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Who must be the next President of Pakistan???

Who will be the Next President of Pakistan???

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did this NAEMULLAH SHAH know when he will die...or how he would die???

i predict that tomorrow ZARDARI will be in power!!! most probably my prediction will come true my friend!!! PREDICTIONS are for those whocan't write there own destiny!!!!

He is Wali Ullah of his time....he even predicted the time period of WW1 & WW2 and among which nations.....he predicted the division of Khalafat...he predicted that 1965 war will fought for 17 days.....and also about 1971......he was saint of God.....let me posts videos of him & then u can go to any conclusion......:pakistan:
Zaid hamid is very petriotic. And he is always against India and US involvement in Pakistan,he is tough speeking guy.
But that does make him good President.
It look like he will definetly stand tall for Pakistan.
But thats my point of view.........
2 people voted for Bilawal, yar don't we have enough problems on top of that you want a Transsexual president great.
Zahid H reminds me of Ahmadinejad big mouth will get us into trouble, His ideas are good but not in today world or in other words not for Pakistan yes may be after another 20 years. Right now we need massive cleansing from K2 to Karachi and you all know who can do that.
did this NAEMULLAH SHAH know when he will die...or how he would die???

i predict that tomorrow ZARDARI will be in power!!! most probably my prediction will come true my friend!!! PREDICTIONS are for those whocan't write there own destiny!!!!

:hitwall:before posting that kind of Bs here, I recommend you to educate yourself about our saints and wali ullah who have one of these GOD Gifted ability. as a Muslim we should believe in spirituality. don't you??
And I thought Altaf was Crazy. on the scale 1 to 10 I put Altaf at 10 but this quire boys is way above 10:rofl:

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Or Make him the president so the day he goes for a UN section he does this. He is no doubt Crazy reminds me of Hitler. Check it out.

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Imran Khan is the one who opposes operation Rah-e-Rast & he is not suitable for this job.....he is a good opposition coz he use to oppose everything....:hitwall:

He opposes for a reason that we do not have an end to this war and its consuming Pakistan from inside. Have you ever wondered why Hoolbroke visitis Pakistan so many times in almost a month? Figure that out and maybe and just maybe you might figure out why Imran khan opposes. NS has already a sell out so dont expect anything changing when he comes to the throne.
In the current scenario, especially for Pakistan, I feel someone who is a combination of a good administrator as well as an economist would be the best.......

As far as admisnistration goes, I would say the army rule would best serve this purpose....

From an economic standpoint or someone who's policies could stabilize Pakistan and bring them out of the economic depression should be Pakistani's primary choice....Not to blow my own trumpet, but Manmohan Singh of sorts....

I also feel someone who is not as corrupt and educated would be much better than the Zardari/Bhutto type leaders......
Imran Khan comes to mind since I feel he already has a lot of money...(Doesnt mean he cant be corrupt)....but his greed would be at a lesser extent than some of the others I feel.....

Personally...I think Musharaff is the best for Pakistan....The dude has balls to get things done when **** hits the fan.....he has charisma....he is internationally respected...and it was under his rule that the India-Pak dialogue was at its height!!!....also....he is a combination of the above mentioned points.....
Excellent point. Musharaf has beaten Clinton , Mushy makes $550,000/-per lecture , Clinton used to make 1 million but only for 1 year now he makes $250.000/- Per lecture. In the last 2 years Mushy has given 22 lectures this year he has already given 6.
The guy is educated knows what to be done and is capable of taking Pakistan to the next level.

Imran Khan another nut case when were you ask him a question he starts with ( dahken gee) and he behavior of holier-than-thou · sanctimonious, self-righteously, or hypocritically pious doesn't go with his personalities. Couldn't even keep his own house in order and wants to fix Pakistan.:disagree:
Excellent point. Musharaf has beaten Clinton , Mushy makes $550,000/-per lecture , Clinton used to make 1 million but only for 1 year now he makes $250.000/- Per lecture. :

woow sir,550,000 thats good amount of money, we dont need this guy as president, he already has a better job, may be help him find out more lectures, so he can send more remittances, and practically help in making our economy better:lol:
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