Partition of India was a good thing, or eventually we'd have a civil war where casualties would be worse than during partition, you know it too. You can blame unaccommodating "hindu" leaders all you want but the root of it was an invasive foreign ideology that divided the people in the first place.
It is not bigotry to be wary of a foreign IDEOLOGY, one that was destructive when the foreign invaders originally bought it over with them, one that was ultimately responsible for the fracturing of the land from which the modern nation state emerged, and one, that sadly, continues to chip away at both the territorial and cultural integrity of this great old civilization.
This is not about muslims as a people, unlike on your side of the fence, everyone is equal under our constitution here and nobody has a desire to change that, in fact we guard it with out lives... and that is
because, not
despite India being a majority dharmic peoples' state.
In a way it is quite admirable how the Pakistani people and state hang onto their adopted (but historically speaking, imposed) culture. The soul harvester missionaries don't dare venture into there...
To conclude, yes, there are societal problems and bigotry and sometimes worse directed at the muslims here, don't like it, don't support it, it should not be there but the state is fair in its dealings with the citizenry.
We do need to keep these expansionist desert ideologies in check though.. you guys across the fence can go full saudi, no objections, we have no broblem how you manage your own chunk of land.
namaste !