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Why are conspiracy theories popular in Pakistan??

and what are the facts, the pure fantasy that ajmal kasab some hoe through fidh boat managed to escape into the high secure waters of india, though many would argue how he got there by fisher mans boat in the first place, ajmal kasab speaks urdu, his letter to his family accompanied many hindi words, ajmal can speak with thorough hindi dialect, the passport from terrorists were found to be pakistani, a mobile phone sim card was pakistani, ajmal lived in farid kot, though his family strangely disappeaed before eve ajmal family was to be discovered..

man i am really confused right now!

Oh noes, you are right!!

It was that HAARP again! HAARP helped Amir Singh from Punjab to hoodwink Indian authorities including RAW and masquerade as Ajmal Kasab from Faridkot, Pakistan and helped his friends kill hundreds in Mumbai drama, staged by RAW!

Those damn Zionist juice and their masters!
Silent I am not denying the premise that AK might have received local support from Islamist elements in India..However, why is it all being characterised as a conspiracy by the Indian establishment by the Pakistani state/media?? What did India realistically gain from Mumbai as the process of Pakistan's marginalisation from the international community was well under way at that stage (with various Western governments raising concerns that AQ was finding shelter in the tribal areas..remember G Brown's statement about 75% of UK terror plots originating in Pak in 2008?)

If Mumbai and 9/11 were conspiracies, where do we stop??Can you describe a few events from history that were not conspiracies??Why do conspiracies only affect Pakistan/Afghanistan/Iran or some other part of the middle east? Why do we not hear allegations of foul play from Africa or S America (bar the nutcase Chavez)??

its only bharatis that see his as a conspiracy, pakistanis dont care whether it was staged by govt, or it happened because of indian internal problems, but sensationalizing this happening as being originated from pakistan is not acceptable to pakistan, so its actually indians who continually ignore indian severe internal problems to be it as conspiracy than the pakistani people.
another mumbai attacks thread.

I am talking about conspiracy theories in general and not specifically about Mumbai..

PS: I am still waiting for that list of Indian conspiracy theories..
and its hard for pakistanis to believe that ajmal has any name like kasab which literally means butcher, the bollywood can only come up with such names..

these stupid RAW ..........should had appointed a film writer for this job.

these evil Bharatis ruined everything...................
Their r many reasons why they support conspiracy theory

Pakistan as a nation from the start live in a feeling that it was betrayed by the world at every level,from its independence to Kashmir and Bangladesh

Moreover in recent times their economical condition,disasters,natural calamities,terrorism and their political instability,their ineffective leaders everything have plagued them in recent times

as a true national they find it hard that most of the result r their policies and feel all this happened because of the same betrayal they faced from this demoniac world,hence they made it a habit to blame others,blame a foreign hand for each and every misfortune of their

Soon the Media houses and certain people(u know whom)started to sense it and started to capitalize on it,roll every day a new controversy theory and increase ur sales and trp.Soon controversy theory became the national sport of Pakistan

the player in this game change every day.the popular 3 r India,Israel and u.S,every day one of them will b the centerpiece of their controversy theories,they r selected on the basis of against whom Pakistani's had the most resentment on the given day

Controversy theories r of two types,one in which how this evil world with the leadership of 1 of the above mentioned nation is planning a cheap and deadly mission to obliterate Pakistan and the other one's in which how even after so much misfortune how the great 6 foot tall,white,god fearing people from the land of pure r still superior to the people from land of infidels(India, Israel)and its military

some people had gained so much foothold in Pakistan publishing this controversy theories that they have become ultra popular,media houses fight with each other to bring this people for their evening show

Anyway Pakistani people believe that such kind of news will ward of all evils and the misfortunes from their society they can happily have it
Only economic progress can reduce conspiracy theories.

Pakistani's are vehla (Free, idle). An idle mind is the devil's workshop! Big joint families, less opportunities, heavily influenced historical narratives, very religious, list is long ...
I am talking about conspiracy theories in general and not specifically about Mumbai..

PS: I am still waiting for that list of Indian conspiracy theories..

well u need to look here n there then we shud claim.even i will give u link where u will 99% find out that 9/11 was not done by al qaeda,u.s was behind that attack.lot of incidents happen which are staged for something else.
The reason is that they are force to hear the same from their Media. If you look at Indian Media, we have so much of channels or print media that if we something conspiracy we will try to switch the channel to verify it. Since we get known that this is nothing but short term stories than, we come back to our main agenda i.e. developing.
I Dont know why it is so hard for Bharatis to admit that Ajmal Kasab is RAW agent and his name Amar singh .He is a Sikh from Punjab

My dear friend , why are u hiding behind False flag
Are u too ashamed to call urself the son of ur great nation:pakistan:
And franky dont give US this Zaid Hamid / Riaz Haq BULL $HIT
My dear friend , why are u hiding behind False flag
Are u too ashamed to call urself the son of ur great nation:pakistan:
And franky dont give US this Zaid Hamid / Riaz Haq BULL $HIT

Dude.. He is being sarcastic... chill
...this is low.

All nations have conspiracies. Pakistan supports terror. Pakistan is the cause of failure in Afghanistan. Mullah Omar is in Pakistan and everyone knows it. Pakistan is a militant's haven. Pakistan is a failed state, etc.

Oh well, those who indulge in conspiracies will soon see it bites them back.

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