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Who does Pakistan relate to more - Asia or Middle East?

With Pakistan. I relate more to other Pakistanis than to anyone else in the world. I grew up in a multicultural area of Karachi and count all major ethnic groups of Pakistan as family and close friends.

The only people I can relate to the most are other Pakistanis. I have relatives in Peshawar, Hazara KPK, to West Punjab, Karachi and interior Sindh. Regardless of linguistic, religious differences, and regardless of vain things we argue about in the country, when it comes to defending Pakistan, we are all on the same page.

So for me, anyone who lives in Pakistan or comes from here, regardless of race, ethnicity or religion is my Pakistani brother/sister and equal in my eyes and worth fighting for. Every ethnic/religious group is part of the Pakistani identity, and unique in their little ways, and I am proud of each and every one of them.

Pakistani identity encompasses all the flowers found in the garden of Indus Valley.
Pakistan frankly lies between civilization of Asia and Middle east. Just like Turkey is both East and West.
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