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WHO WAS BEHIND LAHORE 3/3 Terror Attacks

Stop watching ur childish media

Well, it seems you don't need media to be childish.

Anyway, what was childish in this? One more mistake by GoP, and military will be in charge in Pakistan.
Sri Lankan rebels deny role in cricket attack
Updated at: 1300 PST, Thursday, March 05, 2009

COLOMBO: The Tamil Tiger rebels said Thursday that they had no connection to the recent attack on Sri Lanka's cricket team in Lahore, Pakistan.

In an interview with Australian radio, a rebel leader who identified himself as Thileepan was asked to respond to allegations that the group was responsible for the ambush Tuesday that killed six police officers and a driver.

``No, that's not true,'' he said, according to a transcript of the interview. ``We don't have any connections with those people.''

The rebels are locked in battle with government forces trying to destroy the group and end this country's quarter-century civil war.

Sri Lankan rebels deny role in cricket attack
Indian media was just creating sensationalism,nothing like that will happen

Indian Media even tried to implicate Pakistan in Bangladesh mutiny but thanks to sensble Bangldeshis they already analysed that it was India not Pakistan.
i think india will keep on damageing us until we fall

we have to fight a war with them due to water crisis or over their involvement in terrorism in our country
realisticall saing annihelate them or get annihilated no third option:angry:
Indian media was just creating sensationalism,nothing like that will happen

Well, it is just that "you don't wish this to happen". :agree:

Tell me where am I wrong in following guess. Pak people are on the verge of blasting in anger against GoP. If this pattern continues, then a time will come when people will ask military to take the charge. Or, considering the incapability of GoP, military chief will take this wise decision to save Pakistan.

By the way, I don't make my opinion from media.

we are enemies from our birth

i reckon from the heart you know who did 3/3
yea we know

whose money is being used in balochistan and by TAkfiri thugs

dont worry
its ur time we will have our time remember that
some excerpts

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

KARACHI - Tuesday's attack in the Pakistani city of Lahore on a convoy carrying Sri Lankan cricketers was carried out by disgruntled Punjabi militants seeking to extract concessions from the government, Asia Times Online has learned.

And the 12 highly trained gunmen who fled the scene after killing six police officers and wounding six of the cricketers had planned to take the sportsmen hostage, not kill them, high-level sources maintain.

The militants, working directly under the command of a joint Punjabi and Kashmiri leadership based in the North Waziristan tribal area and allied with al-Qaeda, planned the Lahore operation.

A spokesperson at the Sri Lankan Embassy at Islamabad also said on Tuesday that he did not believe the Sri Lankan players were meant to be killed as all fire was aimed at the police protecting the players.

All indications are that the militants are "good sons of the soil" trained by Pakistan's premier secret service, the Inter-Services Intelligence's India cell to fight against the Indian security forces in Indian-administered Kashmir.

These "Kashmir" militants are mostly non-Pashtun (unlike the Taliban), with the majority being ethnic Punjabis.

The government accepted all of the demands, but it refused to release those prisoners who were not from Swat. At the top of this list was Maulana Abdul Aziz, a radical cleric from the Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) in Islamabad who was arrested in July 2007 while fleeing from the mosque after security forces stormed it. The government also refused to release several other militants, including a very important person, who were recently arrested in Islamabad.

The Punjabi militants were clearly upset at having their demands rejected, while the Pashtuns got what they wanted. The attack in Lahore was meant to redress the "injustice".
A war against India? :lol:

Well, angry young man, I assure you that India won't even need to strike back to make Pakistan fall. :wave:

Now a days, it also takes MONEY to fight a war! :rofl::rofl:

Whats stopping you from crossing border. Perhaps India should appoint you COAS instead of the present one. He it seems doesn't have the balls and you have. I assure you your balls will be smashed the moment you crossed the line.
@ Bill Longley and ejaz007

It wasn't I who started this.

I never said "India will attack Pakistan". I said "Pakistan cannot attack India".

Got it??
I'm getting a free indian news channel in my dish network, I'm so disgusted by it I'm going to call dish network and cut off the channel even though its free, I think its free for only this week but who would spend a single rupee on that propaganda.

The Indians are acting childish over this attack in Lahore, most are happy. The Indian anchor said in hindi, "this is Pakistan..they cant even protect their citizens". They report news on Pakistan more than Pakistani channels do. Seriously Indians quit being happy over someone else's miseries.

Dude!! India has 50+ news channels in 13+ languages. Many of them are the rupeenews type channels that bank on viewership. Even Indians make fun of those anchors.
And these crappy channels are those that market aggressively and try to get more coverage.
Its your problem if you ran into such channels. Do not develop a wrong idea of the mainstream media in India.
@ Bill Longley and ejaz007

It wasn't I who started this.

I never said "India will attack Pakistan". I said "Pakistan cannot attack India".

Got it??

The easiest way is to avoid such nonsense. However if you respond than others shall respond even strongly.

One should be careful while making comments against other countries.

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