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Who needs to down the FGFA?

I don't know whats the pressing need which IAF is talking about. 200 su30s aren't enough to handle the threat at the present condition?. 30 billion for 126 4.5generation plane isn't too much? With this 30billion USD one more HAL can be formed, isn't?
I don't know whats the pressing need which IAF is talking about. 200 su30s aren't enough to handle the threat at the present condition?. 30 billion for 126 4.5generation plane isn't too much? With this 30billion USD one more HAL can be formed, isn't?

30 billion? India should own 50% of Dassault. They are milking us, cost escalation's don't jump like this over less 7 years. UPA could have clinched the deal for alot less but they sat on it as usual. The world complains about our poverty but milk us on security while they turn a blind eye to China arming Pakistan to the teeth with nukes!
Fair point. But what are India's options? There are three 5th gen aircrafts available in the next decade. One belongs to China, one to US and one to Russia. So their options are get it from their main rival, get from the US with very little transfer of technology and lots of strings attached or go with an unreliable Russia. So they're making the best of a bad situation.

There is another option for India for 5th gen project and it will be better in terms of avionics and stealth (although it will be single engine jet) and will be good work horse for IAF that project need funding and SAAB need a partner for that.

SAAB new stealth fighter program | aerospace news | robotpig.net
Thrust vectoring and Supercruise is available on some jets already. I was referring to stealth which Russia has issues with it.

And still they are considered as NG capabilites, just as many technical capabilities fighters like Rafale, EF or Su 35 have operational today and no, you wasn't refering to stealth, but as you said on "engines" which you denied to be 5t gen.
For the stealth part, check the FGFA thread, the F35 prototypes had the same non shaped nozzles as the 117S engines of the T50 today, just as even the production version of the F35 has rounded engine coverings, while we don't even know yet, how the production version of Pak Fa let alone FGFA will look like.
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QRSAM is indigenous product no foreign JV

the maitri deal is still not inked

No, the Indian developed was the Trishul SAM, which was cancelled and then we went for the JV with MBDA and based on MICA VL, but it's still not yet.
Well I dont think so.
Rafale wouldnt come nearer to the FGFA.FGFA is a fifth generation plane.And India already made claer that FGFA will be their one and only outside option.
However some old tricks of Russian like in INS Vicky cause a lot of concern in Indian circles.They will make sure that such thing not going to happen in future.
No, the Indian developed was the Trishul SAM, which was cancelled and then we went for the JV with MBDA and based on MICA VL, but it's still not yet.

yes we cancelled trishul

we went for JV with france


the Jv still not signed
still not on the job


we have started own project for QRSAM without any JV
BOss thats july 2010 article

today we are in Nov 2014

deal still not happened

Of course it is, but the point was that the slides / pics showed Maitri SAM and not a new QR SAM development. There is no own DRDO development other than this, Maitri is a co-development with DRDO, similar to Barak 8 or Brahmos.
The cost of maintaining a 5th gen fighter is sky high! I can not see India signing off both the MRCA and the FGFA with the economy as it is. Perhaps if we were growing at 8-9% a year like previous years but at this rate there is no chance we will sign both off this year.

My view is that MRCA will get the nod but not until march/april 2015 which I predicted on PDF a while ago.

Engines on the FGFA show its not a real 5 gen. This deal was signed in a hurry under UPA. What a bunch of idiots....I swear this is what happens when you subscirbe to dynasty politics and don;t you ever forget it!

There was only a design contract that was signed but no agreement yet. FGFA will get better engines if it were to be signed as this was a requirement for the IAF.
in my armchair capacity, our priorities should be..

1. LCA. making mk II operational within 5-6 years. foc. in production. 8 at a time. later 20 a year.

2. finish rafale fast. no delays in induction.

fgfa can wait till j-20 becomes operational.

honestly, what are we expecting with fgfa ? a magic machine which will teach us everything ?

it will take time. we shouldn't dance to russian tune.

russia today is cash starved. we should use it to our advantage. not the other way around. it will soon come to pass that mig35 will be offered to pakistan. do not be deluded about that. they will do that just because they have to. to survive post f35 world. to compete with chinese copies of their own planes running on chinese engines. it will happen.

and honestly speaking, say what you will, a pakfa is nowhere near even f35. and f35 is a single engined plane. working today.
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