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While India missed the big meeting of regional spy chiefs convened by Pakistan, it was discussing Afghanistan with...Australia.

Dont worry alot of indians are being imported by Australia to fight for them against China. Indians are very brave people and have the best army training in the entire galaxy .

On the contrary Australia even threatened 5 years jail with these who return to Australia from India during the Indian variant period.. Australia wants nothing with Indian refugees
Exact partners, celebrating extra judicial killings on their hands in their respective occupied lands. And they are discussing a country not even connected to them. It was like, meet and kill time since both are kept out of loop for their black business.
Wow, what's next ? India discuss Afghanistan with Wakanda ?
Indian FM is an idiot. This guy fucked up with China at LAC last year. Only good at sucking american d**ks.
Pakistan (host) invited them, they sent an objection (Pak center of terror, etc) & requested for the postponement of the meeting until India is prepared to attend, Pakistan forwarded the request to the chair (Uzbeks) .. they rejected it and wasn’t even put to vote. Basically, the atmosphere was that everyone wants this dealt with as soon as possible, and no one wants to witness the usual India-Pak pissing contest.

OTOH, China got all members to agree on putting ‘BLA’ (& its affiliates) on the terror list and also got all to agree that terror attacks on BRI claimed by BLA should now be investigated under RATS.
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