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Who did pulwama attack?


Sep 24, 2016
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India has removed the name of Maulana Masood Azhar from pulwama attack so if Masood Azhar and Jem are not to be blamed then who did the attacks?

As I always said that RDS used was military grade and if Indians have brains you know who to investigate. India please get your internal shit together.
This is a serious question. If Masood Azhar's name was pulled from pulwama and that means Jem is also free then who did the attack and killed 45 CPRF?

Where are my Indian friend I need a lot of enlightenment from them on the issue.
Don’t know who exactly did it, but whoever they are they did a great service to Pak!!! Some brownie points for them:

  • Botched up 02-26 attack due to the PAF vigilance
  • Gave the golden opportunity to PAF to capitulate IAF
  • Induced Modi/Hindutuva to get near the “forbidden tree” and try to jump like a monkey to snatch its fruit, which automatically triggered the “whiteman’s burden”
  • Made it certain that it was an insider’s job to re-elect Modi
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So Masood never did pulwama that means Pakistan not involved.

No one killed in Balakot

No Pakistani jet lost confirmed by USA.

With a defence budget of above $50 billion India don't has technological advantage.

IAF helicopter shot down by Indians them selves and black box stolen

I am shocked how a nation of 1.3 billion people is missing all these questions. Please India not for your own sake but for our sake we Pakistanis don't want a stupid enemy plz grow some brains.

i think kashmiris did it but indian deep state did not try to stopped them
I think someone from Kerala returning from Iraq did it and RAW facilitated it. India made false documents of Kulboshan why cannot they do it for a terrorist who helps Modi win elections.
India is a primitive state. I am surprised it hasn't divided again in last 70 years again. Hopfully north india will make a new state a better one.
Wevwould like better neighbours to the east
I think someone from Kerala returning from Iraq did it and RAW facilitated it. India made false documents of Kulboshan why cannot they do it for a terrorist who helps Modi win elections.

This is why I still come to this website.

Keep up the good work, my dear Pakistanis. May Allah never grant you brains. Only beef.
This is why I still come to this website.

Keep up the good work, my dear Pakistanis. May Allah never grant you brains. Only beef.

I said I think. Please enlighten me then who did it because India it's self said Masood never did it so who is your next option and will India do a new surgical strikes again?
Stop smoking weird stuff. In time, the clarity of thought will return. I'm not trolling. I'm very very serious.

It was a terrorist attack by a local kashmiri, to connect him to masood azhar would mean Pakistan's help in investigation. Which will never happen. So, India delinked the name of azhar.

I don't care whether you believe it or not, like I said, posts like yours still force me to come to pdf. Keep up the good work.
I said I think. Please enlighten me then who did it because India it's self said Masood never did it so who is your next option and will India do a new surgical strikes again?
I believe that this thread has been started, because there is nothing else to deliberate upon, for the time being.

This is why I still come to this website.

Keep up the good work, my dear Pakistanis. May Allah never grant you brains. Only beef.

Beef also include brain of cow/buffalo.
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