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Which is the second best BVR fighter (after F-22)?

Eagle's talons ooze blood.


It's eyes growing sharper


And like P-8 and Triton, the F-15 and F-22 are becoming a closely networked unit. TALON HATE is helping with that


Bye bye MiG 29, Bosnia hardly knew ya. Next time don't violate NATO flight restrictions.


Eagle's old, but they're still gold. The F-15's my choice.
new username again o_O

this must be like your 11th here, why like this ?
In BVR combat IAF and Naval Mig fighters have the advantage of both offensive and defensive capabilities of Russian Long Range BVR (90 - 120 km +) apart from force multiplier like Jammers etc from Israel.



Also, low RCS of Naval Mig 29K/ UPG/SMT and powerful Radar gives an edge over SU 30MKI
Which one is Better : Russian SAP 518 ; KHIBINY or Israeli ELTA
Elta has Long History Of Producing Jammers & reliability that's why its was 1st Preference Of IAF
Su-30 MKI Previously tested Both SAP-518 ECM & SAP-14

Although they are Still In there Testing Phase and Planned to go Production By 2017
1.All aspect 4 channel Digital FBW

2.HMDS &AESA/Gan Based radar and combined EW-ECM -RWR suite and LITENING 3 LDP

3. with 7+1 weapon station

4.Derby+I Derby ER+Python5 HOBS missile combo & all kinds of LGBs+PGMs+SDBs


in light catagory for sure ;)

It won't beat an X-Wing nor a TIE fighter,
which by the way also does not exist in 2016.
It won't beat an X-Wing nor a TIE fighter,
which by the way also does not exist in 2016.
But sir it does exist though only 18 prototypes are made for testing so far dont worry we certainly will never buy Grippen or Grippen NG cheers mate
F-16 (block 60+)
(above with AMRAAM D and AESA)
J-15 (when used with the newer PL-12+ bvr, and these two Chinese platform have avionics which are a "mimicked" copies of Russian SU-35 avionics)

The APG-80 has consistently out performed the APG-79 in MTBF (exceeded it by a good %), reliability and range.
The APG-83 is expected to build on that legacy. and so far test results have indicated the same.

Secondly, the Blk60's can be loaded with MICA's as well.

@Indus Falcon @Windjammer @MastanKhan FYI as well.
The APG-80 has consistently out performed the APG-79 in MTBF (exceeded it by a good %), reliability and range.
The APG-83 is expected to build on that legacy. and so far test results have indicated the same.

Secondly, the Blk60's can be loaded with MICA's as well.

@Indus Falcon @Windjammer @MastanKhan FYI as well.

Yes, I am aware of the block 60 with MICA. That integration was the main "new addition" if you will, to the F-16 line per UAE's requirements. Its easier to integrate due to being very similar to the Sidewinder.
The APG-80 has consistently out performed the APG-79 in MTBF (exceeded it by a good %), reliability and range.
The APG-83 is expected to build on that legacy. and so far test results have indicated the same.

Secondly, the Blk60's can be loaded with MICA's as well.

@Indus Falcon @Windjammer @MastanKhan FYI as well.


You have to look at it this way---gripen has made a daring move with its NG upgrade---and to come out in the open and challenge every aircraft in the industry just like that-----there must be something behind it to make that claim.

With an auto engr background---I know what kind of capabilities did Saab had when they made those Saab 600's---900's etc---a very high quality product---.

With this unique capability of rotating / repositioning radar which gives it the side view as well---and the most advanced bvr missile in the arena---I will have to stop and re-consider this unique capability. The swedes always come up with something unique and challenging---it is their engineering brains that think different.

I personally would not sell them and their product short---. I would say that the Gripen is right up there with the other european and american aircrafts after the f22 and F35---.

@Khafee @Indus Falcon @Viper0011. I am posting a video for your viewing----nowayds I am dreaming of making a 1000 yard short---so I am researching what rifle I need to buy---what is holding me back is that there are no 1000 yards ranges in southern california--maybe a 100 yards range---so I am coaxing my wife to sell the house and buy property in Idaho----.

What I want to say is---that shooting long range is not an ART anymore----it has become a science---every Tom Dick Harry & Jane are making 1st and 2nd round 1000 Yard hits---why---because of the technology---so here is a video for your viewing---a first time female shooter---going to hit a 870 yards target one hit.

So----what the deal here is now---you rifle---your ballistics---your bullet---the flight path---the trajectory---the wind---the coriolis effect etc---and there you have it---7 out of 7 shots----and they are doing it with a 1200 dollars OFF the SHELF rifle with a very good scope and a bipod for stability---this is basically the least expensive PRECISION sniper rifle---.

I have stated before---it will come down to smarter bvr missiles---better electronics---. What the BVR battle has come down to is science----. An aircraft is just a conduit---it still has to meet the qualification of quality.

Make a better BVR missile that has a better tracking capability and manouerability and a very high kill ratio at 90% of its range and a fire control radar that can manage and manipulate it and you have a deadly combination.
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