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Why all Israelis are cowards

Easy dude , your love for israel is killing us

New recruit, that knows the history of other members, LOL.

there was no such thing as arab back then , the arab union was a response to israel

The "Arab" uprising against Turkey during WWI, was then just a made-up story by T.E. Lawrence.
Apparently not a historian, but rather a Fantasy writer.
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New recruit, that knows the history of other members, LOL.

The "Arab" uprising against Turkey during WWI, was then just a made-up story by T.H. Lawrence.
Apparently not a historian, but rather a Fantasy writer.
A fantasy writer indeed , history is written by the victor , of the second world war that is not the first one.
Where was the condemnation when the only government apart from KSA recognizing and promoting taliban scumbags was PAKISTAN??

As far as Israeli's are concerned they are well within their rights to use every tool in in their arsenal to combat state sponsored terror.

UAE also recognized the Talibs, I would think a "think tank" would know as much.
We will kill terrorists fxxkers like you too if you dare to do any terrorist activities in China as well. What a SOB!
i will never step foot on china's soil , let alone think about it !
Who give a fxxk. Killing islam terrorists will be the world's responsibility.

BTW, I am not sure why you put jackie chan as your image since jackie chan will say and do the same against those muslim terrorists.
We will kill terrorists fxxkers like you too if you dare to do any terrorist activities in China as well. What a SOB!
i will never step foot on china's soil , let alone think about it !
You can report against my analysis,my opinion. It may be offensive to you, i dont give a damn, coz i can call a spade a spade.
Trolling? That started when you clubbed kashmir with palestine. I clubbed N waziristan on the same analytic path chosen by you.

Advice: Keep this an isreal-palestine thread and do not bring in kashmir everywhere.

There is no freedom struggle in NW, you have to resort to making garbage up. Troll and reported.
No. I despise those muslim terrorists since we have those type of cockroaches, a.k.a. uighur terrorists, in China well. We need cleanse our house as well.
I don't plan to do anything terroristy in china , i don't even visit china if i feel like the people there don't like me , which i feel often , and i'm NOT a practicing muslim aswell, you can take that to the mods if you like :)
It is possible to think that what the OP refers to is criminal, tragic, and deserves prosecution, without thinking that ALL Israeli defence force people behave that way. Just as it is possible for me as an American to loath certain actions and statements of the Islamic Republic of Iran and NOT think that my feelings apply to ALL Iranian people.

Unfortunately, that free speech this board exemplifies also allows people to post one article, one story about poverty or rape, or bigotry, or in this case what appears to be murder, and posters use that to tar an entire society or country. That is the price of free speech. You can't have one without the other.
He can't even read what you said. Let alone understand. :lol:
You need understand what I have said.

I despise those muslim terrorists. However, I value moderate muslims as any other minorities in China.

I have muslim classmates in high school as university and all of them are very moderate. We have good relationship.

Chinese people have no hatred to any other people including normal muslim people. However, we do have great hatred against terrorists, in this case, mostly uighur terrorists (they happen to be muslim terrorists as well).

You are welcome to China and Chinese people will welcome you like they welcome any other people if you have nothing to do with activities endangering China.

Whether you are practicing muslim or not, that is not the point.

The point is the terrorists activities we are talking about, .e.g suicide bombers, using knives to kill normal citizens, deceiving others to believe by killing non-muslims so as to go to heavens and etc...

I don't plan to do anything terroristy in china , i don't even visit china if i feel like the people there don't like me , which i feel often , and i'm NOT a practicing muslim aswell, you can take that to the mods if you like :)
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