1. Perhaps you might want to read
@GuardianRED explaination #394 and now I understood it well enough
2. Neutral, 3rd link. Reliable 1&2 link. And full of facts!
3. Read my previous comment carefully. Members of air force graduate school etc and organization made by pilots to honor the best among em.
4. The question you should be asking is... why was the Palestinian state divided by UN after the war in 1947 and proposed in 46? And why was the European Jews not allowed to settle in their original land in Germany and elsewhere. Why there was a sudden call for establishment of Jewish state within another state.
5. Palestine is mapped in war maps from world war 2 campaign during Ottoman Empire and till before Arab Israeli war. By then israel was fairly good in size. After the war and over the years illegal settlements on West Bank made Palestine non existent. There is nothing to argue about. Everyone knows this.
6. Good if you know them. Can you pls calm your tits. Don't act like all typical stereotypes who think cristians and Muslims are your enemy.