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Which Political Party Can Save Pakistan?

Jamat i Islami

Why !!
Its the only democratic party in Pakistan, which exercise elections within it self.
Leadership is not corrupt, if u ask KPK public servants they will tell u that Jamat ppl were not corrupt
Leadership is educated.
Has given blood for the unity of the nation. e.g. Syed Gholam Azam, Ex Amer Jamat i Islami East Pakistan is being prosecuted in Bangladesh for his patriotism at the age of 94
in my opinion , its the people of Pakistan who need to want a change . they need to realize what is good for them , and push for those policies .
Jamat i Islami

Why !!
Its the only democratic party in Pakistan, which exercise elections within it self.
Leadership is not corrupt, if u ask KPK public servants they will tell u that Jamat ppl were not corrupt
Leadership is educated.
Has given blood for the unity of the nation. e.g. Syed Gholam Azam, Ex Amer Jamat i Islami East Pakistan is being prosecuted in Bangladesh for his patriotism at the age of 94
Can't stop laughing,
no political party its only Pakistani Peoples who help Pakistan to develop...??

is pakistan going some where why the op wrote the word save?
stupid question BTW
No party or institution can save or solve Pakistan problems all alone, anyone advocating it is an abject liar and whosoever believing this BS is a unique “Chawal” one of its own kind :coffee:

this is what we expect from you noonies,

that is what we expect from nawaz sharif,

The only person that Can get Pakistan back on the track is Imran Khan.
Pakistan can only be saved not by the party but people of Pakistan alone. If they become loyal to themself, start realizing what they are doing. Democracy may be one aspect. They really need to wake up from the dreams, and do something to resolve their problem. Here no body is serious about anything so no body else is, neither our leaders, neither army no one.

Quad-e-Azam said three things "Iman", "Itehad" and "Tanzeem". Only these things can save Pakistan.

"Iman is the first thing which most of us has forgot completely. And when something comes related to Iman we start fighting, arguing or say yes and stay away from it"

"Itehad, Here when ever someone speaks, He speak only for division. DIvision on the basis of religion, Language, or Location. This is the least thing which people care about, and which is why lost our value. This is huge thing think about it."

"Tanzeem, What to say about it. When our teacher teach us this we take it as punishment. When our parents teach us about it, we take it as a lecture. When ever it comes to show this we run like goats. The only Disciplined we know is from Stick. Which is why most of us in the thread suggest Coup as a solution for Pakistan."

Party can only destroy Pakistan, Unity create paths, and achievements.

ohh sorry got emotional... back to old "DAMNN YOU PTI SUPPORTERS :devil:"
The reverse Khan​

Last week when PTI chief, Imran Khan, held a joint press conference with the head of the fundamentalist Jamat-i-Islami (JI) and hinted that his party may get into an electoral alliance with the JI, many frontline PTI enthusiasts on the social media were not impressed.

They are at pains to describe the PTI as a ‘genuine liberal party,’ some even argue that it is actually ‘leftist.’

Of course, thus far, PTI has largely come across as being a more animated and youthful version of the conservative PML-N.

PTI has tried to mix things up by placing one of its dancing feet in the idealistic potpourri of urban middle-class youth, while attempting to place its other foot in the muddy mush where a number of right-wing Islamist outfits have been rolling for attention. This is the mush where PML-N too has a foothold in.

If the JI does get into an alliance with the PTI, it will not be the first time this otherwise elitist Islamic outfit would allow itself to jump into the fry of populist politics.

From its controversial involvement in the 1953 anti-Ahmadiya riots in Lahore, to its participation in the raising of violent militant squads by the Pakistan Army against Bengali nationalists in 1971; and from its active role in toppling the Z A. Bhutto regime, to supplying the ideological rationale and manpower to Ziaul Haq’s ‘Islamisation’ project and jihad in Afghanistan, the JI has found itself to be at the centre of a number of controversial episodes that one can’t quite call democratic.

But why would Imran Khan who in recent months has been riding a wave of popularity be so willing to ally himself with the JI?

Apart from JI’s awkward past, it has never been an electorally strong entity. It has not managed to get more than five per cent of the votes in all the elections that it has taken part in ever since 1970.

Its main hurrah in this respect only arrived during the 2002 election when it was just one part of the religious parties’ alliance, the MMA. And even then many analysts insist MMA’s victory in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) was ‘facilitated’ by the ideologically schizophrenic Musharraf dictatorship.

Thus, Khan is certainly not in line to bag any additional number of seats if he allies his party with the JI in the next election.

And even though JI still has some muscle left on its otherwise creaking bones to gather a good number of people for rallies, Khan can now do that on his own.

So if one rules out gathering additional seats in an election or the fattening of political rallies as reasons for Khan’s romance with JI, what else is there for him to gain from the purposed alliance?

He hasn’t been able to give a more concrete answer himself, apart from that he thinks JI is one of the few ‘non-controversial’ and ‘clean’ parties out there.

Of course, Khan’s political naïveté and his simplistic (if not entirely selective) understanding of the country’s political history have never been a secret, so let’s just leave his reading of the JI at that.

However, there just might be some pragmatic meat after all behind Khan’s move to partner JI, or for that matter, to continue sending his ‘envoys’ to rallies held by far-right groups such as the Difa-e-Pakistan Council (DPC).

JI’s vote bank which is more akin to generate spoilers than produce winners, mainly lies in pockets in Karachi, Lahore, central Punjab and parts of KP.

For example, in elections that were boycotted by JI, most of its votes largely went to conservative-democratic parties like the PML-N. In some incidents a chunk of JI voters voted for PML-N just so the JI candidate is not able to split the right-wing vote in the constituency and consequently produce a victory for non-right/secular parties.

So perhaps what is on Khan’s mind is a three-way fight (especially in the Punjab) between the PML-N, PPP and PTI, where Khan wants the JI vote to come to him instead of going to the PML-N?

In theory it makes sense. But statistics of the elections held since 1988 clearly see how rapidly JI’s vote bank has shrunk.
It is however true though, that JI votes continue to go to PML-N.

So does this mean that by warming up to Islamic outfits whose supporters usually end up voting for the much larger conservative political parties such as the PML-N and JUI-F, Khan is squarely going for the PML-N and JUI-F vote bank?

I believe so. By holding hands with the JI and flirting with DPC, Khan is trying to attract the right-wing and Islamic votes into becoming consolidated PTI votes.

If he also manages to break a few PPP votes then that will be a bonus because his other hope in this respect are the young first-time-voters. They are a mixture of formally apolitical (but socially liberal) urbanites and those who see Khan as some kind of a reincarnation of a more romanticised version of Z.A. Bhutto.

That said, there certainly is an ideological link between PTI and JI as well. Apart from being baptised into politics by right-wing figures such as Hamid Gul, Khan’s initial political training took place at the hands of former JI chief, Qazi Hussain Ahmed.

Though one can’t accuse Khan of being an ‘Islamic fundamentalist,’ he most certainly is right-wing. At least in the post-Cold War context in which many rightists have adopted a number of old leftist gestures, rhetoric and postures to address the concerns of societies disorientated by the economic and social fall-outs of things like globalisation, religious extremism and War on Terror.

Khan also seems to have a sentimental spot for JI. His idea about JI suggests that he views this party as an ideological powerhouse that just got blown away by the crude ways of populist electoral politics.

Some would also suggest that since Khan’s recent rise was shaped a bit by some powerful figures in the country’s intelligence agencies, it was only natural for him to make friends with the ‘B teams of the agencies’, such as JI, DPC, etc.

Whatever the case, Khan is very much his own man now. His popularity, if not entirely judged by superficial popularity polls, does have a genuine tinge to it.

His rendezvous with the Islamic right in the shape of JI or DPC may make some political sense, but he should also be conscious of the other side of the issue.

His manoeuvres in this regard are likely to make his more liberal supporters question his egalitarian postures and stands on things like religious extremism: not only the kind practised by sectarian and militant organisations, but also the sort of religious bullying members of parties like JI have had a history of.

Suffice to say, these are the kind of questions that are not answered by sharing sofas and stages with outfits known for having sympathies for Islamic extremists and for laws that have created more disorder than otherwise.

Nadeem F. Paracha:moil:

it has been proved, that only pakarmy, with its sacrifices & its dicipline, is the only party which has saved pakistan, every time!
democrazy & parties, are the main reason of the latest destruction of pakistan!
it has been proved, that only pakarmy, with its sacrifices & its dicipline, is the only party which has saved pakistan, every time!
democrazy & parties, are the main reason of the latest destruction of pakistan!

yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhh corrrrrrrect .. lol .. its not a party its an organisation who is paid to defend borders of the country internal and external threats .... so far the job they have done so far in my opinion they rank below jsqm. There is no support for military any more its understood that keeping them in the barracks is the best option
yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhh corrrrrrrect .. lol .. its not a party its an organisation who is paid to defend borders of the country internal and external threats .... so far the job they have done so far in my opinion they rank below jsqm. There is no support for military any more its understood that keeping them in the barracks is the best option

You think pakarmy needs your rattinings?lol
Every major political party of pakistan , is bieng created by Pakarmy (mother of democracy)?
Who is going, put them in barracks ?
Croupt zardari
Croupt nawaz
A dam Cj , who doesn't know who paid the money to his wife & daughters, for the trips
To london? & who paid money to arsalan in monte carlo,s casino & budha bar?
Poor pakistanis who are suffering from , loadshedings, feul price hikes, worse health care services, worse educational services, worse law & order conditions? Btw poor pakistanis mostly are praying for the removal of democrazy, which was imposed on us by international financed media, by the superpowers?
Or superpower itseLf, which is seen annoyed watching their aid money getting into, different swiss accounts, no america don't give a dam , who is incharge here, all they want is a pakistan without supporting terrorists, & their supplies going into afghanistan
A poison drat , bashir qureshi?
Plz, wake up there is no tehreer square in pakistan, & we are not turkey or eygpt?
We have only a liaqat bagh here, friend. Lol
You think pakarmy needs your rattinings?lol
Every major political party of pakistan , is bieng created by Pakarmy (mother of democracy)?
Who is going, put them in barracks ?
Croupt zardari
Croupt nawaz
A dam Cj , who doesn't know who paid the money to his wife & daughters, for the trips
To london? & who paid money to arsalan in monte carlo,s casino & budha bar?
Poor pakistanis who are suffering from , loadshedings, feul price hikes, worse health care services, worse educational services, worse law & order conditions? Btw poor pakistanis mostly are praying for the removal of democrazy, which was imposed on us by international financed media, by the superpowers?
Or superpower itseLf, which is seen annoyed watching their aid money getting into, different swiss accounts, no america don't give a dam , who is incharge here, all they want is a pakistan without supporting terrorists, & their supplies going into afghanistan
A poison drat , bashir qureshi?
Plz, wake up there is no tehreer square in pakistan, & we are not turkey or eygpt?
We have only a liaqat bagh here, friend. Lol

you are reflecting deep thoughts my fried, last line is epic
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3159320 said:
you are reflecting deep thoughts my fried, last line is epic

Tell me if iam hidding any truth?
Thts the biggest problems, that our so called educated intellectuals often paint a wrong picture, besides the fact, that just 25% pakistanis hardly are educated?
Still there are huge portion of the peoples in pakistan , who never knew , who is there PM or presidents are?
& we talk & teach dam damo-crazy to them?

Its army,s responsiblity, to put a grand marshall revolution, with rotation of command, with local govt bassed fedrl cabnit, with specific targets & deadlines in the sector of education, health, judiciary, law & order , energy & infrastucture devolpments & elimination of crouption.
All the local bodies elections shouldbe held on no-party basses, & all the govts should be elected for just 2 years.
This grand marshall should continue , for at least 15 years, in which no forces genrl should. Continue more thn his service time, but at the same time there should be a capital (death) punishment , if some one tries to change it!
About liaqat bagh, pakistani politicians should be remember it, a place where they can meet the ultimate highest level of justice?
Pakistani poor peoples , they don't want this damo-crazy, all they want peace, stayblity, education, good law & order, & lowest of inflation.
No politician in pakistan can give them that, its pakarmy which allways brought that before, so that's it!
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