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Who is an Islamophobe ?

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Muslims from India, maybe. Muslims from Pakistan, probably. But if you are an Arab and a Muslim even if you a citizen of the United States, they wont let you in, most times.

They dont fear their culture or the religion. Only what those certain people MIGHT do. Which is engage in criminal or terrorist activities. So since there is a practical reason behind it, I'd say, its not Xenophobic or Islamaphobic, but definitely a tad disgusting. I mean even good people will get pulled aside that way.

I agree. It offends our Indian sensibilities since we live with so many muslims day to day of our own, and call so many our close friends.

But with Israel, and what it faces daily, can you really blame them?

The first responsibility of the state is towards its people.

Political correctness comes next if at all on the priority list.

The US is learning that.

We should be learning that.
I am not an islamaphobe...but I am an extremist Islam islamaphobe...everyone should be one because it is only the extremists that we have to fear...and by we I include even the moderate Muslims who should also fear the extremists Muslims...

The radical Muslims are giving Islam a bad name...we all know that Islam states that Muslims should never kill other Muslims...someone should tell that to the Taliban...and to the sectarian killers...are they really Muslims?

The problem is that no one knows what true Islam is...and therefore it is being hijacked by extremists who quote obscure passages from the Koran to justify killing....

It is sad really that a religion of peace ( supposedly ) can be used to promote so much violence...
I am not an islamaphobe...but I am an extremist Islam islamaphobe...everyone should be one because it is only the extremists that we have to fear...and by we I include even the moderate Muslims who should also fear the extremists Muslims...

The radical Muslims are giving Islam a bad name...we all know that Islam states that Muslims should never kill other Muslims...someone should tell that to the Taliban...and to the sectarian killers...are they really Muslims?

The problem is that no one knows what true Islam is...and therefore it is being hijacked by extremists who quote obscure passages from the Koran to justify killing....

It is sad really that a religion of peace ( supposedly ) can be used to promote so much violence...


There's really no such thing as a "moderate Muslim". It's a misinformer really.

The correct term should be - A Muslim who is not extreme. Or in other words, one who is not stupid + ignorant. Extremism stems from ignorance.
As per the meaning and spirit, any one believing in peace (Islam) shall be called an Islamophobe!
Want to know what can Islam do to a perfectly normal society ?? (only Turkey is exception)

Hey tali- for your one directional head- visit this thread- this is iran after the revolution-

Only difference i see is there are no semi nude girls in minis or biknis in open-
Semi nude girls does not mean a perfectly normal society btw-
Maybe your perverted mind wants to see such nude girls and calls a society with such girls as perfect-

Yes there will be Islamophobia because of the kind of Islam which is taking over all the Muslims of the world
In my previous post I have marked Turkey as exception
Because I am not seeing Turkic/Irani(pre 1979)/ Sufi Islam growing
Liberal Muslims are targeted { Malala/Assad}
What is visible is the orthodox/extreme Wahhabi version (the kind which is followed in SA,AF) of Islam taking over all the Muslims
The American writer Stephen Schwartz has defined Islamophobia as the condemnation of the entirety of Islam and its history as extremist'; "denying" the existence of a moderate Muslim majority; regarding Islam as a problem for the world; treating conflicts involving Muslims as necessarily their own fault; insisting that Muslims make changes to their religion; and inciting war against Islam as a whole.

I will not say that Muslims are not fallible. They have their share of crimes and misdemeanors. It is their religion, Islam, however, which is grossly misunderstood of late
The American writer Stephen Schwartz has defined Islamophobia as the condemnation of the entirety of Islam and its history as extremist'; "denying" the existence of a moderate Muslim majority; regarding Islam as a problem for the world; treating conflicts involving Muslims as necessarily their own fault; insisting that Muslims make changes to their religion; and inciting war against Islam as a whole.

I will not say that Muslims are not fallible. They have their share of crimes and misdemeanors. It is their religion, Islam, however, which is grossly misunderstood of late

I don't agree with the bold part . I believe there are many verses in the Kuran that the extremists use to justify terrorism . Muslims need to either get rid of them or reinterpret them or downright ignore them. Doesn't make me anti-muslim .

It's the same way i feel Hindus need to get rid of the caste system
I don't agree with the bold part . I believe there are many verses in the Kuran that the extremists use to justify terrorism . Muslims need to either get rid of them or reinterpret them or downright ignore them. Doesn't make me anti-muslim .

It's the same way i feel Hindus need to get rid of the caste system

I don't think its fault of scripture if some twisted mind read it out of its historical context and misinterpret it. Its all about illiteracy and ignorance which force people to blindly rely on others for religious knowledge. Every Tom, Dick and Harry should not be a scholar or ulema and there should be strict criteria for becoming a scholars or mufti and those who give wrong fatwas to misguide others should be banned or put in prisons

Many non Muslims also have preconceptions about Islam and many of them are unwilling to hear what Muslims have to say which makes it difficult to break down the stereotypes about Islam
So you wanna play the game, lets play.

Oh I did not. I only compared regions were significant populations of 'Muslims' AND 'non-Muslims' reside together...

In US we dwarf you in every existing social and economic indicator and our temples are not being kept under surveillance. Same with Europe.

On a level playing ground you are no match for us except in population growth. Period.

Here's a hint : Two largest economies in Muslim world are Turkey and Indonesia....

Hint : The 10 largest economies overall are composed of 7 Christian, one atheist/confucianist, one shintoist and one Hindu majority. None Muslim. Take your theory and dump it in the potty.

But my parameters included : GDP , Scientific Production , Health , Infrastructure , Earning Per Capita , Military Power , Global Influence , Cultural Influence , and women-to-men ratio in Universities etc ...

In EVERY single of these parameters , Islamic World over-overwhelmingly dwarfs little insignificant india...

By Islamic world you mean Turkey or Somalia ?
I don't think its fault of scripture if some twisted mind read it out of its historical context and misinterpret it. Its all about illiteracy and ignorance which force people to blindly rely on others for religious knowledge. Every Tom, Dick and Harry should not be a scholar or ulema and there should be strict criteria for becoming a scholars or mufti and those who give wrong fatwas to misguide others should be banned or put in prisons

Many non Muslims also have preconceptions about Islam and many of them are unwilling to hear what Muslims have to say which makes it difficult to break down the stereotypes about Islam

How about just getting rid of Muftis altogether? Religion should be a personal matter, not a fatwa factory for certian clerics.
How about just getting rid of Muftis altogether? Religion should be a personal matter, not a fatwa factory for certian clerics.

thats possible when you have all citizen who can read, write and understand the deen without any teacher. 50 % people in rural area and 25% in urban areas cannot even read and write so expecting them to understand the ruling of Islam is not sane. There are also many complex issues which layman cannot comprehend. What was the need of four madhabs (Islamic school of thoughts) ?
How about just getting rid of Muftis altogether? Religion should be a personal matter, not a fatwa factory for certian clerics.

Muftis only become a problem when they start preaching hate and inciting the masses, that is when they need to be put down.
You should have just said you have no answer to my query . Quit wasting my time .

What query, I was responding to the statement you made there was no question involved. As for you time you cannot waste something which has no worth so heh don't make me laugh. Besides I have seen how you feel about Muslims on other threads on this forum talking to you about this is the same as talking to a wall- pointless. So if anything you are "wasting your own time".

I don't agree with the bold part . I believe there are many verses in the Kuran that the extremists use to justify terrorism . Muslims need to either get rid of them or reinterpret them or downright ignore them. Doesn't make me anti-muslim .

It's the same way i feel Hindus need to get rid of the caste system

You see this is why Muslims and Indians do not get along you Bhartis think you know more about our faith than us. No we will not get rid of any part of the Qur'an and no I will not explain why because you would have to be a Muslim to understand so keep your suggestions to yourself. As for the topic nick nah your not anti-Muslim you just like to stick your nose into topics you have no understanding of.
thats possible when you have all citizen who can read, write and understand the deen without any teacher. 50 % people in rural area and 25% in urban areas cannot even read and write so expecting them to understand the ruling of Islam is not sane. There are also many complex issues which layman cannot comprehend. What was the need of four madhabs (Islamic school of thoughts) ?

If the Islamic texts don't preach violence then there is no reason for someone to misunderstand its injunctions and kill others.
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