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While Indians look up to China, the Chinese look down on India

you had us at quote " I found so many on that wannnabe-White supremacist site called Stormfront". :lol:

your game to pretend being american is up kiddo, we see through your slanted views

I can see that you're an Indian by your blackened heart and your obsession over countering all insults towards your poop-filled motherland.
Götterdämmerung;4892012 said:
Nothing to prove, just plenty of Germans like myself don't buy your BS. Tha's all! :D

Auf weidersehun! ;)

I can see that you're an Indian by your blackened heart and your obsession over countering all insults towards your poop-filled motherland.

What about you red blooded american guy? what are you? Original inhabitant of North America?

China To Continue Rapid Development OF Attack Helicopters
source= World Defense Blog: China To Continue Rapid Development OF Attack Helicopters
what about this indinans:cheers:

Let them develop,we have our own models and strategy, we are not fools like pakistan who says' hum ghaas khayenge lekin atom bomb banayenge'.
I will leave that kind of arms race jingoism only to pakistanis.
With indian defence private sector already floating many models since the FDI rule was passed you will see the best things made in India.Think about that ;)
??? Google is just a search engine, a very good search engine, but the news are all from different media around the world!!

And how you guys dig up all those news about India without a search engine? Some type of "India bashing pack" reaches you everyday?

It's not about google search or the news article, it's about how accurately it is being posted. Chinese may post negative news about India, but they are all straight from the source. While you manipulated the article to suit your agenda. A fashionable pet dyeing craze in China was turned into a fake animal propaganda by you. That is the difference. Have some shame.
I can see that you're an Indian by your blackened heart and your obsession over countering all insults towards your poop-filled motherland.

Look your favorite website has to say about you.

Chinese Tourists Defecate in Public Pools While Outbidding You for Bacon and Beef - Stormfront

No worries shanghai Hán , the weather channel called, forecast says it will be be raining cats and dogs.

@American_Millenium and his ilk desperately try to be ... that is for sure.

If not, try to win the supremacist over to their side by reaching out to them with these posts.

Do y'all see China as an Enemy? - Stormfront

The chinese percieved do not represent us - Stormfront

... and if all that fails , voila! - China's Cosmetic Surgery Boom - Video - Oprah.com

I can tell you what it is like in surgery department.The hospital i worked in was classified as A+ Grade hospitals in china by the Chinese Ministry of Health and Education.

Most chinese girls go for Blepharoplasty 'since chinese have a single eyelid layer while rest of indians have double eyelid layer'That is why they say we have beautiful eyes cos they open full not half.
Blepharoplasty in western countries are done on Old people who have droopy and saggy eyelids and want to look a bit young.
Not to forget the numerous silicon breast implants and Rhinoplasty etc. they have trying to look more white .
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It's not about google search or the news article, it's about how accurately it is being posted. Chinese may post negative news about India, but they are all straight from the source. While you manipulated the article to suit your agenda. A fashionable pet dying craze in China was turned into a fake animal propaganda by you. That is the difference. Have some shame.

Thee was no propaganda, when someone opened a thread of fake lion-dog, I just stated that there are plenty of other animals like tiger-dog, panda-dog, etc. I never said that those are from the zoo itself, you may check the thread again.

And this time I have posted five food names against destro's comment which was nothing against his smear campaign. if you want proof of those, let me know.
I can tell you what it is like in surgery department.The hospital i worked in was classified as A+ Grade hospitals in china by the Chinese Ministry of Health and Education.

Most chinese girls go for Blepharoplasty 'since chinese have a single eyelid layer while rest of indians have double eyelid layer'That is why they say we have beautiful eyes cos they open full not half.
Blepharoplasty in western countries are done on Old people who have droopy and saggy eyelids and want to look a bit young.
Not to forget the numerous silicon breast implants and Rhinoplasty etc. they have trying to look more white .

@American_Millenium which of the above you signed up for or have completed?
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the weather channel called, it is going to be bountiful for you- forecast says it will be be raining cats and dogs.

Vishnu, please start singing the National Anthem or recite the Pledge in that 'American' accent of yours. It always gives me a laugh when foreigners think they're American.

Another fellow "Indian American" just to get a preview of the 'New America':

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Oh stop it Chinese, just because you were hired on the railroads and your other kinship for special hourly relief- you did not build it!

All this time I was a Pakistani and/or Bangladeshi. Now I'm a Chinese. Why the change of heart?

The fact that you've posted 8 comments in response to me shows your slowly devolving demeanor and emotional control. You are becoming more and more ape-like! And this facade of pretending to be a normal human being (and even more so, one of us) is slowly being tarnished.

Your people didn't work to make this country what it is. You have no right to call it your own.

Thankfully, I can rest contented that the world will never recognize you as one of us, and the true Americans will be credited for building this amazing nation.
Isn't it just amazing how much time these monkeys spend on questioning someone's race and nationality? How they can't even stick to the point being argued or refuted?

It's fascinating. Let's just call me a Chinese or Pakistani or whatever new nationality I've been labelled today, just for the sake of ending this embarrassing charade that Indians call an rebuttal.

But knowing these half-ape sub-humans, that will never happen. Beware for those who are not Chinese or Pakistani, making a comment against the Great Slum Nation will reward you with dozens of Apu's trolling you forever and ever!
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