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White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

It's a 'myth' to you because you did not read my replies to you and instead continue to live in denial:

You base your knowledge on one study and random youtube videos. That study itself claimed there are many different views on what causes overpopulation and its a controversial topic.

When Pakistanis migrate to Australia they have larger number of children compared to average Australians. How does your 'fertile land theory' explain that?
When Pakistanis migrate to Australia they have larger number of children compared to average Australians. How does your 'fertile land theory' explain that?

No they don't necessarily have larger families. The Pakistanis in Canada don't necessarily have large families and the same is true for Australia, although I know of exceptions.

Do you also know that Balochistan and Kashmir have small populations compared to the rest of Pakistan? It's not like Pakistanis are programmed genetically to have larger families.

It's because their native land provides the sufficient vegetation; especially calories to grow their numbers with Balochistan & Kashmir being the exceptions because they are not very fertile.

Outside your denial, how do you propose a species can grow to such large numbers without a preceding food supply to sustain them and to grow their numbers?

What you're suggesting is biologically impossible. For example are you familiar with the Lynx-Hare cycle?

Lastly I didn't know these are 'random' Youtube videos that I get this info from. From Google scholar:

Also since you mention Australia here's a quote from an interview with Dr Tim Flannery:

Q: But what is it about the Australian landscape that makes it so unsuitable for supporting a larger population ?

Flannery: Well, Australia has by far the world's least fertile soils so that half is fertile and average as comparable soils overseas. It's just very old land. A very ancient landscape. The soils here are a fossil resource, they're millions of years old. And its very, very difficult to make a living from it. And you can see that in Australia today where our agriculture is in crisis. I mean 70% of our soils are degraded. The annual input of agriculture into the overall Australian economy is relatively declining and mining is taking its place so what we're doing is moving from the sustainable use of a renewable resource into exploiting a non-renewable resource which is mining, in a hope of continuing this growth. And that trend should be worrying for people.

Q: Why is it that you believe Australia, which has an area the same size as the United States, can't support a similar sort of population - hundreds of millions ?

Flannery: Really because the ecology of Australia is so different and so unique. Land size really has very little to do with the number of people you can support on it. Witness the Antarctic which is larger than Australia, and no one's suggesting in could even support a million people. The tiny island of Java which is very, very rich and fertile can support a hundred million. But Australia's ecology is very, very limiting.

So stop bringing up this "random YouTube videos" rant. The videos are well researched and not random. If you want to argue with a scientist like Flannery over this, then be my guest.
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You guys are reading too much into his narrative.

He is trying to stay relevant.

To these people racist narratives (or as he'd call it "Scientific Racialism") - is a cause du jour for him to espouse, so he can make money by getting people into his paranoid idea fold. I am sure to some people like him, practice of this veiled and polished "Racism-Lite" is a nice hobby in retirement, before he finally fades away.

Read the following, which sums it up.

"Mark Potok and Heidi Beirich, writers for the Intelligence Report (a publication of the SPLC), have written that "Jared Taylor is the cultivated, cosmopolitan face of white supremacy. He is the guy who is providing the intellectual heft, in effect, to modern-day Klansmen." They have also stated that "American Renaissance has become increasingly important over the years, bringing a measure of intellectualism and seriousness to the typically thug-dominated world of white supremacy".[65]"

These people will keep braying like donkeys - let them. No one in the US seriously subscribes to this crap, unless they are off kilter.

@KAL-EL what's your take on this guy, as he claims not to be an anti-Semite? :-)
Generally speaking, the Sub-continent has never had mass education and decent wealth until recent decades.

Still, backbiting culture linger on among south asians, even after moving to europe or america.

Many who adopt a new country realize their cultural mode dosent fit with the cultural mode of the west. This makes them feel inadequate and mal-adapted. While many respond by trying to learn the new culture, many others simply critisize the culture of their new country in order feel adequate again. Wich we all know is a recipe for failure.

Want to add that these challenges are most common among the first and 2nd genration of immigrant. By the 3rd generation i would say people or more or less assimilated.

Otoh its not like white people dosent criticize their own country, i mean look at the political polarization in the US these days. But that of course is not an excuse for non-ethical double-standard behaviour.
Somewhat amused by this comment.

You talk of education and decent wealth.

Go tell that to Mughal emperor Aurangzeb and the Mughals who felt they were at the top of the world.
You might get some Pakistanis that act white but they are a minority and not as extreme as bhartis.

For example you will never see a Pakistani named Junaid Khan change his name to James Khan. But you will see a bharti named Hariprasad Swami change his name to Harry Swami.

Indians are masters at integrating and larping as whites and that’s why they have so many politicians that run as Republicans in the United States.

I have seen Pakistanis changing names to anglo names. You are generalizing.
. . .

I’ve never seen it.

I worked with a guy, we work in the IT field. He adopted the name Max while his real name is Iftikhar. He is in my LinkedIn and I can share his LinkedIn profile but wouldn't do that. I can't share a friend's profile on an internet forum.

I have worked with many Pakistanis and Indians in the IT field and I must admit Indians tend to adopt western names far more than Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. Chinese are the highest offenders in this case, almost all of them adopt a western name.
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I worked with a guy, we work in the IT field. He adopted the name Max while his real name is Iftikhar. He is in my LinkedIn and I can share his LinkedIn profile but wouldn't do that. I can't share a friend's profile on an internet forum.

I have worked with many Pakistanis and Indians in the IT field and I must admit Indians tend to adopt western names far more than Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. Chinese are the highest offenders in this chase, almost all of them adopt a western name.

@Bengal71 bhai

I think your statement causes confusion cause when you read it, it’s as if they legally changed their name. That caused @lastofthepatriots to question it until you clarified it later.
@Bengal71 bhai

I think your statement causes confusion cause when you read it, it’s as if they legally changed their name.

Oh no, none of them legally change their names. Not the Indians, Pakistanis or the Chinese. They just adopt a western name for their professional life to be called using that name.
No they don't necessarily have larger families. The Pakistanis in Canada don't necessarily have large families and the same is true for Australia, although I know of exceptions.

Do you also know that Balochistan and Kashmir have small populations compared to the rest of Pakistan? It's not like Pakistanis are programmed genetically to have larger families.

It's because their native land provides the sufficient vegetation; especially calories to grow their numbers with Balochistan & Kashmir being the exceptions because they are not very fertile.

Outside your denial, how do you propose a species can grow to such large numbers without a preceding food supply to sustain them and to grow their numbers?

What you're suggesting is biologically impossible. For example are you familiar with the Lynx-Hare cycle?

Lastly I didn't know these are 'random' Youtube videos that I get this info from. From Google scholar:

Also since you mention Australia here's a quote from an interview with Dr Tim Flannery:

Q: But what is it about the Australian landscape that makes it so unsuitable for supporting a larger population ?

Flannery: Well, Australia has by far the world's least fertile soils so that half is fertile and average as comparable soils overseas. It's just very old land. A very ancient landscape. The soils here are a fossil resource, they're millions of years old. And its very, very difficult to make a living from it. And you can see that in Australia today where our agriculture is in crisis. I mean 70% of our soils are degraded. The annual input of agriculture into the overall Australian economy is relatively declining and mining is taking its place so what we're doing is moving from the sustainable use of a renewable resource into exploiting a non-renewable resource which is mining, in a hope of continuing this growth. And that trend should be worrying for people.

Q: Why is it that you believe Australia, which has an area the same size as the United States, can't support a similar sort of population - hundreds of millions ?

Flannery: Really because the ecology of Australia is so different and so unique. Land size really has very little to do with the number of people you can support on it. Witness the Antarctic which is larger than Australia, and no one's suggesting in could even support a million people. The tiny island of Java which is very, very rich and fertile can support a hundred million. But Australia's ecology is very, very limiting.

So stop bringing up this "random YouTube videos" rant. The videos are well researched and not random. If you want to argue with a scientist like Flannery over this, then be my guest.
What a wasteful writing you produce.

I mentioned Pakistani population growth based on statistics. Pakistani women were statistically shown to have the highest fertility rates in Australia. How do they manage to do this in "infertile", "old soil" land of Australia while Australians lag behind?

Look at how much land Australia has for food production. They export 72% of food instead of overpopulating.
If all Australians are replaced by south asians there number would be in billions within no time.

Do you know how much cultivable land is in Pakistan with a quarter of a billion people? I will leave this as your homework for tonight.

You are deliberately dodging the cultural aspect of overpopulation as if it is a personal issue for you. South Asians are generally of backwards culture and this backwardness is visible in their breeding habits. Your theory of food supply applies only to backward people which was my point originally i.e. its not the fertile land or food availability that causes overpopulation rather its the instinctive breeding habits of backward humans that they share with animals. Those scientists you mention won't talk about this due to sensitivity of the subject.

Humans are not meant to populate like animals, insects or germs that grow endlessly under favorable conditions which your food and fertile land theory suggests.
In modern human societies, people have children based on many factors like how many rooms in the house they have, how many cars they can afford, how many children they can send to university and will they be able to maintain quality lifestyle. In South Asia a family of 6 people living in a single room will have 2 more to make the room not feel empty. They won't care about food supply as for them a malnourished family of six is the same as a malnourished family of 8 or 12.
I have worked with many Pakistanis and Indians in the IT field and I must admit Indians tend to adopt western names far more than Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. Chinese are the highest offenders in this case, almost all of them adopt a western name.
Indians used to do this a lot during the initial years of the IT boom (1990-2005). Not sure if it is still as common.
Krishnan = Kris
Nathan = Nathan 🤣
Nikhil = Nick
Chakravarthy = Chuck
Rabinder = Rob
Jayesh = Jay
Sameer = Sam

I can go on. Indian names are very flexible!

Among Chinese it is universal practice to have a western name along with a less / never used ethnic name.
. .
Indians used to do this a lot during the initial years of the IT boom (1990-2005). Not sure if it is still as common.
Krishnan = Kris
Nathan = Nathan 🤣
Nikhil = Nick
Chakravarthy = Chuck
Rabinder = Rob
Jayesh = Jay
Sameer = Sam

I can go on. Indian names are very flexible!

Among Chinese it is universal practice to have a western name along with a less / never used ethnic name.

In IT world it's less common for the Indians. But the real estate agents in my area, many of them do it. However, I shouldn't be unfair. It's not even 1% of the Indians who do it. For Chinese, it's probably 95%.

See below:

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