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Which missile test is this? - Watch video


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
i don't know anything about this test.... please watch the video and leave your comments thanks

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The missile ran-out of kerosene oil.
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so thats a german missile :lol: i was wondering the same thing may be its not a indian missile somebody just played a prank :lol::lol::lol:

Sarcasm would be a better word, the news was a sarcastic news item.
hahaha good video ..
me likes it..
shows the true technology produced by our neighbors...
hahaha good video ..
me likes it..
shows the true technology produced by our neighbors...

Sir laughing on failure is easy and creating something new is alltogether different thing. Youtube full of anti-pakistan. Do some searching and am sure sir you wont visit youtube again.
Failure is part of the way to success, American history is also full of failures when their missiles failed to launch or exploded mid air.

Remember its Fox News, what else to expect from them.

Absolutely! The People at Fox Shoot first and ask later, that is why, so many times it has backfired on them!! :taz: :lol::lol:
There is a famous quote.
"Girte hain sehsawar hi maidane jung main, who bhala kya gireen jo ghutno ke bal chaleen". The essence is people who try willl fail, one who never tries will not fail. India is trying to develop missiles and other technologies and they will have there share of failures, but these will provide them valuable lessons for future development.
The amount of money they have spent on RND and still failed they could have bought any missile from any country and reversed engg it and localize it to there benefit. One of these days a test will go wrong instead of going right it will go left.
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