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Who is India's strategic partner of India? Iran or Israel

Who is India's strategic partner of India? Iran or Israel

  • Iran

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Israel

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Both

    Votes: 25 44.6%
  • None

    Votes: 6 10.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
Reaction score
Who is India's strategic partner of India? Iran or Israel

The recent event of denying to launch an Iranian satellite and voting against them in the UN just made a significant strategic shift incase of indian diplomacy bilateral relations must be independent but on the world stage india seems to be siding with west and the USA which would wont fit well with India's Strategic policy for which it needs the help of iran in a big way.

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israel may need india's diplomatic support ,but only if india have louder voice someday

Iran is a important strategic parter of Pakistan and China.:pakistan::china:

Iran is a important strategic parter of Pakistan and China.:pakistan::china:

We in India dont believe in a all or nothing system. We think that as a nation we can coexist with everyone peacefully and maintain good relationships. IMO both Israel and Iran are our long term partners and we will support them on a case by case basis.
We in India dont believe in a all or nothing system. We think that as a nation we can coexist with everyone peacefully and maintain good relationships. IMO both Israel and Iran are our long term partners and we will support them on a case by case basis.

1. please don't fool us. india had military conflict with all its neighbors in the past 6 decades, how that can mean "coexist with everyone peacefully"?

2. you can of course to model your relationship with these two nations in such a "case by case basis", but please don't overestimate the importance of india, a very good question to ask yourself is whether they want such a "case by case" friend.
We in India dont believe in a all or nothing system. We think that as a nation we can coexist with everyone peacefully and maintain good relationships. IMO both Israel and Iran are our long term partners and we will support them on a case by case basis.

What will India do if these two coutries have a war? Support Iran or Israel?
let's use some common sense, say you are the head of Israel, then with whom would you form such partnership? China or India?

On one hand, China is one of the 5 permanent UNSC members, one of the biggest buyer of oil in the ME. On the other hand, india even couldn't make a MBT on its own, have no say on the UNSC.

:smokin: The problem is even if india wants such partnership, Israel may not be happy to agree one.

Ahem ahem seems like Common sense is very uncommon these days....

India is one of the biggest importer of arms from Israel & weapons export is a great source of income for a small country like Israel with not much natural resources .Also India and Israel share a very common culture and a common thread.Furthermore Israel has already agreed to produce an enhanced version of Barak . There have been partnerships in various spheres .I would even say that both already are Strategic partners.

As for Iran , though India's policy on Iran seems to be changing ( related to the nuclear proliferation thing) , I think as long as Iran has its house in order, India will continue to be a partner.

Iran is a important strategic parter of Pakistan and China.:pakistan::china:

Israel is Indias partner by choice, it is affected by terrorism same as India. It is surrounded by hostile states and sees India as an important ally and friend in the region. Plus the benefits of trade with an big economy like India and the added diplomatic clout doesnt hurt Israel either. India benefits by Israeli technology which they are more than happy to share.

Iran on the other hand has strong cultural ties from the medieval times continuing up to Akbars rule. Akbar even sided with Iran against the Uzbeks when they tried playing the sectarian card of sunni-shia against the Shah of Iran. After that, since independence, India has resumed strong ties with Iran collaborating in infrastructure and trade, thereby strengthening the centuries old friendship.

IMO India does well by not taking sides maintaining close relations with both, while letting them decide on their mutual feuds themselves,
both need India as much as India needs them therefore India benefits from both sides.
1. please don't fool us. india had military conflict with all its neighbors in the past 6 decades, how that can mean "coexist with everyone peacefully"?

2. you can of course to model your relationship with these two nations in such a "case by case basis", but please don't overestimate the importance of india, a very good question to ask yourself is whether they want such a "case by case" friend.

1. None of which were initiated by India

2. I said Case by case and Not a fairweather freind ( like what China & US are to pakistan)


AFAIK India wont support any of them militarily.
After visiting and posting on these threads I really find it strange to be replying to these posts. Most of them like this one has little or no relevance to the topic. Yet some people will start derailing the thread on purpose and trying to make it a China Vs India affair. I do not know why they do so.. Are they so obsessed with this competition or do they get some pleasure out of it. They say they are very well educated, from the top univesities and what not and yet they dont understand that not everything has to be looked from the mirror of India vs China. They say they dont care about India and yet are quick to point out any shortcomings and conviniently ignore the achievements. May God Help Such Souls , so that they dont destroy our threads :P
We would have overestimated that IF we would have been saying that Israel will side with India in case she has to choose between India and China. Currently such a scenario doesnt exist & we havent been discussing it , so please will you refrain from making this another India vs China debate.

We don't care Israel choosing who is her partner.

At least, Israel doesn't dare to support Taiwan and Tibet independence! :cheers:
and ONLY and Indian can do this.
friend of all, sincere to own self
and that is a lesson in diplomacy and foreign relations.

Thanks for understanding bud.....Isnt that Lesson 101 of international diplomacy??
Being Friends with all countries is a must as that helps us meet our needs.....But to give undying loyalty to a country is not recommended either.....at least I wouldnt want my country supporting a negative cause of an ally just for the sake of loyalty.....especially not one which results in killing of innocent civilians (eg. Iraq assault)
Eg. Pakistan is facing internal dissent from within its people for the support to the US and being an extension of US foreign policy by not stopping Drone attacks....(seriously not trying to flame here)
The point is, India wants to be a "quazi-switzerland" (if possible)....but we carry a lot of baggage from our past....

As for India and Iran, we have a relationship that has lasted since before B.C, we have cultural links, our friendship has tested the religious boundaries and we are still close...so I dont see Iran going anywhere....

India and Israel are strategic partners for now....We support the Palestinians more than we support Israel on their stand....and Israel knows that, yet they supply us with their top tech....speaks of the kind of respect we have from them (Might be the power of the Moolah....but I am a nationalist and would like to think so...sue me)....
Maybe this relationship could develop more...no one can tell the future....

My point is, Israel and Iran are both Indian ally's...but we wont support one over the other in a conflict....we would use our excellent relationship with each to try to diffuse tensions....

Some members here are raising assanine questions such as who would a particular country choose over India and China....to them, all I will say is, this aint kindergarten kiddo.....grow up....

Next we should ask, oh....Pakistan and China are allies, but Pakistan receives aid from the US which has more $$$ and much higher tech, more clout....If China and US went to war....who would you want to support or want as an ally??....See how stupid that sounds??...

Now please lets give it a rest and talk about this very interesting topic......
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IMO both Iran and Israel are India's strategic allies. Iran is more of an economic partner and in recent years we have really stepped up the ante. The Chabahar port & Zarang highway is the most obvious example of our new found friendship. IMO India will continue to rely on Iran for access to the CAR's.

India's relationship with Israel is more of a military alliance, Israel actually managed to replace Russia (in $$ terms) as our top arms supplier, which says a great deal about the tiny country. I'm sure our relationship will grow even further in the coming years.

Some members suggested that India will be forced to pick sides in case of an Israel - Iran conflict, well for starters India has made it clear that it does not support military action or economic sanctions against the regime. If war really does break out that India will stay neutral and go in and assist both countries when its over.
I'd like to point out that this thread relates to India's strategic partners and no OTHER country. Keep it civil and keep it on topic, ignore and report trolls or they'll derail whatever's left of the thread.

PS: don't bother with unsubstantiated claims either.
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