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which is more bad?

which is more bad?

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well smoking harms you either way, but a glass of wine apparently is good.
I never smoke or drink alcohol. I don't see the point, I never tries smoking, but once I tried to drink wine from a glasses and I was almost sick, same thing happened when I tries beer. I just do not like tha taste.

Pepsi and coca cola are what I prefer.
Smoking is very bad, alcohol mainly red wine in limited amount can do wonders.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3181776 said:
lets talk about poland

you ain't talkin about poland to me Mr.

well smoking harms you either way, but a glass of wine apparently is good.
I never smoke or drink alcohol. I don't see the point, I never tries smoking, but once I tried to drink wine from a glasses and I was almost sick, same thing happened when I tries beer. I just do not like tha taste.

Pepsi and coca cola are what I prefer.


eja(ulate :whistle:

that is not the right word
I voted for cigarette due to its passive smoking effect on those around the smoker in addition to health issues. but then I wonder that alcohol has same issues

by the way when I say alcohol I mean spirits.

it also destroys liver, the drunk causes a lot of misery to his family and makes them suffer. he looses his dignity and indulges into fights
alcoholics beat up their wives and children spend all their money on booze, have poor health and hygiene and mostly depressed and recluse
there is a social drinking as well too, people in the showbiz and limelight drink a lot as well to ease stress, suppress pain or celebrate.

advocates of alcohol will point out its health benefits and other medical uses but the point is that an alcoholic is not drinking it with health in mind.. but simply wants to get drunk and high.

cigarette doesnt have any positive claim to it although .. there is one debatable benefit claimed by some therapists who suggest smoking weed helps with easing pain with some ailments but has other issues associated with it as well like memory loss, hearth problems and of course double the damage than normal smoking.

so in the end I would say cigarette is more bad. a little amount of use of alcohol might not affect as much as smoking might do to the person himself and around him.
The question is bad bcz no one will take any lesson from the poll result, so cheers...
people say smoking is 'more bad' but truth is smoking is not addictive, have you heard of intoxication??, which alcohol is, smoking isnt but it may cause serious health effects, like impure blood, the fumes of smoke with mix with the red blood cells than oxygen, also it will pollute the lungs causing the lung cancer etc

both are equally bad
Cigarette is very bad for health ..i burn almost a pack everyday ..lets burn this evil out of this world
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3181871 said:
people say smoking is 'more bad' but truth is smoking is not addictive, have you heard of intoxication??, which alcohol is, smoking isnt but it may cause serious health effects, like impure blood, the fumes of smoke with mix with the red blood cells than oxygen, also it will pollute the lungs causing the lung cancer etc

both are equally bad
Alcohol is not addictive like tobacco. I never felt I 'have to' drink. You are talking about alcoholics who are minority.
Most smokers cant even go to toilet without a cigarette.
Also, cigarette stinks. I dont care what you drink or eat but I dont want to inhale somebody's smoke.
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