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Who must be the next President of Pakistan???

Who will be the Next President of Pakistan???

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You've got to be kidding me, a conspiracy nutcase like Zaid Hamid has as many votes as Imran Khan? Looks like Pakistanis like his easy bullshit solutions that would never work over real solutions that would actually take work, no surprise there. And we wonder why our country is the way it is :disagree:
I am surprised you haven't posted Makhdoom Amin Fahim, the person who was actually suppose to be prime minister. Anyways I wish Amin Fahim becomes the next prime minister. As much as i like Musharaf i would like him to run as a prime minister in a proper democratic election and seriously those who voted for the army you are not helping Pakistan establish a proper national assembly and taking the country right back to where it started. Let the national assembly become stable, let the filtering process of bad people take place in a democracy, good people will come eventually. IF you keep bringing the army back you will give more reason for the bad people to continue and not allow the good people to stand up and run for government

And who ever voted for Bilawal.. seriously!! get a grip on reality
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did you mean sacred?

Thand rakho sahab as far as i know he has no love for PM or President posts.

:) so chill karo. These posts are unworthy for him. Too small for him. He has a more scard and bigger mission.

So lets talk about the thugs in the list.

---------- Post added at 11:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 PM ----------

Thand rakho sahab as far as i know he has no love for PM or President posts.

:) so chill karo. These posts are unworthy for him. Too small for him. He has a more sacard and bigger mission.

So lets talk about the thugs in the list.
Zaid Hamid for President and Musharraf for Prime Minister...... Army with close to both of them and then leave it on Allah. I see how people think Zaid is hard headed but in reality he knows where to throw a punch and where to pass a smile so i'm not worried of him harming Pakistan if he Become President of Pakistan
I see my post has been deleted :D Bad Bad Webby :lol:

Thats the first time I got that :whistle: :P

(for those wondering why? it was my inborn dislike for a Pakistan without Democracy !! :wave: )


1) The Ideal:
A> President : Dr. Abdul Qadeer
B> PM : Imran Khan

2) The Realistic:
A> President : (someone from PML-N, they might even get Dr. Abdul Qadeer for it :) )
B> PM : Nawaz Sharif


PS: Webbie, cumon dude! people have said far more unrealistic and ill planned things!! Mine wasnt that bad Bro! unless........:azn:
Might sound absurd to some of us over here, but there is a prediction by Nemat Ullah Shah Wali that Pakistan will be ruled by a person who wears Red-Cap and has greenish eyes and he will take the seat of presidency at the time when there will be famine of leadership in the country. Zaid Hamid has got them both. He has made his presence only couple of years back and now he is being listed among "possible presidents". As per prediction, under the presidency of that person, every department of the country will take its shape again and Pakistan will come out of its hot waters. This will be the time when country will make pacts with the nation in North (China?).

May be not the next one but Zaid could well be the second next president of Pakistan. He is fearless, has understanding of Islamic values, teaches philosophy of Allama Mohammad Iqbal as no one else ever did and has always glorified, supported and cherished Army of Pakistan. If he kept doing what he is doing, he will be very strong contender for the seat of Presidency in next 4 to 5 years!

yes i also heard that he is the man of time....i think i must post those spiritual dimensions episodes..... u r 100% right....
You've got to be kidding me, a conspiracy nutcase like Zaid Hamid has as many votes as Imran Khan? Looks like Pakistanis like his easy bullshit solutions that would never work over real solutions that would actually take work, no surprise there. And we wonder why our country is the way it is :disagree:

do u think he is worse then zardari.......he has alot of information on Islam and is good motivational person.....:pakistan: now we need an honest party for our leadership & we must get rid of these robbers....:sniper:
No one should worry that bank vote of bhuttos and PPP is decreasing. Voters of PPP and Bhuttos can never be indoctrinated in any new direction, as regards to corruption scandal, remember that its Zardari and PPP government which has moral courage to sack steel mill chairman . Regarding IPP and rental power plant issue, federal minister Pervez Ashraf has challenged that he can talk to any body at any forum regarding rental power plants issue. Friends of Zardari are not being adjusted in high portfolios , doctor Asim Hussain is no more minister ; Zardari’s indicated man not sent to France as ambassador ; this speaks of moral courage and open mind and heart of President Zardari and PPP leadership …if friends of Pakistan are not fulfilling their promises then Zardari led government has got assistance from IMF and USA ; Zardari and PPP are very much alive to situation ; its not incompetence and bad reputation of Zardari and his team rather its their competence that you people have not been taken over by Swati Taliban and you are alive to criticize Zardari and PPP ; there is no minus one formula in pipe line ; that’s rubbish propaganda by some anti Pakistani to create chaos.

but Altaf Hussain dont want to be a president!
If MQM wins the election then i think farooq sattar will be the president!

For me, i will vote Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ibad for president and Mustafa Kamal for Prime Minister!
Might sound absurd to some of us over here, but there is a prediction by Nemat Ullah Shah Wali that Pakistan will be ruled by a person who wears Red-Cap and has greenish eyes and he will take the seat of presidency at the time when there will be famine of leadership in the country. Zaid Hamid has got them both. He has made his presence only couple of years back and now he is being listed among "possible presidents". As per prediction, under the presidency of that person, every department of the country will take its shape again and Pakistan will come out of its hot waters. This will be the time when country will make pacts with the nation in North (China?).

May be not the next one but Zaid could well be the second next president of Pakistan. He is fearless, has understanding of Islamic values, teaches philosophy of Allama Mohammad Iqbal as no one else ever did and has always glorified, supported and cherished Army of Pakistan. If he kept doing what he is doing, he will be very strong contender for the seat of Presidency in next 4 to 5 years!

did this NAEMULLAH SHAH know when he will die...or how he would die???

i predict that tomorrow ZARDARI will be in power!!! most probably my prediction will come true my friend!!! PREDICTIONS are for those whocan't write there own destiny!!!!

but Altaf Hussain dont want to be a president!
If MQM wins the election then i think farooq sattar will be the president!

For me, i will vote Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ibad for president and Mustafa Kamal for Prime Minister!

for Altaf to become PRESIDENT he will need to come back and he will NEVER come back...so that will automatically mean he doesn't want to be president!!

ISHRAT-UL-IBAD....are you serious you want this ghundaa mawali to become our president!!!! :sniper:
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