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Who killed 11 Chinese troops in Gaven Reefs in 1990 ?

I was tongue in cheek with my last post. CPC doing a good job for most Chinese people for now, and hopefully Xi can curb out corruption .

He has to fight corruption, it is the only way to save China and his party.
Making a claim against a superpower is not very wise,we will see how things play out in the future.
Thank for your advise, we're against China you for thousand years until now.
Superpower!? just USA right now. And We kicked him out our territory.

Many countries make claim against you China: VN, Philippine, Malaysia, Brunei, Korea, Japan, India, USA
From France !? So French was stay in Vietnam still 1974 !? LOL
Historical records, again. Vietnamese has that too. It's so clear, until early of 20th century, China's map most southern point is Hainan Island.

What 1974?

"To pre-empt further French moves and thwart French ambitions, China sent in 1902 a naval task force to inspect the South China Sea islands, planting flags and marker there. "

Where in the World is the Philippines?
--Rodolfo Severino

With respect, but your historic data is a mess:
越南外交部以偷梁換柱、張冠李戴的手法,將其黃沙、長沙說成是我國的西沙、南沙,主要表現有如下三個方面:一是歪曲史料記載的原意。如《纂 集天南四至路圖書》中“廣義地區圖”的註釋,明確說明稱為“壩葛鐄”的長沙是在大佔海 門至沙榮一帶,距離大佔門為一日半航程,距離沙淇門僅半日航程。這個長沙明眼人一看就知道是指分佈在越南中部沿海的一些島嶼,但是越南某些學者卻以“壩葛鐄”是越南文 字實行拉丁化前的“字喃”,意即“黃沙”,而黃沙又是他們現在對我國西沙群島的稱呼為由,武斷地把黃沙與西沙劃上等號,這種歪曲歷史事實的做法無疑是笨拙 的,也是不能得 逞的。二是混淆地圖上的同名異地。如《大南一統全圖》把繪在越南中部沿海的一塊“長條地帶”寫上黃沙和萬里長沙,越南某些學者則將這兩個地名與現在稱我國 西沙、南沙群 島為“黃沙”、“長沙”聯繫起來,大肆渲染這張地圖的“精心和準確”,仿佛抓到了一個“確鑿 證據”。殊不知這塊長條地帶無論是從形狀,或者是從所處的經緯度來看,都與我國的西沙、南沙群島毫無相似之處,不能混為一談。三是鑽了同一地名所指的地 點、範圍可隨時間變化的空子。如西方史籍中記載的帕拉賽爾,在19世紀20年代之前,通常指的是位於越南中部沿海的“長條地帶”。到20年代以後,其範圍 才向北延伸,包括了我國的西沙群島,而一直至19世紀後半期以後,才被用來專指我國的西沙群島。越南某些學者就利用 這種時間上的差異,大量引用西方史籍中有關19世紀20年代前帕拉塞爾的記載,企圖將之與我國的西沙群島混淆起來。
I will spend other time to translate this.
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When the right time come, our naval sapper may perform fast-silent kill again. All Chinese troops in SCS(east sea) have No chance to survive :pop:
Your ambition has far surpassed your actual capability, it will not be good for you.
Russia will fully support VN to control the whole sub-Mekong region and then expand to Aussie after that :pop:
Such a idiotic comment, want revenging, first cleaning the Orange Agent in your soil that pollut you vietnam, always posting such idiotic comment here, revenge China, US? what a joke!
if 11 Chinese were killed by our frogman, then, it is the first step, the next one will be Chinese troops in all islands in SCS(east sea) and just like 11 poor guys slaughtered in 1990, they got No chance to survive

Maybe some Aliens or frogman from Vietnam?
Our sapper is famous for fast-silent kill with no evident left :pop:
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You not only killed 11 men, you rendered 11 family lost their only son. So proud of that?

Will you able to do it all over again? i think hell no, we have some anti-frogman killer machine special designed for you theif.
You not only killed 11 men, you rendered 11 family lost their only son. So proud of that?

Will you able to do it all over again? i think hell no, we have some anti-frogman killer machine special designed for you theif.
U kill 68 Vnese in 1988, we have the right to revenge. If u dont wanna get killed, then dont stay in our islands. U have ur choice

I think u had that kind of machine in 1990 already. As I know , China bought it from US or EU, but it still impossible to save ur men :pop:
U kill 68 Vnese in 1988, we have the right to revenge. If u dont wanna get killed, then dont stay in our islands. U have ur choice

I think u had that kind of machine in 1990 already. As I know , China bought it from US or EU, but it still impossible to save ur men :pop:
You fired at us first, you shall always remember it. My RIP to those 68 death, what about yours?

The war ended a long time ago, why always refer back to it? It is just meaningless. Take care of those land you seized, otherwise no one ensure its safety in the future. Although we have dispute with you, but i don't hate Vietnamese as much as i hate Japanese. quit this thread and look for the bright side of CHina.
"They have super-duper naval sappers that can punch Chinese warships with their fists. Also, their sappers can jump out of sea and eliminate Chinese marines. And, don't forget, their sappers are the Vietnamese version of superman."


What so good about their sappers. 100 rounds from a machinegun is enough to kill them.
how do you want to do that? with your non-existent Philippine navy and airforce? :woot:
Take care of your *** before the Chinese. We´ll come later. :partay:

Thanks for confirming Viets are thieves :)
no, East Vietnam Sea is our lake, we take what ours :sarcastic:
You fired at us first, you shall always remember it. My RIP to those 68 death, what about yours?

The war ended a long time ago, why always refer back to it? It is just meaningless. Take care of those land you seized, otherwise no one ensure its safety in the future. Although we have dispute with you, but i don't hate Vietnamese as much as i hate Japanese. quit this thread and look for the bright side of CHina.
U know , we should not have any dispute in SCS(east sea) , before 1975, VN-China were good friends. It is ur fault to turn VN into ur enemy when ur Deng decided to attack VN in 1974, 1979 and keep killing VNese until 1988.

U cant take our territory by force, even the world supper power like Mongol-US also could not . we dont hate Chinese but we want our islands back . Im sure with u that our sapper will perform fast-silent kill again and again until we take back all what belong to us.

We u decide to war with VN, it means u will have to fight with us from centuries to centuries and u will lose in the end as usuall :pop:

how do you want to do that? with your non-existent Philippine navy and airforce? :woot:
Take care of your *** before the Chinese. We´ll come later. :partay:
Can u get back to normal now ?? those islands that occupied by Philippine are unimportant to us, so we dont need to show our hostile toward Filipinos
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how do you want to do that? with your non-existent Philippine navy and airforce? :woot:
Take care of your *** before the Chinese. We´ll come later. :partay:

no, East Vietnam Sea is our lake, we take what ours :sarcastic:
I think we will continue to cut ur oil-cable off.
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