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Who really won World War 2? and why?

I know the history. But judge for yourself - was France worthy to sit at the same table with the Soviet Union, the U.S. and Britain?

I have made it clear America and USSR were the real victors. France which was itself occupied was recognized as shareholder by both superpowers. This picture is enough to show the role of France.

Germany and Japan. After war, these two nations resurrected from stone age and build the foundation of their countries rock solid.
I have made it clear America and USSR were the real victors. France which was itself occupied was recognized as shareholder by both superpowers. This picture is enough to show the role of France.

According to the reminiscences of the participants, during the signing of the act of capitulation of Germany.

on may 8, 1945, the head of the German delegation, field Marshal Keitel saw among those present at the ceremony of persons in the French military uniform, unable to wonder: "What?! And these, too, won us!?"
Supreme victor : United States.

Soviet Union also won a pyric victory.

Others were too destroyed to celebrate their 'victory', if there was any..
Germany and Japan. After war, these two nations resurrected from stone age and build the foundation of their countries rock solid.

Do you know what was the main reason for the electoral defeat of Winston Churchill in the election just after world war. Quite surprising that he lost it to Clement Atlee.
Supreme victor : United States.

Soviet Union also won a pyric victory.

Others were too destroyed to celebrate their 'victory', if there was any..
the Soviet Union had suffered from the war much worse than France, and especially Britain.
However, the 9th of May - Victory day - is still one of the major holidays in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan.
Do you know what was the main reason for the electoral defeat of Winston Churchill in the election just after world war. Quite surprising that he lost it to Clement Atlee.

Domestic politics overran the nationalistic sentiments. Isn't?
USSR won. If they had collapsed in the winter of 41, there was no way that the US or UK would have had any chance of invading Europe and defeat on Nazi Germany. ( case closed )
Sources: my brain :chilli:
USA was supreme victor.The huge loans taken by the euroepan powers and the mobilization revitalized the american economy after the great depression and by the end of the war left it with russia the greatest power on the planet.USSR and asia/africa were secondary victors.USSR earned immortal glory with their defense of the soviet union,but all political advantages gained were temporary and fell with the berlin wall.The war also made decolonization faster and more inevitable,especially with japan's sweeping victories over the colonial powers-symbolized by the surrender of singapore.
The biggest loser was europe.Worldwide European hegemony that had lasted from 1750-1800 onwards came to an end.

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