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Who do you think is behind the latest strings of Shia bombings in Pakistan?

Who do you think is behind the latest strings of suicide bombings?

  • Anti-Shia groups

    Votes: 35 46.7%
  • Zionists

    Votes: 7 9.3%
  • RAW

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 10.7%

  • Total voters
Armstrong once told me that Saudi and Iran both play their sectarian game on Pakistani soil.

But seeing how Pakistan is predominantly Sunni, as a non-Muslim I cannot but think that the Shia backlash is defensive and reactionary in nature and that Iran comes in only when a local minority populace finds itself being swamped -to the point of extinction.
Armstrong once told me that Saudi and Iran both play their sectarian game on Pakistani soil.

Please name any shia sectarian party of Pakistan who carried out attacks on others.

But seeing how Pakistan is predominantly Sunni, as a non-Muslim I cannot but think that the Shia backlash is defensive and reactionary in nature and that Iran comes in only when a local minority populace finds itself being swamped -to the point of extinction.

We are 25% of the population of Pakistan.

Extinction is very difficult.
Jamming cell phones will not stop us: Taliban spokesman


Undated photo shows Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan.—File Photo

KHYBER AGENCY: A spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban has claimed that suspending mobile phone services in the country will not hold back the militant group from carrying out its activities.

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan, speaking on the telephone to a Dawn.com correspondent from an undisclosed location, claimed the banned group does not carry out bombings using cellular phones as detonators.

“We do not carry out bombings through mobile phones,” said the Taliban spokesman.

The militant group’s claim came on a day of cellular service suspension in several parts of the country, with the interior minister announcing services would be blocked again Saturday morning for the next two days after a few hours of restoration Friday midnight.

Pakistani authorities say militants often detonate bombs using cell phones, with Interior Minister Rehman Malik claiming earlier today that 90 per cent of the bombs set off by militants in Pakistan have been detonated using mobile phones.

“The Taliban can not be stopped by jamming mobile phone services. We would achieve our targets in any case,” said Ehsan, accusing Malik of blocking cellular services for “his own personal business interests”.
Please name any shia sectarian party of Pakistan who carried out attacks on others.

I haven't a clue bro. Maybe we can ask him what he meant. I think he was referring to many Irani "cultural centers" that were actually euphemisms for Shia milatism command and control centers. These seem to be heavily funded by Iranian money apparently.

In fact I don't even know whether you've ever had a Shia PM?

We are 25% of the population of Pakistan.

Extinction is very difficult.

That's good to hear.
Is it just me who thinks that Ehasanullah Ehsan himself looks like a fat hazara ? :blink:

In fact I don't even know whether you've ever had a Shia PM?

Benazir, Yousuf Raza Gilani,
Benazir, Yousuf Raza Gilani,

Benazir's dad and husband also right?

Which is interesting.

Does it mean that Civilian political power of Pakistan is controlled by the Shias, while the Military is controlled by the Sunnis?

Could this Civilian - Army tussle actually deep down be a Shia - Sunni thing?
Benazir's dad and husband also right?

Husband is the Prez....I thought you asked only for PMs...and I dont know who all were shia among their earlier ones..
Actually there is cleaning up process goining on here.which ever group thinks they are the purest muslim and follow purest form of islam are eliminating the muslims who in their eyes are impure,kafir,munfiq,murtad etc.
First it were kafirs ->sikhs,hindu,chtristians
then came the turn of ahmadiyas,sufis etc
then shias but shias also hitting back unlike other 4 previous groups since 1980s.

So its kinda purest of pure cleaning up process going on here.

Does Islam allow this kind of cleansing??? IF NOT then the question arises why the mullah brigade is not raising this issue of human right to live with dignity. If mullah brigade is ready to take issue and go on streets when it assaulted by foreign cartoons ... why do they keep quite when Islam is being misinterpreted in their neighborhood???
I haven't a clue bro. Maybe we can ask him what he meant. I think he was referring to many Irani "cultural centers" that were actually euphemisms for Shia milatism command and control centers. These seem to be heavily funded by Iranian money apparently.

That thing doesn't exist in Pakistan.

In fact I don't even know whether you've ever had a Shia PM?

We have shias everywhere.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

Yahya Khan.

Benazir Bhutto.

Asif Ali Zardari.
I think the option should have been:

1. Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan

2. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi

3. Jaish-e-Mohammad

4. Lashkar-e-Taiba

I am skeptical about last two though.

Info on these groups:

The Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) was formed in 1985
in Jhang, Punjab by anti-Shia clerics.
This banned terrorist
organization is focused on sectarian violence and the group
was originally supported by Zia-ul-Haq's government in a move
to counter Shia Iran's influence in Pakistan.
The funding
for SSP comes from both external and local sources such as
the trader-merchant class in Jhang. SSP was responsible for
the rise in sectarian violence in the 1980s and 1990s. SSP
advocates Deobandi ideology and has served as the basic

ISLAMABAD 00002576 003 OF 004

ideological and militant birthing ground for other militant
groups. The group was linked with the 1997 attack on former
prime minister Nawaz Sharif, and they take credit for killing
several Shia doctors in Karachi in 2001. Recently, the SSP
has resurged in Southern Punjab and has links with other
militant outfits. Qari Hussain, the most feared deputy of
Tehreek Taliban Pakistan's (TTP) recently killed leader,
Baitullah Mehsud, came out of SSP and many of the TTP's foot
soldiers are from SSP ranks. (Note. The SSP is also believed
to be behind the violence against Christians in Punjab in
late August and early September 2009. End Note.)

¶10. (C) Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) grew out of SSP and was
founded in Bhakkar, South Punjab. The Deobandi organization
was initially focused on the elimination of Shias
, but after
9/11 its attention shifted to fighting the war on terror
against the United States. According to Siddiqa, LeJ was the
first militant group to send recruits to Al-Qaeda, through
LeJ's contacts with wealthy Arabs who visited Southern
Punjab. LeJ has strong connections with prominent
terrorists, including Khaled Sheikh Mohammad and Abu Musab al
Zarqawi. The LeJ and Taliban currently have linked networks
that allow the Taliban to carry out terrorist attacks in
Punjab with LeJ assistance. According to Amir Rana, Director
of Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies, LeJ also has powerful
networks in Karachi and Quetta.

¶11. (C) Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) is another SSP breakaway
Deobandi organization that was started by Masood Azhar of
Bahawalpur after he returned from India in 2000. (Note:
Azhar was arrested in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir
in 1993, was exchanged by the Indian government for
passengers hijacked to Afghanistan on an Indian Airlines
flight in 1999, and subsequently returned to Pakistan with
the help of Afghanistan's then-Taliban government and
Pakistan's intelligence agencies. End Note.) JeM has had a
long-standing relationship with intelligence agencies, and
according to Rana, it is the only militant outfit still under
Inter-Service Intelligence's (ISI) protective umbrella. JeM
continues to be dedicated to the Kashmir fight; however, the
group maintains ties to the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Umar Saeed
Sheikh, Daniel Pearl's convicted murderer, was also part of

¶12. (C) Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) is an organization based in
the Central Punjab city of Muridke, but has spread across
Southern Punjab as well. It is ideologically Wahhabi, making
it different from its militant Deobandi cousins. LeT, and
its subsequent cover charitable organization Jamaat-ud-Dawa
(JUD), attract a broad range of supporters, including women,
through their welfare work in the Seraiki belt,
earthquake-affected Azad Jammu-Kashmir, and among Swat's
internally displaced population. The Mumbai attacks were
masterminded by LeT operatives and they continue to focus on
militancy against India. The group was created and trained
by Pakistani intelligence services to fight a proxy war
against India. According to Rana, LeT leadership has
ideological and operational disagreements with TTP and does
not allow its militants to attack the Pakistani government.

Extremism In Southern Punjab And Northern Sindh
Origin Embassy Islamabad (Pakistan)

Are Wahhabi extremists anti-Shia?
Benazir's dad and husband also right?

Which is interesting.

Does it mean that Civilian political power of Pakistan is controlled by the Shias, while the Military is controlled by the Sunnis?

Could this Civilian - Army tussle actually deep down be a Shia - Sunni thing?
Abosolutly Not, even general Musa and General Yahya Khan, Most of political parties leadership and central administrations , media . almost everything is Shia dominated in Pakistan, even Quid-e-Azam were a Shia. Now can I ask you why you are asking that?
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