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Who are Pakistan's good friends in the Future?

Nobody is blaming Afghans.Our own government made stupid decision for Muslim brotherhood..It would be stupid to say they did it for money as they've LOST far more then what they gained from aid.It is hard for a 3rd world country to accept huge amount of refugees.If Pakistan was a 1st world country the situation would be different.
^ You just said Afghans should be kicked out because they occur problem and now you say Afghans aren't to blame? Maybe government of Pakistan didn't expect to make such huge loses and while accepting the money I don't think they even thought once about what it's consequences would be. Daily Pakistan 'seems to' collect evidence against Afghans and Indians for their terror activities in Pakistan, but then why doesn't the government do anything about those 'proofs'? Couldn't money be a reason for that as well? People in Pakistan are suffering because of mistakes of it's government and maybe also foreign countries, but you cannot put the sole blame on foreigners because if the government keeps blaming foreign countries then they should also do something about it. Right?
^ You just said Afghans should be kicked out because they occur problem and now you say Afghans aren't to blame? Maybe government of Pakistan didn't expect to make such huge loses and while accepting the money I don't think they even thought once about what it's consequences would be. Daily Pakistan 'seems to' collect evidence against Afghans and Indians for their terror activities in Pakistan, but then why doesn't the government do anything about those 'proofs'? Couldn't money be a reason for that as well? People in Pakistan are suffering because of mistakes of it's government and maybe also foreign countries, but you cannot put the sole blame on foreigners because if the government keeps blaming foreign countries then they should also do something about it. Right?
By that i mean Afghanistan government cant be blamed as it was US who accepted them.Dude i don't have to give evidence about Afghans problems in Pakistan.You go anywhere you'll see tons of afghans here and there even in Lahore and other areas.They're completely changing Demographics.It is not Pakistani government who is encouraging Afghans to start illegal business in Pakistan.Afghans don't pay tax here and start their illegal business and grab land in Karachi and then they have the courage to be anti Pakistan...Pakistanis are just fed up with these refugees....They have even created problems in Balocuhistan (Read posts by Qsaark on this)
^ Once again, everywhere illegal work is being done and UK is also an example of it and no British man is encouraging any foreigner either to start illegal work, but yet they do it. But I agree illegal work should stop everywhere and governments should come up with more strict rules against it. As far as I have seen Afghans in Peshawar they were absolutely fine with Pakistan and didn't have any kind of hatred against Pakistan and yes, Afghans in Karachi indeed did have troubles with it's police and even my family once was being held back in Karachi for no damn reason and kept making trouble for no reason.

It was lately on BBC and also on YouTube videos can be found where they show there is ethical problems in Karachi between Pashtuns of Pakistan non-Pashtuns, NOT Afghans. And about Baluchistan, sometimes India is being blamed for it and something Afghanistan but why do I hear Baluchi's who want freedom say; We want freedom because our region isn't given any attention compared to others, plus politically we don't have as much right as an Punjabi or Sindhi? Do Afghans got anything to do with that as well? The government should first decide who they exactly want to blame for it.
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:sniper:Assalam-o-alaikum to all of my member friends after a long time der fellows i read the article about pakistan's future firends written by my captain fellow Mr.Max the boss so my friendsi want to cear u something that many other countries are able for friendship but INDIA is the country who never accept pakistan as a muslim independent country or state so my fellows specially those who are thinking that :sniper: INDIA should be a good friend of pakistan in future it is totally wrong please remember it is the only country which tries to laid down the image of pakistan every time. it is the country of BANYAS means HINDu banyas and the purpose of the banya is to destroy the each and every moment of glory of pakistanis and i hope that my government understands that or one neighbour side is the enmy side which is every time ready to push pakistan in the darkness so please never try to friendship with india:tdown: please.

so my dear fellows this is what i want to clear and my eglishis very weak so please never mind and alway rememberme in your prayers i need your prayers please reply me.

with thanx flyahyssg.

Please don't start a new thread when responding to a topic or point in an existing thread - that's the whole point of having a thread, so the discussion is in one place.

^^^ appreciate your patience in addressing him with his name.. seems he just typed something random :D
I have to agree with your post. Pakistan received plenty of aid from us. Sometimes I think Pakistan is pretty ungrateful, and don't appreciate what we give them.

You know it might sound odd but i seriously wish, next time this ungrateful friend asks for aid, you just tell it to **** off. But wait that wont help either specially keeping in mind how governments are formed in the name of bringing democracy...Right?
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Pakistan's best friend was last Shah of Iran , A true friend Pakistan had in 1965 war. He even wanted Iran and Pakistan to be one nation.
In future any country Pakistan will allow to have transit to Central Asia from warm waters will be friend of common interest.
Pakistan's best friend was last Shah of Iran , A true friend Pakistan had in 1965 war. He even wanted Iran and Pakistan to be one nation.
In future any country Pakistan will allow to have transit to Central Asia from warm waters will be friend of common interest.

Strange you didnt say China. Anyways i agree with you as i mentioned in my first post on this thread that it all comes down to interests. Those with whom your interests match become your strategic partners/Friends you may call them and similarly vice verse.
:sniper:Assalam-o-alaikum to all of my member friends after a long time der fellows i read the article about pakistan's future firends written by my captain fellow Mr.Max the boss so my friendsi want to cear u something that many other countries are able for friendship but INDIA is the country who never accept pakistan as a muslim independent country or state so my fellows specially those who are thinking that :sniper: INDIA should be a good friend of pakistan in future it is totally wrong please remember it is the only country which tries to laid down the image of pakistan every time. it is the country of BANYAS means HINDu banyas and the purpose of the banya is to destroy the each and every moment of glory of pakistanis and i hope that my government understands that or one neighbour side is the enmy side which is every time ready to push pakistan in the darkness so please never try to friendship with india:tdown: please.

so my dear fellows this is what i want to clear and my eglishis very weak so please never mind and alway rememberme in your prayers i need your prayers please reply me.

with thanx flyahyssg.

The point which i was making was not like " Just give things up and be friends with INDIA " certinly not.
I said if all our Disputes with India are solved then there is no point of having a Milletery Rivalry and an Arms Race, rendering more resources for Development and Prosperity, But strong Mutual and Economic Relations with India .I agree with ya that there are alot of hostilities towards Pakistan among many Indian Power Circles but One has to CHANGE in order to Bring Change around it and for that one should have the Moral Courage to take the First Hard Step .

The solution of All the Disputes and Developing frindly ties with India is Critical and a Need of the Time.
How can you blame USA if Pakistani government is misusing the money or losing lives? USA didn't give billions of dollars to Pakistani government to shed their own blood, did they?

I will also not blame the US for bombing innocent AFGHANIS .Go Ahead take Billions and Trillions and continue to allow US to use your soil to bomb your villeges and People so that your all future generations would indulge in a bloodthirsy war .
^ Good twisting of words while you know very well what I am talking about. Go on.
After the death of Jordanian king Hussein bin Talal, Pakistan and Jordanian friendship has cool down , if only his younger brother could have become the king .............
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