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Which foreign power benefits the most from India Pakistan enmity

Which foreign power benefits the most from India Pakistan enmity

  • America (the West)

    Votes: 20 55.6%
  • China

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • Israel

    Votes: 4 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Russia > China > US > Israel

According to weapon imports on both sides.
@WAJsal : Mr Mod you are too quick with your mouse clicks. :sick::sick::bad::bad: (poor mousey) :o::o:

Even before i could delete you already had me quoted.. :what::what:

You win the fastest clicking round sir handsomely...:dance3:
At least remove the name of Israel for Fk sake,add None of the above instead,she was neutral for most part,our diplomatic relation started only in 90s while major war between India pak happened in 65,71,siachen.

The enmity is inherent in the DNA of both the countries, no external power is responsible for it and we have no ill will for China either even though their 55% weapons export are went to Pak and both are strategic partner.

Israeli jets were ready to bomb Pak nuclear facility.
If enmity was in DNA, not a single Hindu would survive during Muslim rule on India or no Muslim could live in India after partition.

Enmity was purposefully planted in brains and successfully nourished. No doubt British raj benefited most and now there are some other beneficiaries.
Mind you just because one benefits the most does not automatically mean one is behind it. That is a separate exercise and no such angle is implied.

The idea is to plant that little seed of suspicion when dealing with all foreign powers.

There is more to life than weapon sales alone. Besides the near monopoly for weapon supplies to one of the worlds largest armed forces is a tremendous incentive for China too.
3). China (By selling weapon, nothing strategic)

For Chinese its completely strategic.

Lack of enmity between India and Pakistan would mean, 70% of Indian active troops posted at Pakistan border transferred towards Chinese border, forcing Chinese to increase troop deployments in Tibet required elsewhere.

Plus, peace with Pakistan would also mean greater amount of resources and focus for India to expand influence in East Asia.
Israeli jets were ready to bomb Pak nuclear facility.
If enmity was in DNA, not a single Hindu would survive during Muslim rule on India or no Muslim could live in India after partition.

Enmity was purposefully planted in brains and successfully nourished. No doubt British raj benefited most and now there are some other beneficiaries.
What it has to do with us (India) Israel has it clear cut policy,if their survival gets threatened,they will make entire Muslim world would be their legitimate target,who do you think their 80 + Nukes and long range Missiles for,Hizbollah ? I don't think so.

Pak Nukes was a threat for their survival,nothing to do with us.

As for Muslim Rule,if it wasn't for their Hindu Allies,their wouldn't be any Muslim rule,read the composition of Mughal Nobility and % of Hindus,it was the revenue of Doab and tax collection mostly from Hindus which sustained their empire.

Besides those Muslims were central Asian Turko Mongol Timurids,they have nothing in common with the Muslims of Indian Continent,both racially and culturally.
- together we become totally independent of foreign influence.
- they loose at least $10 billion a year on weapon sales.
Well you have to look at this case in more idealistic form. Moreover you have to apply various conditions.

If we talk about reality than out internal affairs are more than enough to keep both nations in the state of war. Our clashes are too deep and too dense and spread in almost every field of life. In my sight it is impossible to restore a long lasting peace between India and Pakistan even if we completely ignore the foreign factor.................

In current case we are dealing with hypothetical case so lets make few assumptions.
Like you said Internal factors are ignored, suppose by some miracle they all are resolved with peace.
Now we have to look at foreign affairs only and find the Third party who don't want to see as friendly and co operating nations. As you mentioned three cases, I will put China and Russia in one pole and call them REDS, and put USA and its allies (Japan, Israel) in opposite pole and call them BLUES.

Assume that both Pakistan and India are now friends after solving all their internal issues. Call them as IndoPak.......
Now we will discuss both cases hypothetically and try to find out what will happen in each case.

CASE 1: Indo Pak are pro Reds and Hostile to Blues :china::china:

Lets suppose after peace treaty both Pakistan and India decide to bend towards Russia and China then ofcourse it will increase their distance with Blues. Both Pakistan and India will have to make few harsh decisions on geo Politics to Win both REDS. India must have to lose Japan and other its allies in South East Asia and Oceaiana for the Sake of China. Doing business with China means you have to lose Japan. CPEC will prevail and economic markets will develop in both countries but we will see mostly Russian and Chinese product. All these four strong nations enhance their co operation in the field of economy (own banking system), defense ( co operation in defense systems, joint virtue), more geographic depth, more vast resources and man power as well as diversity in talent. Afghanistan, Iran, Napal, Sri Lanka, Bangla Desh, Bhutan, Berma and others will join up creating a mass blob of countries working together in direction of their overlapping interests. Both Russia and CHina will get more secure trade routes and as both Huge Economies of China and India will resonate together, it will enlarge to many times and pose drastic threat to industries and economies in Europe and Unites States.
As it will not be easy and NATO will try to poke nose, so an alliance of China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran will be more than enough to neutralize NATO influence. Using influence of Pakistan, Arab countries can also be attracted towards new Asian Pacific Alliance (APA). It will pose grave threat to Israel and Europe directly and to North America indirectly. It will change the geo politics of Latin America where many countries like Argentina, Venzvella and Brazil will become new working grounds of co elaboration for APA.
It will pose many threats too, like Sunni Shia sectarian issue can dominate if Arabs decides to stay in NATO pole. India have to lose Israel and Pakistan have to lose KSA if necessary. But if they agree to join up then it will help in a better way.
This Case looks very charming for us but pose grave threats too. Like it will make World Bi Polar once again and ''hot Bipolar'' to be more honest. Series of clashes or hostility if ever brought war then it will theoretically drag each and every country to World War resulting in devastation which can not be imagined. United Nations might collapse and new ''Talking'' plate forms will emerge inorder to ensure dialogue and avoid armed conflicts. Worth noting part is that almost 80% of World population will be in APA and its allies while rest in NATO and related countries

CASE 2: Indo Pak are pro Blue and hostile to Reds: :usflag::usflag:

Now this case is bit crazy, why because we have United States as our allay which make this Case bit complex for reasons we all know already. Indo Pak are looking towards Europe and USA and want to keep distance with China and Russia as they both think that both REDS are creating violence between them. United States as usual help to agree, offer new opportunities in almost every field of life and mean time bring its new battle group bit closer to our shores .
Now as Pakistan and India are together, so winning Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka,Nepal is not a problem. We will become more friendly with Arabs and Israelis but hostile towards Iran, Iraq, Syria axis. This new strong ally of NATO in south Asia pose direct threat to China and Russia, using Influence of Indo Pak and NATO the trade routes for China are also tightening in South East sea and Economic challenges for both REDS is rising their heads. It will bring China, Russia closer, like Twins. and who will be on front line to face those Twins? Europe and Indo Pak.......... USA will use Europe to isolate Russia and Indo Pak to challenge China both economically and strategically. I actually have no need to explain it further, just consider case of Japan and South Korea here. Indo Pak will be like them, developed, progressed but an angry neighbor with nuclear weapons with volatile mood.

So will it be REDS or BLUES.??? WHo Knows. But real question is what will happen after friendship? What will be the deciding factor that with whom we will side? In my point of view it is unlikely that both Pakistan and India will come to a peace treaty all alone, ofcourse their will be third party, RED or BLUE or may be combo of that. But the one who will take the most effective and wise role will win the Alliance of Indo Pak and hence the situation continue according to both Cases I mentioned.........

Last Note: It was all just my imaginations and hypothetical analysis. But answer remains.......... who don;t want to see Pakistan and India as friends? China? USA? ............... I believe BOTH. I will call it a DRAW. Both of them don't want to be Friendly States as it will bring a risk of choice, either win huge geo political advantage as friend or lose every thing. And ofcourse the losing side will try ''Unfair'' mean to derail every thing, either it is United States or China.............

Hope you enjoyed the read :enjoy:

Lets hope the BEST THING HAPPEN ................:cheers:

@WAJsal @Stag112 @PARIKRAMA @MaarKhoor
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What it has to do with us (India) Israel has it clear cut policy,if their survival gets threatened,they will make entire Muslim world would be their legitimate target,who do you think their 80 + Nukes and long range Missiles for,Hizbollah ? I don't think so.

Pak Nukes was a threat for their survival,nothing to do with us.

As for Muslim Rule,if it wasn't for their Hindu Allies,their wouldn't be any Muslim rule,read the composition of Mughal Nobility and % of Hindus,it was the revenue of Doab and tax collection mostly from Hindus which sustained their empire.

Besides those Muslims were central Asian Turko Mongol Timurids,they have nothing in common with the Muslims of Indian Continent,both racially and culturally.

Pak nukes were and are no threat for Israel. Why were they using Indian soil and air space to attack Pakistan, if they had nothing to do with you.
You know nothing about Muslims even living along side with them.

If you think some kind of hate or enmity is in your DNA you can further live with that. I dont have any intention to kill that germ in your DNA. That was just to tell you I dont have that thing in my DNA.
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Pak nukes were and are no threat for Israel. Why were they using Indian soil and air space to attack Pakistan, if they had nothing to do with you.
You know nothing about Muslims even living along side with them.

If you think some kind of hate or enmity is in your DNA you can further live with that. I dont have any intention to kill that germ in your DNA. That was just to tell you I dont have that thing in my DNA.
Really but our elite memebr @zarvan,your Nukes are primarily for India and Russia apart from several pak intellectuals openly claim on TV debates.

And that DNA comment has nothing to do with Indian Muslims or muslims in general, but for a nation,whose ideology is 2 nation theory,mean you and mean can't co exist.

Besides,the post was not personal,sorry if you felt that way.
One of the reasons for partition was to ensure that one single major power does not dominate the region. India-Pak rivalry suits the interests of west & china. West they have to deal with smaller power and china to ensure its occupation of tibet.

Stronger Pakistan means Iran & middle east powers would be under its influence. A democratic & strong pakistan would be a wrong example for the autocratic muslim world. Unstable pakistan means airbases, supply of troops and other help for middle east countries.

The fact is however friendly other country may be but they will always want a subservient and lesser power. Pakistan & India by stupidly squabbling among themselves only benefit the world powers. Every tom, dick & harry in west becomes a kashmir expert to meddle in affairs of south asian region.
def the U.S
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