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Who are Pakistan's good friends in the Future?

10. The rest ( e.g. Azeris, Germany and the rest)

Sorry abt that but that's the truth, no one will really be a friend except China. If WoT ended today, UK and US wouldn't care abt us and just do their own business. The most important thing is that only China has given us proof that it is our friend. To the Afghanistan guy:
You are insane, Afghans should pack their things, go back to their country and try to get off themselves.
Guys you forgot to add USA :P
well seriously, no Pakistani would ever understand how much USA aids Pakistan, even in this situation (economic crisis), I think USA aids a lot and helps Pak to make its Army and other branches stronger
BUT everyone has a different mind and thinking =/

I have to agree with your post. Pakistan received plenty of aid from us. Sometimes I think Pakistan is pretty ungrateful, and don't appreciate what we give them.
I have to agree with your post. Pakistan received plenty of aid from us. Sometimes I think Pakistan is pretty ungrateful, and don't appreciate what we give them.

You gave us what 10 billion $(over the period of 8 years).More than half of it was for services rendered(fuel supply e.t.c e.t.c). SO take out 5 billion. The rest of 5 billion were divided among civilians and the military.

You guys spend more than 5 billion in a month in iraq and afghanistan.

This war has cost us 35 billion$ in the last few years. Technically we are at loss.

You give us a couple of vietnam era choppers and say that we are ungrateful. Friendship is more than giving us few old choppers.

Then there is the story of F-16s being sanctioned in the 90s and us getting cooking oil instead of the F-16s.

Abandoning us in 1971 over fears of escalation of war with USSR,yet two years later you airlifted weapons to israel using every aircraft available.

Sanctioning us in 1965.

There are plenty of examples.

There are no friendships,there are only interests.
I have to agree with your post. Pakistan received plenty of aid from us. Sometimes I think Pakistan is pretty ungrateful, and don't appreciate what we give them.

Please it was wages or rent and you know what when we get US aid comes the conditions include
1)Hiring US consultant
2)US contractors
3) US weponary
etc from US aswell
its just like ------------------------------------> aid
paid <-----------------------------------
There are millions of refugees from around the world, from every country, literally everywhere and I have commented on posts like yours thousand times before but looks like you missed it. Kindly not start about it all over again, please.
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1. China
2. Iran
3. Turkey
4. Russia
5. Central Asian States
6. Sirilanka
7. Brazil
8. Indonesia
9. Malaysia
11. Afghanistan
10. India

The reson why i included India is because if All our disputes with her are solved it can become our key economic & trade Partner in this whole Reagion. However it can take some time but i think India can become our Friend based upon Economic and Trade Intersts .Ofcourse the Devotion has to be FULLDUPLEXED but we Pakistanis should change our Attitude towards India and should take the first hard step .Presently The GOP is doing its best to establish better and friendly ties with GOI . Still long way to go .If the Frech and British and Germans could settle thei disputes and can become close allies through every thick and thin the why cant Pakistan and India. Ofcourse WE CAN.
Please it was wages or rent and you know what when we get US aid comes the conditions include
1)Hiring US consultant
2)US contractors
3) US weponary
etc from US aswell
its just like ------------------------------------> aid
paid <-----------------------------------

You forgot to add....

$110 Million to help refugees fleeing violence in Swat Valley.

$510 million in aid to Pakistan for earthquake assistance.

I'm sure it was an oversight on your part. :cheers:
I have to agree with your post. Pakistan received plenty of aid from us. Sometimes I think Pakistan is pretty ungrateful, and don't appreciate what we give them.

Have you considered what we give in return for all that AID. I thing its somthing More than an aid and Priceless .Its Dollars for Blood thats what it is :agree:
You forgot to add....

$110 Million to help refugees fleeing violence in Swat Valley.

$510 million in aid to Pakistan for earthquake assistance.

I'm sure it was an oversight on your part. :cheers:

very rare on the part of US i guess:usflag:
Have you considered what we give in return for all that AID. I thing its somthing More than an aid and Priceless .Its Dollars for Blood thats what it is :agree:
How can you blame USA if Pakistani government is misusing the money or losing lives? USA didn't give billions of dollars to Pakistani government to shed their own blood, did they?

You forgot to add....
$110 Million to help refugees fleeing violence in Swat Valley.
$510 million in aid to Pakistan for earthquake assistance.
I'm sure it was an oversight on your part.
Plus billions of dollars on aid for Afghan refugees few years back, which none knows where it all disappeared. :(
1) China
2) Sri Lanka
3) Turkey
4) KSA
5) UAE

6) Germany
7) France
8) Iran
9) Central Asian Republics
10) Brazil & South Africa
11) Bangladesh, Nipal, Bhutan and Myanmar (did i missed any from that region?)
12) Not to mention about Malaysia

Only these

I wouldnt include gulf countries which treat fellow muslims worse than dog ****...
Hell even the west gives more rights to Pakistani's than these "brothers in faith"...
How can you blame USA if Pakistani government is misusing the money or losing lives? USA didn't give billions of dollars to Pakistani government to shed their own blood, did they?

Plus billions of dollars on aid for Afghan refugees few years back, which none knows where it all disappeared. :(
Not to be rude, but Pakistan has last far more then that AID because of Afghan Refugees.They need to be kicked out of pakistan ASAP (No Offence but it is creating problems in our homeland.If Afghanis are earning money legally in Pakistan and love Pakistan they can apply for Pakistan Nationality)
^ They have and quiet some have a very good business. But why you guys start blaming Afghanistan while it was your own government who agreed to accept the refugees in return of billions of dollars of aid? Those money never even made it to Afghans, MAYBE just a few percent, and therefore Afghans had absolutely nothing and God knows what they all did for a bit of food. First Pakistani government welcoming them (or welcoming money) and as soon as the money is wasted and one way or another problems occur, then they say all Afghans should be kicked out and all of a sudden they realise how bad Afghans are.

And if you think only Afghans in Pakistan are earning illegally then I don't think you are aware of many Pakistani's in UK......
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