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Which car is the best in Pakistan?

Honda CRV at 80 Lakhs :woot:
Second hand SUV's are cheaper in Pakistan.

brand new are expensive.
Second hand SUV's are cheaper in Pakistan.

brand new are expensive.
So if someone buy a brand new CRV at 80 lakhs (which itself is a daylight robbery, I though Indian customers are being taken for a ride by automobile companies), how much will it fetch to owner if he sells it after 3 years?
So if someone buy a brand new CRV at 80 lakhs (which itself is a daylight robbery, I though Indian customers are being taken for a ride by automobile companies), how much will it fetch to owner if he sells it after 3 years?
Get an idea from the link. Not many are around

what you dont know is that Pakistanis buy car for 15 lacs and sell it for 16 -17 lacs after driving for a few months or a year :-)
The Mitsubishi Pajero Mini with side bumper grills is for pak roads

In Sedans mid budget

High End



low budget
4 x 4


The Best


honda accord most reliable car in the world lastbtime i checked on google.

camry & bluebird more reliable
accord good for 150,000 kms not more
After new Car
new nissan models are very good also better on fuel and faster than equivelent toyota honda



Why not you check the suzuki jimny with a price tag of 2.2 million pak rupees
Why not you check the suzuki jimny with a price tag of 2.2 million pak rupees
Jimny doesn't not justify price tag
Ford Focus, I said because it has been used sparingly (actually I have no use for it) and it is left hand drive with plenty of airbags. This year he had two accidents one involving him and a local made rickshaw ( a carriage with bike in front instead of a horse) where it appeared suddenly out of no where and my father stopped the car but still the overloaded rickshaw rammed into his car
the other was by a teenage one wheeler who thought it would be a nice idea to impress the old man in the car (my father) by his "skills" though he was safe since he drives at normal speeds but due to these accidents he has been slightly uncomfortable driving himself. I'm thinking as @Sarge suggested to get some SUV smaller SUV like Audi Q5 or Land Rover Freelander either new or used but in good shape. I have asked my brother to take care of the driving himself or ensure some driver is there.
No point in wasting money on Audi or Rover there. Maintenance headaches are too many and the amount we pay here for them gets a premium added onto it.

If it must be a SuV, better off paying for a Honda too as the CR-V is out there in imported form.
camry & bluebird more reliable
accord good for 150,000 kms not more

This car can take a beating, all the joy riders used to buy these backn in the day.
solid car you can crash it in to a wall it still starts but the owner might be dead, it reliability you wantt.
good wheel spins, solid clutch. bump starting is easy.
but it cant take bends, dnt do it you will crash.
dirty fuel it will drink it.


same as above.

taxi drivers favoruite car. some have had them for over 20 yrs paid thier mortguage off.

bro just get a dinger make papers pay sum uncle off in pak drive thru

for god sake lets not pretend that this is holy land. this your uncles land, his name is rishwat(bribe).

i find humilitating that in this country you pay 3 to 5 times for a banger than you do in england.

atleast in england and usa you can buy ex military vehicles, why not in pak.

i want yasoob 6x6, now discontinued which is big conspiracy.

This car can take a beating, all the joy riders used to buy these backn in the day.
solid car you can crash it in to a wall it still starts but the owner might be dead, it reliability you wantt.
good wheel spins, solid clutch. bump starting is easy.
but it cant take bends, dnt do it you will crash.
dirty fuel it will drink it.


same as above.

taxi drivers favoruite car. some have had them for over 20 yrs paid thier mortguage off.

bro just get a dinger make papers pay sum uncle off in pak drive thru

for god sake lets not pretend that this is holy land. this your uncles land, his name is rishwat(bribe).

i find humilitating that in this country you pay 3 to 5 times for a banger than you do in england.

atleast in england and usa you can buy ex military vehicles, why not in pak.

i want yasoob 6x6, now discontinued which is big conspiracy.

toyota caldina very solid engine
new caldina engine not so good .people put old engine in new caldina with engine problem .

honda accord good but camry bluebird better .even then audi





No point in wasting money on Audi or Rover there. Maintenance headaches are too many and the amount we pay here for them gets a premium added onto it.

If it must be a SuV, better off paying for a Honda too as the CR-V is out there in imported form.
Yeah I see these SUVs are too expensive in Pakistan. Here in Atlanta, I can get the new (2016) Q5 for 51 - 55 Ks but in Pakistan I saw a 2012 model for 800 K Pkrs on Pakwheels. I think CR-V is really a good option.
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