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Where's the beef? Indians don't want to know

Why do practicing Hindus and Buddhists prefer to be vegetarians / vegans ? Is it right that this practice has its origin in the belief that one should not eat a living thing for food ?
Dude we Bengalis eat almost everything that walks or crawls.

he he he , kemon achhe dada... bhalo..

Speak for youself! You need to get around different parts of India buddy!!!! There are loads of Hindus eating even beef.

Sorry to Disappoint you. I have visited many Indian state. I stayed in Bihar, UP, Karnataka, Hyderabad and Delhi. None of the place I found a single Hindu Who claim to eat Beef.

I heard some incident of beef eating in Kerla and North east. Even in kerla and NE not all Hindu eat beef. There are 3 Kerla hindu in sitting in my cubicle and they told me that very few (Note it very few) Hindu in kerla eat beef. Those who are highly influenced by Communism (communist don't believe in religion) and few who are influenced by Islam eat beef. (I can put them on conference if you want to listen it from their mouth)

@NE: I don have fair idea bout NE.

Leaving it I am 100% sure that in these state Hindus don't eat beef : Bihar, UP, MP, HP, AP, Maharastra, J&K, Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka. And pork eating is minimum in Hindi speaking states.
If I am not very much mistaken people will not find references for Sati system or caste system that is hereditary.
You're right. In fact Sati system didn't even exist in Western and Southern India. Caste system was just a way of categorizing occupation. It's turned out into something drastically different.

Why do practicing Hindus and Buddhists prefer to be vegetarians / vegans ? Is it right that this practices has its origin in the belief that one should not eat living thing for food ?
Not all practicing Hindus are vegeterians. Mcdonalds,Kobe's and KFC would never have ventured here if that was the case.

There is no such belief that one should not eat living thing for food in Hinduism per say. But as per belief for every life killed there is a sin committed. At the end of your life depending on the balance of sins and good deeds you are reincarnated as a lower life form or if you have been really really good escape the cycle of reincarnation, which brings me to the second reason.
If the idea of reincarnation is true and one of your ancestors has come back as a chicken,you wouldn't really want to eat it would you? :P
Why do practicing Hindus and Buddhists prefer to be vegetarians / vegans ? Is it right that this practice has its origin in the belief that one should not eat a living thing for food ?

I never had a choice on the matter.Born and raised in various Naval Commands.It was either a spotless plate or a whack to the head!
If the idea of reincarnation is true and one of your ancestors has come back as a chicken,you wouldn't really want to eat it would you? :P

Does this idea (reincarnation) apply to plant life too ? Are plants not living things ?
Why do practicing Hindus and Buddhists prefer to be vegetarians / vegans ? Is it right that this practice has its origin in the belief that one should not eat a living thing for food ?

Dude to understand this you need to think logically. Hinduism is one of the oldest culture in world. Its direct descendant of IVC. Indians were Agrarian and traders (since Indus vally civilization). While the nomads of Arab and Europe were hunter gatherer.

As an agrarian Cattle (cow and ox) are assets for Indians (Hindus/Sanatanis), so it was forbidden to kill/eat them. As cultivation and trade was way of life for hindus , our dependency on meat was lesser. This is the main reason behind being vegetarian.

Being an agrarian make us more civilized and humble. This was one of the reason Hindus never attacked its neighbors. Budhhism and Jainism is fraction of hinduism, so they follow same path.
he he he , kemon achhe dada... bhalo..

Sorry to Disappoint you. I have visited many Indian state. I stayed in Bihar, UP, Karnataka, Hyderabad and Delhi. None of the place I found a single Hindu Who claim to eat Beef.

I heard some incident of beef eating in Kerla and North east. Even in kerla and NE not all Hindu eat beef. There are 3 Kerla hindu in sitting in my cubicle and they told me that very few (Note it very few) Hindu in kerla eat beef. Those who are highly influenced by Communism (communist don't believe in religion) and few who are influenced by Islam eat beef. (I can put them on conference if you want to listen it from their mouth)

@NE: I don have fair idea bout NE.

Leaving it I am 100% sure that in these state Hindus don't eat beef : Bihar, UP, MP, HP, AP, Maharastra, J&K, Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka. And pork eating is minimum in Hindi speaking states.

Ask your Kerela friends about Beef Ularthiyathu. Beef consumption in Kerela is over Kerala was 3,00,000 tonnes, the highest in the country. All the Christians and Muslim consumption in Kerela cannot justify that figures.
For the rest of the country,I'll leave you to your opinion.
he he he , kemon achhe dada... bhalo..

Sorry to Disappoint you. I have visited many Indian state. I stayed in Bihar, UP, Karnataka, Hyderabad and Delhi. None of the place I found a single Hindu Who claim to eat Beef.

I heard some incident of beef eating in Kerla and North east. Even in kerla and NE not all Hindu eat beef. There are 3 Kerla hindu in sitting in my cubicle and they told me that very few (Note it very few) Hindu in kerla eat beef. Those who are highly influenced by Communism (communist don't believe in religion) and few who are influenced by Islam eat beef. (I can put them on conference if you want to listen it from their mouth)

@NE: I don have fair idea bout NE.

Leaving it I am 100% sure that in these state Hindus don't eat beef : Bihar, UP, MP, HP, AP, Maharastra, J&K, Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka. And pork eating is minimum in Hindi speaking states.

Come on Dude I am from Kerala and 90 % of Hindus other than Brahmins and Few Nairs all consume BEEF.
Beef is sold openly is Kerala and Kerala is one of the states against Blanket Ban on Beef
Beef and Portata is common food available in all hotels across Kerala.
Why do practicing Hindus and Buddhists prefer to be vegetarians / vegans ? Is it right that this practice has its origin in the belief that one should not eat a living thing for food ?

There are varied type of reasons for vegetarianism in Hinduism/Buddhism...But first,let me tell you,neither Hinduism nor Buddhism prohibits one from consuming meat,but there are certain conditions of course.
Mostly,the reason for not consuming meat is Ahimsa or non-violence.It is considered to be violent to kill an animal for its meat and mainly the Brahmins and the Buddhists follow this ideology.

The reasons may be due to health condition as well and presented in the form of a religious teaching so that people may follow it.Older people are instructed to abstain from eating meat.Actual reason is quite simple here,meat will be difficult to digest for an old person.

You have to understand that Hinduism and to some extent Buddhism also dont have a single book consisting of some hard and fast rules written down somewhere.Instead,there are various schools of thoughts,and they have their own set of reasoning and counter-reasoning.Thats how the religions have evolved.One such school of thought says that if you eat meat,then you absorb the traits of the animals,or you introduce in yourself the traits like anxiety,hatred,violence etc.There are studies that the reasoning may be true,as animal hormones can induce all these in a human body.That is also one reason.Hence,followers of that school of thought prefer to be vegetarian.
If I am not very much mistaken people will not find references for Sati system or caste system that is hereditary..

There are plenty of references to the caste system & its hereditary nature, only for the fleetest of time was it not considered hereditary. Sati too has references but very few & certainly none in the ancient texts.

You're right. In fact Sati system didn't even exist in Western and Southern India. Caste system was just a way of categorizing occupation. It's turned out into something drastically different.

Not true, plenty of references to Sati both in western & Southern India.
This might make a good read.
A lot of Hindus are following rituals just because their ancestors have been a part of it. The problem comes when someone asks you about your beliefs and why you have those beliefs.... at that moment...we are not able to come up with a suitable answer. Here are some facts, which will shed light upon our confusions.
Some Interesting Questions:
Why should a Hindu not eat beef?
Of course, Hindus see 33 crore Gods in it. For that matter, they see God in all entities of the world. Weren't it we who said, "Eeshavasya midam sarvam..."? )
To go to the details of it we may have to go into the Vedic Vishwa. Basically vedas refer "Gou" as animal and as well as "Indriya" (senses). The word "Gou" over the period of time became "Cow" in English (Apabhransh).
In Vedic peroid some yajnas were practiced -

The real meaning of each of these word Vedic people knew. Over the period they(words) lost meanings and people considered
Ashwa Medh = to sacrifice Ashwa (Ghoda)
Gou Medh = to sacrifice Gou (Gaya)
Aja Medth = to sacrifice Aja (Bakara)
This wrong interpretations of these words resulted in heavy sacrifices of Gou and Aja (Bakara). Gou was and is social animal with lots of benefits. People knew it and so to stop unnecessary killings of animal like Gou it was made forbidden in Kali Yuga.

‘Agnihotram gavalambham sanyasam palpaitrukam| Deverachha sutoptathikaloupanchavivarjayet’|

Arthat :
'Kaliyug main panch(5) karma karane ke liye nishedh hain
· agnihotra
· Gavalamban(GouMedh)
· Sanyas
· palapaitruk yane mans pinda dekar shradha karana

That is how people in Kali Yuga stopped Gou Medh and Hindus who follow Vedic principle do not eat beef (Gou).

Gou Medh: Actually in Vedic period Gou means Indriya (senses) most of the times. How otherwise you justify a word Gou Swami? Does that mean Nandi ya Bail? Definitely not. We mean a Rishi or a saintly person who has conquered his senses. So when Gou means Indriaya Vedic people used to perform Gou Medh that is Indriya Medh that is Indria Nighriya. They used to direct Indriya rather than guided by them. Over the period this became difficult to implement and people considered it to be cow or beef.

So Vedic people were -
Ashawa Medhi (Jagrut)
Gou Medhi (Indriya Nighra)
Aja Medhi (Samajsheel)
Over the period people took altogether different and wrong interpretations and hence question like Beef eating comes up.
By no means Vedas allowed animal sacrifices. So it is not only Gou but any animal sacrifices are not allowed.

Is vegetarianism a Hindu concept.?
Vegetarianism and Non-Vegetarianism are not Hindu (Vedic) concept.
It is there that animal sacrifices were not allowed but in the Vedic literature it is not mentioned that Mansahar (Non-Veg) is not allowed. There was actually no problem with the animal eating till Ramayana and Mahabharata. There are several instances of Ram either eating or stop eating Mansahar. It may sound contradictory to what we said above but let us explain.

We all know Four Vernas. It was a best example of Mankind Classification. A person would be classified as to be belonging to one of the Verna based on the attributes (Guna) and not the family.
Kshatriya is Kshatrap ya Warman. This means that anyone who is maintaining his physical strength to reduce mind detractors. Naturally, that person has to indulge in worldly activities. He has to reduce (Warman) chanchal vrutii so it is obvious for eating habits as well. There is no good reason to believe that it was prohibited in the Vedic society to have Mansahar.

Vegetarian better than Non-Vegetarian ?
Vedic society did not bother about this. Actually, this better & bad came because of Buddhism and Jainism in post Vedic period. Buddha preached extreme non-violence. This question is discussed because of Buddhas impact in society.
There are several instances of Mansahar being offered to deities in Rigveda.
Why the Brahmins (the priest class) are the only ones who are shunned from non-vegetarianism while others are allowed.?. Is it that Hinduism preaches non violence vegetarianism on one hand and expects only one section of it to follow.?. How can you say then Hindu values can be universally applied.
Here again purist misinterpreted Brahmins as Priest Class. Who is Brahaman? "Braham Janati Brahaman" who knows Brahama (Ultimate Knowledge) is Brahman. Veda describe Brahman as "Sharman" Sharam+Ann . Sharam means Teer (Arrow) and Ann means vibration (Spandan). "Jo Sadhak appne Sharir Kshtra dwara sadhana prayas kar tatvaruup avastha ko cheerate huai jata hain aur tatva ko prapta karta hain use Sharman kahatain hain". In-short Brahman is in tandem with Brahma (Supreme Knowledge). That person who is tandem with Brahama must be Gou Swami (Whose all Indriyas are under his control) so no Mansahar or Madira.

Now the last question
How can you say then Hindu values can be universally applied.
What are Hindu values? What we call Hindu is Vedic person; Who believes in Vedas (or their derivations) is today called as Hindu courtesy Muslims. What is Vedic Sanskruti? Ved means Gyan or Knowledge and Vedic means Gyani. So Vedic Sanskruti is culture of Gyanis. There is no concept of religion in Vedic time. So Shashtra and Vigyan are two pillars of Vedic Vishwa (world). One who wants to be Vedic will be classified as -
These are four stages of the student of Vedic society depending attributes (Guna) one has. Ultimate state and hence desirable is the Brahman state the meaning of which we see earlier. So making entire world Brahman as the basic principle of Vedas.
Does this idea (reincarnation) apply to plant life too ? Are plants not living things ?

Of course it does..Its just that those philosophers did not consider the plants to feel any pain,which is again true.Plants don't have any Central Nervous system.

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