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White supremacist rails against Indian and Pakistani immigration to the US

This guy is right. We the brown(ish) folks hate everyone. We call 1947 as freedom, but we want to go to europe. We have brought our countries to the state where they were before the arrivals of white people.

We are a lot that needs a deep education.
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Generally speaking, the Sub-continent has never had mass education and decent wealth until recent decades.

Still, backbiting culture linger on among south asians, even after moving to europe or america.

Many who adopt a new country realize their cultural mode dosent fit with the cultural mode of the west. This makes them feel inadequate and mal-adapted. While many respond by trying to learn the new culture, many others simply critisize the culture of their new country in order feel adequate again. Wich we all know is a recipe for failure.

Want to add that these challenges are most common among the first and 2nd genration of immigrant. By the 3rd generation i would say people or more or less assimilated.

Otoh its not like white people dosent criticize their own country, i mean look at the political polarization in the US these days. But that of course is not an excuse for non-ethical double-standard behaviour.
I find nothing wrong with his speech. Except that he is a white supermacist. Indians are a curse on any nation, USA will learn it hardway. I am dreading that an Indian would soon be PM of United Kingdom, what a pity. It could be pretti Patel Part II, God bless us all.
I find nothing wrong with his speech. Except that he is a white supermacist. Indians are a curse on any nation, USA will learn it hardway. I am dreading that an Indian would soon be PM of United Kingdom, what a pity. It could be pretti Patel Part II, God bless us all.

rishi sunak will not become the prime minister of the UK. Here in the UK, most white people hate him immensely. Also, the idea of an ugly/deformed indian midget being the prime minister a white western european nation sickens and disgusts white english people to the core.
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I have never lived in the US, but know many Indian Americans. He is clearly referring to a very small minority of Indians who base their political ambitions on anti-White narratives. I have never ever heard any of my multitudes of friends and relatives in the US speaking the kind of language he is ascribing to the whole community. And when you start believing in this exaggeration, even a fair criticism of the system will seem 'ungrateful'. Indians are by and large very appreciative of the opportunities available to them in the US.

Things that should be noted;
1. If you are there you should be loyal and not bleat on about how awful it is, that's where I agree with him. You were given opportunity, if it was so horrible why did so many people choose to move over there during the years.
2. The guy is a descendent of an immigrant himself and with that surname he is of anglo stock, a people who have a dreadful history with the true native Americans.
3. The Indian American population is 5 times larger than the Pakistani American population, who are favoured for settlement and have far more influence. A few Pakistani authors writing doesn't change that fact .
Generally speaking, the Sub-continent has never had mass education and decent wealth until recent decades.

Still, backbiting culture linger on among south asians, even after moving to europe or america.

Many who adopt a new country realize their cultural mode dosent fit with the cultural mode of the west. This makes them feel inadequate and mal-adapted. While many respond by trying to learn the new culture, many others simply critisize the culture of their new country in order feel adequate again. Wich we all know is a recipe for failure.

Want to add that these challenges are most common among the first and 2nd genration of immigrant. By the 3rd generation i would say people or more or less assimilated.

Otoh its not like white people dosent criticize their own country, i mean look at the political polarization in the US these days. But that of course is not an excuse for non-ethical double-standard behaviour.
America is a deranged place nowadays. People hate other races just to join the bandwagon. White hate is fashionable even among white people.

I agreed with everything he said. He is not a white supremacist, more like a typical right wing White American.

You can't reason with supremacists, racists, and nationalists, no matter what type they are. They do not come across as reasonable either.
It’s jealously, envy and immaturity. They wish they could live and assimilate their , but when they can’t have it they start lashing out with cRap
who are favoured for settlement

Immigration law here is the same for everyone, so how can the Indian-Americans be favored for settlement over Pakistanis? Better qualifications win overall, and equally for everyone.
This is typical far right rant that is seen everywhere in the world. The far right's fear of replacement could be driven by religion or race and is not restricted to immigrant nations like the US. It is unavoidable and can at best be managed. :agree:
So he cherry picks a few and comes to a conclusion that Indians hate whites?
Not so smart, is he...

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