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Who Is Behind Data Darbar Bombing in Pakistan?

the MAJOR difference between TTP & AFGHAN TALIBAN is:

1) AFGHAN TALIBAN were ruling afghanistan peacefully poppy plantaion was at an all time low! crime was at an all time low! they were the rightful rulers of afghanistan UNTIL USA walked in dethroned them inorder to pursue the AL-QAEDA (which over time has just gone out of context as this has become a taliban vs USA war)!!

2) TTP were never the "RULERS" of pakistan!! there agenda is to "FIX" the muslims of pakistan bring in there brand of "ISLAMIC" SHRIA! so there is no way they can justify there acts

while the "AMERICAN CALLED GOOD TALIBAN" just want to remove the foreign aggressors from their soil!!!

now to put it more into context:

if USA walks into pakistan tomorrow to destroy for a terrorist organization and in the process overthrows our government!! and zardari starts resisting such moves what would we call zardari??? (situations make a man good or bad in this situation zardari will become our hero)!!!

neither are good but we have some form of "sympathy" for the afghan taliban because they were overthrown!
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the MAJOR difference between TTP & AFGHAN TALIBAN is:

1) AFGHAN TALIBAN were ruling afghanistan peacefully poppy plantaion was at an all time low! crime was at an all time low! they were the rightful rulers of afghanistan UNTIL USA walked in dethroned them inorder to pursue the AL-QAEDA (which over time has just gone out of context as this has become a taliban vs USA war)!!

2) TTP were never the "RULERS" of pakistan!! there agenda is to "FIX" the muslims of pakistan bring in there brand of "ISLAMIC" SHRIA! so there is no way they can justify there acts

while the "AMERICAN CALLED GOOD TALIBAN" just want to remove the foreign aggressors from their soil!!!

now to put it more into context:

if USA walks into pakistan tomorrow to destroy for a terrorist organization and in the process overthrows our government!! and zardari starts resisting such moves what would we call zardari??? (situations make a man good or bad in this situation zardari will become our hero)!!!

yaar I was stating this POV and was threatened by a moderator that if I will not shut my mouth I will be banned....

There is a difference betwwen AT and TTP...
In the short run I think it's reasonable to use Afghan taliban for our interests as we see fit but in the long run we have to dismantle it, get rid of the whole poisonous ideology and create a democratic Afghan government.
In the short run I think it's reasonable to use Afghan taliban for our interests as we see fit but in the long run we have to dismantle it and create a democratic Afghan government.

no NOT WE!!! its an afghan decision they should make it themselves! :coffee: afghanistan is a sovereign nation & has the rights to elect its own rulers!! neither india nor pakistan nor the USA or its allies meddle in their internal affairs
Yes it's true that most Pakistanis think like that and I m talking about Pakistanis living in Pakistan not in UK or any other country and also not the elite class of English medium schools or Oxford breed.

i can see you are a supporter of umah idea, but at the same time you are acting like hypocrat. You dont want the taliban rule your country, on the other hand you are OK if Afghanistan suffers under the taliban. double standard. what kind of umah is that? you want us to suffer!
So you further proved my point that most pakistanis think that Afghan Talibans are good people even the elites also think like that...:cheers:

Not most pakistanis, as T-FAZ said, you cant speak on their behalf. But yes, only crazy ones do love Afghani Taliban. Sane pakistanis dont want them.
i can see you are a supporter of umah idea, but at the same time you are acting like hypocrat. You dont want the taliban rule your country, on the other hand you are OK if Afghanistan suffers under the taliban. double standard. what kind of umah is that? you want us to suffer!

Bhai Afghanistan is your country you can do what ever you want to do there... and yes you are right I would love to have muslim ummah united but I don't see this happening....

We in Pakistan have glorious stories about Afghan Taliban like how an English woman was converted to Islam after a very nice treatment by Afghan Taliban....... But I don't know exactly what they are...

We don't want Taliban to rule our country because Taliban themselves don't want to.... TTP are just terrorists they are not the real Taliban they are just bunch of thieves who want to terrorize people of Pakistan....

Bhai Afghanistan is your country you can do what ever you want to do there... and yes you are right I would love to have muslim ummah united but I don't see this happening....

if you believe in umah, then you shouldnt wish bad for umah in the other side your border, wish the same for your brother what you wish for yourself.

We in Pakistan have glorious stories about Afghan Taliban like how an English woman was converted to Islam after a very nice treatment by Afghan Taliban.......

you have heard glorious stories of the taliban, but we have seen the gloriouse crulty of the taliban with our own eyes and tasted it. and the hell with the woman, i dont care if they treated good or bad, all i know is that they killed us by larger numbers and destroyed/burnt our cities and villages.

But I don't know exactly what they are...

if you dont exaclty know them, why do you praise them? it looks childish to me.

We don't want Taliban to rule our country because Taliban themselves don't want to.... TTP are just terrorists they are not the real Taliban they are just bunch of thieves who want to terrorize people of Pakistan....

this is your interpretation, ours is a world different.
the MAJOR difference between TTP & AFGHAN TALIBAN is:

1) AFGHAN TALIBAN were ruling afghanistan peacefully poppy plantaion was at an all time low! crime was at an all time low! they were the rightful rulers of afghanistan UNTIL USA walked in dethroned them inorder to pursue the AL-QAEDA (which over time has just gone out of context as this has become a taliban vs USA war)!!

what a load of BS is that!! if killing people and masacaring by large large numbers is not crime, if killing people in thier own houses is not crime, if masascaring peple based on religiouse and racial differences is not crime, then god knows what crime is? go and do a little search, there was no peace in afghanistan during the taliban time, there was full blown war and bloodshed. And you are INSULTING us by calling the taliban the rightful rulers of the country, they came with the power of gun and were removed with the power of gun.

2) TTP were never the "RULERS" of pakistan!! there agenda is to "FIX" the muslims of pakistan bring in there brand of "ISLAMIC" SHRIA! so there is no way they can justify there acts

you want us to be burnt, but you dont want the same thing to yourself.

if USA walks into pakistan tomorrow to destroy for a terrorist organization and in the process overthrows our government!! and zardari starts resisting such moves what would we call zardari??? (situations make a man good or bad in this situation zardari will become our hero)!!!

and why do you insult your country, nation and government by comparing the afghani taliban with pak gov? pak gov was democratically elected by the people of pakistan but the taliban came to power through killing and guns.

neither are good but we have some form of "sympathy" for the afghan taliban because they were overthrown!

how do you feel if i have sympathy for the TTP? do you feel pain or no? perhaps the Mods will ban me from the forum forever.
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Who is responsible?
by Sana Saleem

Lahore is often known as the heart of Pakistan; the hub of culture and arts, the centre of education, the city of gardens, with the prominent aspect of the city being its ancient history and its deep-rooted connection to Sufism. Living in a city steeped in heritage and culture, Lahoris are known for their fun-loving spirit. This very spirit was attacked on July 1, when two suicide bombers attacked Data Darbar, shrine of the patron saint of Lahore.

The attack killed 45 people and left more than 175 injured.

This is not the first time a shrine has been attacked, previously the shrines of Rahman Baba and Mian Umer Baba in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have also been attacked.

Attacking Data Darbar on a Thursday night was an obvious target – that is the night when the shrine is teeming with worshippers as well as those seeking shelter and food from all walks of life. There is no question that the attack was well-planned – CCTV footage showed scenes of carnage and the bombers just moments before they blew themselves up. The footage showed a security guard chasing after one of the bombers shortly before the bomb went off – body parts and blood splattered everywhere as the survivors fled in all directions.

The most common reactions after the attack are that of denial, with many pointing fingers at foreign involvement. Statements such as “these terrorists can neither be Muslims nor Pakistanis” echoed from the common man to those in authority. Despite a history of intolerance towards Sufism, the notorious TTP has also declined any involvement in the attack claiming they do not attack ‘public places’ Usman, 16, who was identified as the alleged suicide bomber by the authorities, was later reported to be a victim of the attack.

I was asked a similar question : What does the attack on the Ahmedis and on Data Darbar mean? Is this sectarian violence or do terrorists not have a religion? According to The Pakistan Security Report there have been over 249 terrorist attacks across the country, killing around 1182 and leaving over 995 injured. Not a single so-called ‘foreign’ terrorist has been arrested so far, clearly ruling out the possibility of foreign and/or non-muslin suicide bombers at work. As for the possibility of a conspiracy that foreign agencies could be involved, we must understand that the nature of such involvement is opportunistic.

At the end of the day we need to look within ourselves. The attack on the shrine was not just another terror attack; it was an attack on the Sufi saints who have taught us peace, tolerance, spirituality, co-existence and universal brotherhood. It is important we acknowledge that a certain faction of our society continues to harbour hate that can, and has, incite violence. These are not a group of underground terrorists but ordinary citizens who openly declare their disapproval to anything that doesn’t fit within the confines of their strict ideology. One such example can be seen on this forum where a user started a thread suggesting a call for “demolishing ‘centres’ of shirk like Data Darbar and the likes”

The seven-page discussion thread ends with CCTV videos of the attack on the shrine, with one user rightly pointing out, “I have an issue with the title of this thread. ‘Demolish.’ I wonder if it is this type of language that creates confusion and hatred, which leads to suicide attacks, like the one in Lahore on Thursday. Even if those attacks are done by external forces, they leverage internal hatred. Thoughts? [sic]”

Indeed, something that we need to seriously think about. While talking to reporters on the Data Darbar attack Nawaz Sharif repeatedly emphasised that he will not indulge the blame game and refused to point fingers.

I think it is time to point fingers but in the right direction.

The Dawn Blog Blog Archive Who is responsible?
Our own dissidents who were fed a constant diet of religious extremism and fondness of martraydom while funded by CIA and Saudi Arabia! Now the hell has broken lose, CIA blames Pakistan and Saudis have quietly side lined making themselves busy in building economic cities while Pakistan is left alone to handle the mess!
In the short run I think it's reasonable to use Afghan taliban for our interests as we see fit but in the long run we have to dismantle it, get rid of the whole poisonous ideology and create a democratic Afghan government.


Short run: What you hope you will make the Afghan Taliban/JuD-LeT/other local extremists aka your friendly neighbourhood extremists do for you.

Long run: What the same chaps, now a bit unfriendly will do to you.
no NOT WE!!! its an afghan decision they should make it themselves! :coffee: afghanistan is a sovereign nation & has the rights to elect its own rulers!! neither india nor pakistan nor the USA or its allies meddle in their internal affairs

Lets be clear on one thing if a country Pakistan, Afghanstan, Iran or any other country is used as a place to stage attacks on other countries then those countries are fully with in their rights to do take what ever measures they need to take to defend them selves. The goverment of a country is responsible for the acts of their citizens.
if you believe in umah, then you shouldnt wish bad for umah in the other side your border, wish the same for your brother what you wish for yourself.

I wish a better and prosperous Afghanistan for the people of Afghanistan... :)

you have heard glorious stories of the taliban, but we have seen the gloriouse crulty of the taliban with our own eyes and tasted it. and the hell with the woman, i dont care if they treated good or bad, all i know is that they killed us by larger numbers and destroyed/burnt our cities and villages.

You are more close to Taliban than any one else on this forum so I accept your view as right about them.... If they have done they are no more then murderers and they deserve to be hanged... :cheers:

if you dont exaclty know them, why do you praise them? it looks childish to me.

I praise them, for I think they brought peace and Islamic Sharia to Afghanistan, but if they were as you mentioned before, I will not praise them any more... :cheers:
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