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Why 1962 will not be repeated

India has nothing more than its Brahahahamos but China already has a railgun (at least in prototype). We can rain $0.05 cent shells at hypersonic speeds down on New Delhi and other cities in Northern India until India surrenders or the union is dissolved. I think 1 or 2 shots from the railgun will force India to surrender.

If the quality of Chinese decoration lights I bought this Diwali, is anything to go by, you may end up taking out Islamabad instead of Delhi... :rofl:
we kicked your assss in less than 2 weeks in 1962, today we can do it for less than a week, you india never a match for china.

we had less than 1 division on both fronts and we managed to cause hundreds of casualties on your side your weak puny soldiers can try but we'll make keer out of them if your leaders even dare to attack us this ain't 1962 you dimwit its 2011 we can send 9 mountain divisions to the border within a matter of hours from Assam,Nagaland, and Siliguri and if you can do it in then try otherwise get a diaper for that mouth because a lot of BS is coming out of it
we had less than 1 division on both fronts and we managed to cause hundreds of casualties on your side your weak puny soldiers can try but we'll make keer out of them if your leaders even dare to attack us this ain't 1962 you dimwit its 2011 we can send 9 mountain divisions to the border within a matter of hours from Assam,Nagaland, and Siliguri and if you can do it in then try otherwise get a diaper for that mouth because a lot of BS is coming out of it

Hahaha it took you 2-3 days to tackle 11 poorly trained and arms terrorists before they killed hundreds of your people enuf said
it was our forward policy conceived by Nehru that ignited the war with the Chinese, we were not a peaceful nation as for the 1962 WAR is considered, Nehru did a biggest mistake with his forward policy as well taught us a valuable leason to always be prepared for a war but not to seek one with any neighbours unless challenged upon.
Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

excellant observation
Hahaha it took you 2-3 days to tackle 11 poorly trained and arms terrorists before they killed hundreds of your people enuf said

poorly trained? those guys were trained by LeT through the ISI/Pakistani army not to mention they hid like cowards in a 900 room hotel

besides how long did it take for you guys to stop the Kasghar attacks? were there 2 big hotels in that area? was there a Jewish religious center?

10 Jats can take on 100 of you puny weak midgets besides the Koreans and Vietnamese kicked your a$$es didn't they we did after 62 did u forget about Chola and Nathu la where we kicked your a$$es? when we have the same amount of soldiers you guys lose its not surprising India has many martial races that can easily destroy one of your weak a$$es any day you got lucky in 1962 and if you are feeling lucky again try to attack again your gov't knows better which is why they stay quiet what did you guys do after we made Arunachal Pradesh a state? nothing reality is different from fantasy son.
it was our forward policy conceived by Nehru that ignited the war with the Chinese, we were not a peaceful nation as for the 1962 WAR is considered, Nehru did a biggest mistake with his forward policy as well taught us a valuable leason to always be prepared for a war but not to seek one with any neighbours unless challenged upon.

I appreciate you have been honest here.

Nehru initially believed that China was weak and she wouldn't do anything even the Indian army gradually advanced and occupied more lands from Tibet.

As China saw the peaceful protest doesn't work, so she just responded with her military action.

This is typical Maoist ideology, as if the peaceful protest doesn't work, then you should respond with the violence.
^^^^^^ you sikhs have lost your identity in india. You seem to have a vivid imagination. India is simply no match for china today ot in the foreseeable future
^^^^^^ you sikhs have lost your identity in india. You seem to have a vivid imagination. India is simply no match for china today ot in the foreseeable future

i find it funny how a Pakistani is claiming we have no identity in India thats why a Sikh is the PM of India and 1/3 of the Indian armed forces is composed of Sikhs.... whatever i really can't speak for the mentally incapable and keep up the good work dude pretty soon the Chinese gov't will send you this

poorly trained? those guys were trained by LeT through the ISI/Pakistani army not to mention they hid like cowards in a 900 room hotel

besides how long did it take for you guys to stop the Kasghar attacks? were there 2 big hotels in that area? was there a Jewish religious center?

10 Jats can take on 100 of you puny weak midgets besides the Koreans and Vietnamese kicked your a$$es didn't they we did after 62 did u forget about Chola and Nathu la where we kicked your a$$es? when we have the same amount of soldiers you guys lose its not surprising India has many martial races that can easily destroy one of your weak a$$es any day you got lucky in 1962 and if you are feeling lucky again try to attack again your gov't knows better which is why they stay quiet what did you guys do after we made Arunachal Pradesh a state? nothing reality is different from fantasy son.

So much trash coming from this post i dont even know where to begin LOL ,but one thing is for sure if a mere skirmish in Chole is considered a big victory , india is more weaker than i thought, looking at this post i m now certain we can surely kick your asss in less than two weeks.
So much trash coming from this post i dont even know where to begin LOL ,but one thing is for sure if a mere skirmish in Chole is considered a big victory , india is more weaker than i thought, looking at this post i m now certain we can surely kick your asss in less than two weeks.

then do it if you can rather than talking about it lmfao we had poor leadership Nehru a retard for a leader and we did not even use our air force in 1962 take those facts into consideration today we will not hesitate to use our air force and nor are we undermanned in less than 2 weeks yeah right if you can even amass troops across the LAC before we send the III and IV mountain corps to the border i'll be surprised within a matter of hours we can put 9 mountain divisions on our border

btw if you can attack us why didn't you in 65 or 71 as you threatened to intervene on Pakistan's behalf in those wars? i'll sum it up for you right here

As a long-standing ally of Pakistan, the People's Republic of China reacted with alarm to the evolving situation in East Pakistan and the prospect of India invading West Pakistan and Pakistani-controlled Kashmir. Believing that just such an Indian attack was imminent, Nixon encouraged China to mobilise its armed forces along its border with India to discourage it. The Chinese did not, however, respond to this encouragement, because unlike the 1962 Sino-Indian War when India was caught entirely unaware, this time the Indian Army was prepared and had deployed eight mountain divisions to the Sino-Indian border to guard against such an eventuality.[52] China instead threw its weight behind demands for an immediate ceasefire.

The World: India and Pakistan: Over the Edge - TIME

keep dreaming about attacking us :rofl:
then do it if you can rather than talking about it lmfao we had poor leadership Nehru a retard for a leader and we did not even use our air force in 1962 take those facts into consideration today we will not hesitate to use our air force and nor are we undermanned in less than 2 weeks yeah right if you can even amass troops across the LAC before we send the III and IV mountain corps to the border i'll be surprised within a matter of hours we can put 9 mountain divisions on our border

btw if you can attack us why didn't you in 65 or 71 as you threatened to intervene on Pakistan's behalf in those wars? i'll sum it up for you right here


The World: India and Pakistan: Over the Edge - TIME

keep dreaming about attacking us :rofl:

Blah blah blah excuses after excuses for your failures
So much trash coming from this post i dont even know where to begin LOL ,but one thing is for sure if a mere skirmish in Chole is considered a big victory , india is more weaker than i thought, looking at this post i m now certain we can surely kick your asss in less than two weeks.

Tried looking up on Youtube yet?. Can you find videos showing what happened in Chola and Nathu? :lol:
You will have better luck if you type "India 1962". Now that is the significant difference :azn:

But of course, there will be no more 1962. It is now 2011 and India is now a super power with the strongest economy and has the most high tech and sophisticated foreign weapon systems. We Chinese are now whimpering :lol:
If the quality of Chinese decoration lights I bought this Diwali, is anything to go by, you may end up taking out Islamabad instead of Delhi... :rofl:

Reminds me about the pompus statement: "Any attack Pak is an attack on China".... "tuss-puss pataki" as we say in Kannada. Translation: The fire work that went "fizzzzzzzzz" instead of a "Boom" :)
if you don't know military logistics than why are you making such claims? Do you think the Indians don't have more helecopters or infastructure on there side? A better question would be, does India even need the infastructure when the equipment is already there?
If you want to envision a Sino-Indo border war than you have to think large scale Kargil. Thats what its like. You go back to your ponies and unicorn dream.

Who told you that I don’t know military logistics? Every war will start with border built up and preparation, even in 1962 China knew the difficulty of support a long duration war in such far remote region…without a good infrastructure and supply line, china will never win a long duration against India…that’s why invest in Tibet to control the resource such water and food distribution will solve PLA supply line…We Chinese don’t dream we’re very pragmatic

Forget the rail option during the war..it will be in shambles in the first hrs of war itself.and if china does the mistake of attacking civilian places with missiles then china will have to introduce 25 child policy to keep their nation running with their man power after the war..mr kiss something our planes and rockets fly too.. :)

Try to bomb our rail, your railway network will be targeted as well, you pray that there is no anyone on that train…it will be a great shame that there is more blood spill out of the train that engine oil. ..and I’m so scare of Indian’s NUKE…25 child policy is better than you Indian: I afraid that there will be no Indian left to carry out any Child policy.:lol:
Sure your plane and rockets fly…if there is a collateral damage to civilian…as penalty and retaliation you millions Indian will have no water to drink…I’m wondering how a dehydrated Indian soldier will fight…or Dehydrated Indian civilian will keep up the will to defy us the mighty evil Dragon.:lol:

Blah blah blah excuses after excuses for your failures

failure is the pillar of success you dimwits gave back the territory you captured in 62 going back to ante bellum borders which was a bad way to your victory you guys in 62 made the mistake we did in 71 we won but did not capitalize strategically Arunachal and Sikkim are still with India we did not even have control over much of Aksai Chin anyway by doing that you made sure you could never get back the territory so good job by backstabbing us in 1962 and giving up your gains you made us become a militarized nation with Nukes and now you can't in any way pull of another 1962 you claim that we will lose the minute we hear of Chinese troop movements on the border without being notified of it being a military exercise we will airlift and rush forces there immediately

do you even know how many troops we have our North east including paramilitary forces?????? much more than you can guys can deploy in a week thats for sure
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