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Which politician is serious about prostitution issue?

Prostitution is a by-product of other social and economic ills such as lack of equal opportunities for all citizens of the state. Tackle them and you will be able to minimize prostitution, if not totally eradicate it. One more point to keep in mind is that any business is profitable as long as there is a demand for it. Curbing prostitution without doing something about the people why pay for it is like capping a bottle with no base to keep the liquid inside.

Social control without social responsibility and reforms is an exercise in futility.

So tell me sir why their is still prostitution in developed nations? The only way possible is the control of society and let me give you an example. Stop bollywood culture that is broadcasted 24/7 in media and most of the prostitution and pre marital relationship will end right their.
Humanity is in turmoil and muslims are in terrible state of mindset and have even worse attitudes when it comes to understanding their deen.

It is this very lack that muslims need to address and very soon. It is time to play our role effectively with proper understanding of the quran and the hadith and islamic shariah within our own countries and societies and we need much better understanding of nonmuslim scriptures and sources of their inspirations and ideologies in order to start an effective debate that helps them see islam for what it really is.

This is not going to happen so long as we learn the quran and hadith from people who are stooges of nonmuslim powers and their backers.

There is constant struggle between people who love peace and prosperity for mankind in the name of divine constitution and those who oppose the idea because they rather be masters of others having them for their slaves.

These are imperialist forces be they in form of political ruling elite or their rich and powerful backers or their lap dog mullahs=the priestly classes.

This fight is all about humanity v animals in form of humans. Enemies of humanity are enemies of islam because islam is all about human peace and prosperity.
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