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Which stop gap fighter would you prefer for TurAF?

Which stop gap fighter for TurAF?

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Turkiye will spend $30-40 billion for buying,operate,maintenance to 100 F-35A between 2020 and 2050
and F-35 is flying computer , without American permission Turkish F-35s even can not take off

forget about F-35 and develop the TFX , HUTJET and MIUS

-- 163 CCIP modernized F-16 and 29 F-16 block50+ can be remain in service until 2035
-- Aselsan develops F-16 AESA Radar
-- HISAR , SIPER and S400 Air Defense Systems can protect Turkish Airspace against any Fighter Jets in the region

and without F-35 , still Turkish Armed Forces will have great attack capability ....
We can use 280-1.000 km KHAN/BORA Ballistic Missiles , 300 km SOM air launched Cruise Missile , and 800 km GEZGIN land/naval based Cruise Missiles against Greece,Egypt,Israel and Iran in the region

also 220+km ATMACA land/naval based Missile will have land attack capability

until the TFX , Turkish Airforce can survive without F-35s

also We can use MIUS on TCG ANADOLU

MTOW : 5.500 kg
Payloud : 1.000 kg
Speed : 900km/h
Service ceiling : 12.000 m
Endurance : 5 hours
Armament : KUZGUN , SOM Cruise Missile ( land attack/anti ship ) , GOKTUG air to air Missiles
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Personally I am okay with the cost per hour and maintenance issues of Eurofighter since we wouldn't buy about 100s of those. I don't think F/A-18 E/F and Growler makes sense since TuAF already chose F-16s over F-18s before.
Our choices are:
  • Buying about 30-40 second hand Eurofighter tranche 1s or giving new orders for tranche 3s
  • F-15EX + ''Özgür'' modernisation of F-16s
  • Additional F-16V Block 70 purchase
I think we should all think of the requirements before. TuAF needs an twin-engine air superiority fighter that can also carry heavy weapon loads. Obviously this can give an idea to all of us. So, we either buy F-15s or Eurofighter Tranche 3s.
F-15EX will be actually (almost)stealth version of F-15 so Turkey has no chance in getting this aircraft although F-15EX is the perfect option for TuAF I would gladly order 120+ F-15EX instead of F-35...
Eurofighter is good option but if Turkey wants to get full access it must buy 120 otherwise with 40 units only limited acces would be given
F-16V upgrade of existing fleet plus ordering new F-16V is the most rational option but I agree with you that air superiority fighter is needed much more(eurofighter typhoon)
Feel free to beat him with words bro.

If he answered with substance instead of trying to veil his racist intention behind belitteling users here and ignoring those who push him in a corner I would.

The substance of his words all collapse to: "LOL Turkey dumb Turkey can't build, LOL"

I see it is better to ignore him.
@Vord old man,if you are such a mature person then,why the provocations?
Why you making fun of people?
Either act like you supposed to be acting or face the same treatment,old man
Since you are such a good chess player,im sure you'll get it.
Btw,i agree with your stance on the subject.
Lecturing me about provocation and trying to provocate me all in the same go? You're late to the party, pal. If you've got a bone to pick with me, take a number and get in line.

Fighting in Syria a non existing or lets say a broken army, is one thing. Another story is fighting a modern, powerful and intact army.
When was the last time ze Germany fought a "modern, powerful and intact army" and won? Oh yes, I thought so. Fact of the matter is that your security has been provided by the Americans for decades. So save your lectures for the teezeit.
I didn't play chess for a while, but we can play if you guys are available...
PS; my Chess.com nickname is turann09
Added you. Hit me up on chess.com so that we can arrange a time for a few quick games. Cheers.
Lecturing me about provocation and trying to provocate me all in the same go? You're late to the party, pal. If you've got a bone to pick with me, take a number and get in line.

When was the last time ze Germany fought a "modern, powerful and intact army" and won? Oh yes, I thought so. Fact of the matter is that your security has been provided by the Americans for decades. So save your lectures for the teezeit.

You ask me a question and give the right answer on yourself. We don’t need to fight anyone, because we live in peace with our neighbors. What about you? Do you live in peace with your neighbors, too.
You ask me a question and give the right answer on yourself. We don’t need to fight anyone, because we live in peace with our neighbors. What about you? Do you live in peace with your neighbors, too.
If you live in peace with your neighbors, than why do you STILL need the US to maintain ~40,000 troops in Germany? Hasn't it been long enough since the collapse of the USSR & GDR and even longer since the WW2?

There are whole US states with fewer American troops than in Germany: https://www.governing.com/gov-data/...duty-employee-workforce-numbers-by-state.html

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The Israeli lobby won't allow F-16 export to Turkey due to bad relation between Erdogan and Netanyahu. China won't export to Turkey because of the East Turkestan issue. Best chance is MiG-29M/35.
The Israeli lobby won't allow F-16 export to Turkey due to bad relation between Erdogan and Netanyahu. China won't export to Turkey because of the East Turkestan issue. Best chance is MiG-29M/35.
Turkey doesn't interfere in East Turkestan at a level that would necessitate Chinese weapons embargo. It's pretty much limited to political rhetoric for internal consumption. Turkey and China continue to have excellent trade, political and sure enough, military relations. That said, I don't see Turkey requesting fighters from China either. As for Russia, we're not there geopolitically. Turkey and Russia continue to diverge on a large number of issues which gives Turkey pause. But if relation with the US worsen, Turkey may have to look past certain differences. As things stand right now, Turkey needs to prioritize its own programs like the TF-X/MMU and continue to develop its UCAV fleet.
Turkey doesn't interfere in East Turkestan at a level that would necessitate Chinese weapons embargo. It's pretty much limited to political rhetoric for internal consumption. Turkey and China continue to have excellent trade, political and sure enough, military relations. That said, I don't see Turkey requesting fighters from China either. As for Russia, we're not there geopolitically. Turkey and Russia continue to diverge on a large number of issues which gives Turkey pause. But if relation with the US worsen, Turkey may have to look past certain differences. As things stand right now, Turkey needs to prioritize its own programs like the TF-X/MMU and continue to develop its UCAV fleet.

Turkey militarily backs TIP in Idlib. TIP is Uyghur separatists whom Chinese government considers terrorists. So obviously China blocks JF-17 sale from Pakistan to Turkey.
Turkey militarily backs TIP in Idlib. TIP is Uyghur separatists whom Chinese government considers terrorists. So obviously China blocks JF-17 sale from Pakistan to Turkey.
Turkey hasn't launched an international tender to replace the F-35 (yet), let alone specifically choosing and requesting the JF-17 from Pakistan/China. If you have reliable sources suggesting otherwise, please do share.

Turkey's support of Uighurs is limited to political rhetoric only and it's not the only country criticizing China. If China embargoed every country badmouthing it, it wouldn't have 1/10th the economy it enjoys today.
Turkey hasn't launched an international tender to replace the F-35 (yet), let alone specifically choosing and requesting the JF-17 from Pakistan/China. If you have reliable sources suggesting otherwise, please do share.

Turkey's support of Uighurs is limited to political rhetoric only and it's not the only country criticizing China. If China embargoed every country badmouthing it, it wouldn't have 1/10th the economy it enjoys today.

Turkey arms TIP in Idlib. China will never allow any arms export to Turkey.
Turkey arms TIP in Idlib. China will never allow any arms export to Turkey.

Turks dont need low quality Chinese weapons and Turkey is a NATO Member and We have high quality NATO standart Airforce

so Turkiye will develop its own Fighter Jets and UCAVs to integrate to NATO

the TFX Fighter Jet by 2029
HURJET by 2025
MIUS UCAV by 2023
AKINCI UCAV by 2020-2021

-- 163 CCIP modernized F-16 block52
-- 29 F-16 block50+
-- 35 OZGUR modernized F-16
-- and Turkiye develops F-16 AESA Radar

until the TFX , Turkish Airforce can survive without F-35s

in my opinion , Turkiye will not buy any Fighter Jet instead of F35

The Israeli lobby won't allow F-16 export to Turkey due to bad relation between Erdogan and Netanyahu.

The US Senate blocked sale of UCAV to Turkiye
and in 10 years Turkiye was become Drone Superpower ( Bayraktar TB-2 , ANKA-S , AKSUNGUR , AKINCI and soon GOKSUNGUR and MIUS also KARGI anti radiation Drone ) ..... even Europe , Russia , India are dreaming about this UCAV technology

Turkiye begged for buying 3 used AH-1W Super Cobra Attack Helicopter from the US for many years
now Turkiye produce 83 T-129 Attack Helicopters also T-629 6tons class Attack Helicopter by 2023 and ATAK-II 10 tons class Attack Helicopter by 2028 including 1500 and 3000 shp turboshaft engines

the US Senate block sale of F35 to Turkiye .... dont worry in 10 years Turkiye will develop the TFX

Israeli lobby and the US Senate makes Turkiye as a Aviation power in the World
Thanks to Israeli lobby and The US Senate
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