000000000000% true........ but problem started when these strange beared creatures , who brutually opposed creation of pakisatan become MAME of pakistan and THEKEDAR of islam and pakistani nation let them be....and we who supported by our hearts and soul were decleared non muslim..... if you think that mullahs were oppsing creation of pakistan just because they love india, then you are utterly wrong, because in india they would have eaten much more HALWA than they are eating now, as PAKItan had divided the HALWA DONORS between india and pakistan...

bwahahahahahahaha taught?

i wish if they teach us about your attempts to fake our religion and about lies of ghulam ahmed then you wont see some neo liberal apologists .

qadyanis are NON Muslims .

tell, me just one thing, why do these molvis ask you to run away from debating us......han???.... if we are wrong then prove us wrong....... but you cannot......... generation after generation.....molvis have brainwashed you to such an extent that you cannot even see the truth in front of your eyes........ they openly support taliban, but on TV they say the yare killers and you agree with both of their opinions.............its extremly strange behaviour........
tell, me just one thing, why do these molvis ask you to run away from debating us......han???.... if we are wrong then prove us wrong....... but you cannot......... generation after generation.....molvis have brainwashed you to such an extent that you cannot even see the truth in front of your eyes........ they openly support taliban, but on TV they say the yare killers and you agree with both of their opinions.............its extremly strange behaviour........

I dont know about mulvis neither i trust them NOR i ever needed them :)

Am fine and happy to understand Quran after reading it with meaning.

and as far as debate i am ready to debate with you as long as you want.

The TRUTH Is very clear Prophethood ends at Muhammad (PBUH) and he is the Last of all prophets and NO prophet will come after him.

Ghulam ahmed was a liar and we can prove his lies.

as far as taliban they have nothing to do with Islam.

They are just tools
I dont know about mulvis neither i trust them NOR i ever needed them :)

Am fine and happy to understand Quran after reading it with meaning.

and as far as debate i am ready to debate with you as long as you want.

The TRUTH Is very clear Prophethood ends at Muhammad (PBUH) and he is the Last of all prophets and NO prophet will come after him.

Ghulam ahmed was a liar and we can prove his lies.

as far as taliban they have nothing to do with Islam.

They are just tools
as for as Prophethood is concerned, we agree that LAW BEARING(SHARIAT) Prophethood ended on Prophet PBUH... and no new shariat can come after Islam....but our problem starts when you take the meaning of HATAM in a really strange sence...... as for as prophethood is concerned, your aqeda is Jesus will come again, (i can prove it wrong even from your translation of Quran,just Quran , no hadees), will he be a prophet.? will imam mehdi be a prophet?.... molvi says same thing but confuses you and themselves... and last time when i offered you debate, i don't know who, but the page was closed.......and prove atleast one lie of mirza sahab....

Most Pakistani's hate you because of this,,

Your like a cult of Mir Jaffar's
and you are a patriot..... :tsk:
I had a friend in my university, a good one. when i first found out he is an Ahmedi i was shocked for a day or two but everything became normal after that because he never discussed his religious believes with us so we never had any problem hanging out with him.
You are what you are nobody is forcing you to change just don't bring up your *** on religious matters or else nobody will take you seriously except some opportunist.
Nazriya e pakistan was 10000000000000000000000% true........ but problem started when these strange beared creatures , who brutually opposed creation of pakisatan become MAME of pakistan and THEKEDAR of islam and pakistani nation let them be....and we who supported by our hearts and soul were decleared non muslim..... if you think that mullahs were oppsing creation of pakistan just because they love india, then you are utterly wrong, because in india they would have eaten much more HALWA than they are eating now, as PAKItan had divided the HALWA DONORS between india and pakistan...

If you seriously believe that Pakistan ideology is 10 sextillion (U.S) times true then you should not have any qualm in accepting what your community is going through in islam ka qila. Have lots of fun.

i am really surprised that even on a forum like this, where most of the people are educated and patriot..... you are showing the hatred inside you....... you know what the really differnce is...... differece is in schools teachers ask kids ARE YOU A QADIANI? and they lecture them that qadianis are kafir and they should be killed.........in colleges if you are an ahmadi, you will face the same consiquences... in university if you say i am a qadiani---- you may be teased enough to leave your education, you may simply be expelled.......... but this does not stop here, if you get a job, Luckily if you can get it, you will be discriminated and you will be point of hatred....and if you step up and say ok i am an Ahmadi and i am here to stay then you will face Blasphamy law or even death... no police station will file your report even after having knowledge that who is the killer
If you seriously believe that Pakistan ideology is 10 sextillion (U.S) times true then you should not have any qualm in accepting what your community is going through in islam ka qila. Have lots of fun.
problem is, majority of pakistanis knows absolutly nothing about ahmadiyya jamaat.....they believe what they hear from mullahs, and accept it as a universal fact.....they are religiously ruled by bunch of Mullah and a couple of coward politicians...... what problem we have in pakistan is as simple as ignorance, once pakistanis get to know what jamaat ahmadiyya is, i can bet, the problem will be solved... on the other hand, we have muslim and hindus have very basic and sharp difference like you worship idols and we cannot even imagin of doing this, you almost worship cow and we eat it , there are too many other differences between hindus and muslims so it is just not possible to live peacefully with hindus in one country, and also population factor and education factor was also a matter of concern for muslims as hindus were dominent in subcontinent.. and both of you hate eath other, atleast this was true 65 year ago... but we ahmadiyya jamat don't hate, neither hindus, jews nor other muslims.......we are just tackling ignorance once its setteled , matter will be solved..... but the problem is we are dealing with the most ignorant nation....:angry:... you know what, if an ahmadi say to a sunni muslim that this is my Aqida, he will reply no this is not your aqida, because this is muslims aqida and you are non-muslim....:hitwall:
problem is, majority of pakistanis knows absolutly nothing about ahmadiyya jamaat.....they believe what they hear from mullahs, and accept it as a universal fact...

wrong perception, my street had most houses of Qadiyanis, and as a child i hardly went to Mosque, but as a child i did went to a Qadiyani Mosque at Napier road Lahore, cause my neighbours use to took me there at occasions, I studied tuition from neighbour Qadiyanis as a child, until class 4-5 than i was tutioned by Miss David until 6 class (mostly waste of time).
wrong perception, my street had most houses of Qadiyanis, and as a child i hardly went to Mosque, but as a child i did went to a Qadiyani Mosque at Napier road Lahore, cause my neighbours use to took me there at occasions, I studied tuition from neighbour Qadiyanis as a child, until class 4-5 than i was tutioned by Miss David until 6 class (mostly waste of time).
and what GREAT DIFFERENCE you found between Ahmadis and other muslims...you you tell me

until class 4-5 than i was tutioned by Miss David until 6 class (mostly waste of time).
Is she Ahmadi ?
Because Pakistan was founded as a land of the Pure.

The two nation theory on which Pakistan movement was based, was not about Muslims and Hindus, rather it was about Muslims and non-Muslims.

For as long as the state practices on a distinct line that measures its citizens based on their religious beliefs, there will always be some pure, and some impure.

So what does it matter whether you are a Hindu or a Christian or an Ahmadi or a Shia or a Sunni or whatever? There will always be a chance that you will end up becoming a second grade citizen.

Ahmedis were considered as Muslims in Two nation theory of Jinnah.
and what GREAT DIFFERENCE you found between Ahmadis and other muslims...you you tell me Is she Ahmadi ?

as a child every one loved me in the street, i used to go and play in every house, actually we all lived very nicely.
Actually, my father bought house from a Qadiyani, before my birth.
However, my impression, Qadiyanis families were very secretive and reserve type, no one knew what there men exactly do for living.
Women wore niqab and long jacket, during the time of my higher studies, they all left for UK/Canada, when ever they visited back (my tutor lady) they inquire about me and tell my mom we miss you a lot.

Miss David was not Qadiyani, she was old Christian lady, well known in Lahore Christian society, actually the area i'm referring to was British built circle of Lahore, more churches than mosques. As you see all current leaders and army officers are students of Christian schools, therefore blames of Mullah teaching seems hilarious and forced us to verify the rumors about Islam. If there had been no 9-11, i had never bothered to find about Islam.

Ahmedis were considered as Muslims in Two nation theory of Jinnah.

Mr. Jinnah was not as illiterate as you think. However non Muslims have equal rights in Pakistan.
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Personally, I try to ignore the person's religion -- but it goes both ways.

I will defend a fellow Pakistani if he is attacked for his religion.

At the same time, I have no tolerance for a Pakistani who badmouths Pakistan in front of others, or who gives succor to opponents when they are attacking Pakistan (on the forum). I will take them to task regardless of their religion or other affiliation. I will not go soft on them because of political correctness.

We should discuss our faults, but there needs to be situational awareness also -- especially on an open forum. When outsiders attacks us, we must close ranks.


Ghar ki baat hai, sabke saamne mat kaho, ye forum to sirf Indians ko bash karne ke liye hai.:sleep:

qadyanis are NON Muslims . Period

Isn't it the prerogative of Allah(PBUH) to decide and you are doing kufr by deciding if someone is muslim or not?
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as a child every one loved me in the street, i used to go and play in every house, actually we all lived very nicely.
Actually, my father bought house from a Qadiyani, before my birth.
However, my impression, Qadiyanis families were very secretive and reserve type, no one knew what there men exactly do for living.
Women wore niqab and long jacket, during the time of my higher studies, they all left for UK/Canada, when ever they visited back (my tutor lady) they inquire about me and tell my mom we miss you a lot.

Miss David was not Qadiyani, she was old Christian lady, well known in Lahore Christian society, actually the area i'm referring to was British built circle of Lahore, more churches than mosques. As you see all current leaders and army officers are students of Christian schools, therefore blames of Mullah teaching seems hilarious and forced us to verify the rumors about Islam. If there had been no 9-11, i had never bothered to find about Islam.

Actually, Ahmadis don't live a lavish life, and used to live as simple as possible....... and we don't have secrecy, but it,s just that common people react to much if you are an ahmadi that is why people usually don't tell openly about being an ahmadi..... Let me qoute an example of EXPRESS TRIBUNE...
LAHORE: A man was forced to abandon his woodworking business and flee Gujranwala with his family after his erstwhile friends and neighbours discovered that he was an Ahmadi,The Express Tribune has learnt.

Imran Ahmed, 35, started out as a daily wager at a woodwork shop in Gujranwala. He saved up money for three years, then invested Rs100,000 in machinery and setting up his own workshop. As his business grew, he hired two carpenters to work for him. “Things were going really well, but nobody knew I was an Ahmadi,” he said.

Ahmed said that his was the only Ahmadi family in Rana Colony in Gujranwala and he kept this a secret as he feared being victimised. He got along well with his neighbours and one day, when he was injured in a motorcycle accident, they came to ask after him. Inside his house, they saw pictures of Ahmadi personalities. “Their mood totally changed and they left without even having tea,” he said.

Things changed dramatically for Ahmed. He said some other workshop owners who were his business rivals began a hate campaign against him. One by one, his ‘friends’ began socially boycotting him. Shopkeepers would refuse to sell him groceries, and his employees resigned, saying it was prohibited to work with him. “Boys on the street started passing comments about me and things got worse day by day,” he said...........
this is the behavior of pakistani society.....:tsk:
Actually, Ahmadis don't live a lavish life, and used to live as simple as possible....... and we don't have secrecy, but it,s just that common people react to much if you are an ahmadi that is why people usually don't tell openly about being an ahmadi..... Let me qoute an example of EXPRESS TRIBUNE...
LAHORE: A man was forced to abandon his woodworking business and flee Gujranwala with his family after his erstwhile friends and neighbours discovered that he was an Ahmadi,The Express Tribune has learnt.

Imran Ahmed, 35, started out as a daily wager at a woodwork shop in Gujranwala. He saved up money for three years, then invested Rs100,000 in machinery and setting up his own workshop. As his business grew, he hired two carpenters to work for him. “Things were going really well, but nobody knew I was an Ahmadi,” he said.

Ahmed said that his was the only Ahmadi family in Rana Colony in Gujranwala and he kept this a secret as he feared being victimised. He got along well with his neighbours and one day, when he was injured in a motorcycle accident, they came to ask after him. Inside his house, they saw pictures of Ahmadi personalities. “Their mood totally changed and they left without even having tea,” he said.

Things changed dramatically for Ahmed. He said some other workshop owners who were his business rivals began a hate campaign against him. One by one, his ‘friends’ began socially boycotting him. Shopkeepers would refuse to sell him groceries, and his employees resigned, saying it was prohibited to work with him. “Boys on the street started passing comments about me and things got worse day by day,” he said...........
this is the behavior of pakistani society.....:tsk:

Nice story by ex-tribune, and now he is officially eligible to go to UK.
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I had a friend in my university, a good one. when i first found out he is an Ahmedi i was shocked for a day or two but everything became normal after that because he never discussed his religious believes with us so we never had any problem hanging out with him.
You are what you are nobody is forcing you to change just don't bring up your *** on religious matters or else nobody will take you seriously except some opportunist.
I too was in university, and my class fellows ,standing beside me, were saying that its good to kill ahmadis, one day before that, 100 ahmadis were killed in lahore......and teacher , instead of stoping them, said everybody has its own point of view....
Actually, Ahmadis don't live a lavish life, and used to live as simple as possible....... and we don't have secrecy, but it,s just that common people react to much if you are an ahmadi that is why people usually don't tell openly about being an ahmadi..... Let me qoute an example of EXPRESS TRIBUNE...
LAHORE: A man was forced to abandon his woodworking business and flee Gujranwala with his family after his erstwhile friends and neighbours discovered that he was an Ahmadi,The Express Tribune has learnt.

Imran Ahmed, 35, started out as a daily wager at a woodwork shop in Gujranwala. He saved up money for three years, then invested Rs100,000 in machinery and setting up his own workshop. As his business grew, he hired two carpenters to work for him. “Things were going really well, but nobody knew I was an Ahmadi,” he said.

Ahmed said that his was the only Ahmadi family in Rana Colony in Gujranwala and he kept this a secret as he feared being victimised. He got along well with his neighbours and one day, when he was injured in a motorcycle accident, they came to ask after him. Inside his house, they saw pictures of Ahmadi personalities. “Their mood totally changed and they left without even having tea,” he said.

Things changed dramatically for Ahmed. He said some other workshop owners who were his business rivals began a hate campaign against him. One by one, his ‘friends’ began socially boycotting him. Shopkeepers would refuse to sell him groceries, and his employees resigned, saying it was prohibited to work with him. “Boys on the street started passing comments about me and things got worse day by day,” he said...........
this is the behavior of pakistani society.....:tsk:

I would suggest you do not discuss religion too much here. Sooner or later you will end up getting banned. Just a suggestion brother.

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